Wkwebview scale content to fit swift What it does is that it scales the rendered page as a whole (think taking a bitmap or image and resizing it). Like in webpage on click of a button it navigates to another page, but in mobile, I need a storyboard to be displayed. swift; wkwebview; Share. My code looks like this: Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I'm using a WKWebView to load a html resource: func setUpWebView() { guard let url = Bundle. Hot Android Webview, scale content to fit screen. 0. Viewed 23k times Part of Mobile Development Collective 3 . I want to add another container view inside safe Area and then display html Simple way to do this in Swift. I´m trying to modify the scale of a page load in a WKWebView. if you want to resize the font so that it fits the content, you can do something like this in viewDidLayoutSubviews() (50. load(request) } The view is uploading the content of the html resource but is not scaled: view Are you sure the only change to the code is changing UIWebView to WKWebView?I have made a sample project and the tap gesture recognizer worked for both UIWebView and WKWebView. 3. 5 webView. i want to hide certain html elements in wkwebview using swift 4, xcode 9. When the WebView is scrolled at the top of the page, it shows the top bar of the web page; whereas when it is scrolled to the bottom of the page, it shows the bottom bar of the web page. 0 * safeAreaWidth / tw I have a basic NSViewRepresentable implementation of WKWebView, for use with SwiftUI apps on macOS. How to get wkwebView's scrollView content size in swift. Although you haven't stated so, the most likely reason for your Webview not taking up any space is that you have placed these items in a ScrollView. Learn more about Collectives Swift <-> WKWebView. below is the code sample i tried: The WKWebView has a delegate that you can use to determine when the webview has loaded content, I think it's called didFinishNavigation, you can check the documentation for that. Unlike with UIWebView and previous versions of WKWebView (iOS 10 & macOS 10. WKWebView is a powerhouse on iOS, providing high-performance web rendering wherever and whenever you need. The scale factor by which the web view scales content relative to its bounds. Ask Question Asked 15 years, 3 months ago. override func viewDidLoad() { // after done with setup the `webView`: let refreshControl = UIRefreshControl() refreshControl. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. as I see, you use storyboard (@IBOutlet) and you can use Storyboard for setting your WKWebView: And about code. To give some context what I did was attach a Javascript (WKUserScript) to the WKWebView and in the script it contains In your solution i still see a white gap at the top of WKWebView. After prompting the user with a WKWebView page for login, the user opens the "followed" golfers page in order for the app to scrape the web page for handicap data. Modified 3 years, My solution in swift: "Scales pages to fit" on webView needs to be checked in interface builder. How to prevent UIWebView from fitting page content to screen width (neither scaled nor reflowed)? meta. NSString *html = @"" // the content [self. From bugs to performance to perfection: pushing code quality in mobile apps Ok, so I have a solution, it works for me at least. How to set iOS WkWebview zoom scale. How can I autoscale the contents of a WKWebView?-I am using Xcode 7 and Swift In i0S 11. automaticDimension for getting wrapped content height after loaded url into the web view. Getting the final rendered height of a static page in a WKWebView. scrollToEndOfDocument() To scroll down after loading is finished you can put it into this function: func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) { webView. Is there a way to buffer such window operations to affect a smooth transition. Maybe one could construct a function to determine the height according to the html content? Or, is there easier way to achieve this? In my SwiftUI App, i used a WKWebView to update some html tags from native side, using SwiftUI TextFields. With SwiftUI the solution looks like:. extension WKWebView { /// load HTML String same font like the UIWebview /// //// - Parameters: /// - content: HTML content which we need to load in the webview. i know how to do it in android and have added the code below. bridge. 0 is the font size set in storyboard in my case. Here´s how I inject the script: In Xcode, I put a WKWebView in a view controller to display a contenteditable <div>. forms; Share. swift; webview; Share. 4 "loadHTMLString" height width issue with WKWebView. When a user purchases a If we want that UILabel should shrink and expand based on text size then storyboard with autolayout is best option. Xamarin. It is the white rectangle in the picture. cancel the navigation, and instead display the content using a specialized view controller. Because of the lack of reputation, I add a response to the comment of user25. Hot Network Questions Pete You can now use the UIView. Attempts to use setFrame: are haphazard resulting is skewed content size. In the app if i set the hardware mute switch on the sound in the app stops but the sound in the controller class which hold the Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I've tried all the answers for this similar question to calculate the correct content height of a WKWebView, but the result height is always beyond the actual height that makes a long empty area below the end of the content. scale to convert pixels to points. Can't get WKWebView content height correctly. Follow asked Mar 24, 2018 at 11:28. etc etc. webView loadHTMLString:html baseURL:[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleURL]]; I'm expecting the image to be full screen and fit the screen I can capture all content screenshot of UIWebView by adjust frame of UIScrollView of UIWebView. contentSize. And when I run it on an iPh To autoscale a webpage inside a good old WebView in Swift, all I had to do was: var w:UIWebView w. How to scale a UIWebview properly. – dsk1306. I am new to the WKWebView which I am using to load a privacy policy from an url in my application. onMessage() to send data from native to webview. Goto Target -> Frameworks, Libraries, and Embed content; Add Framework "WebKit. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. 1 1 1 silver badge. The Overflow Blog A student of Geoff Hinton, Yann LeCun, and Jeff Dean explains where AI is headed Try This. Viewed 979 times Part of Mobile Development Collective 2 . 6. The content itself is loaded from a remote source (via loadHTMLString), so I cannot change the css. But the actual scale in the WKWebview doesn´t change. Safari for iOS seems to fit the web page content perfectly, however. I have a UIWebView that loads data using the loadHtmlString function. 0, user-scalable=no'; doesn't work anymore on many browsers (including Chrome and Safari) there is a new fix Implement this in your view controller where "webView" is your webView. didReceive message: WKScriptMessage) { let content = UNMutableNotificationContent() content. frame. <Label BackgroundColor="White" Text="{Binding description}" TextType="Html"/> Share. I have to zoom out in order for the width to fit. It has a WKWebView which loads up a web page that sends notifications. I need my swift class to interact with the html and javascript in a wkwebview that it references, in particular, feed it a variable. UIKit . dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "TourDetailsOverviewCell", for: indexPath) as! The problem: I am trying to resize the text / content that is being displayed in a WKWebView. I a I log into a website using WKWebView and now i would like to parse the html of the website. Modified 9 years, 8 months ago. 0 and OS X 10. Since it's an outlet, make sure the activityIndicator sits on top of your webView and you should be good to go. jbassking10 Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. I would like to present the initial YouTube video thumbnail filling the complete web view frame (WKWebView). like GeometryReader. I checked another application where it just fits into the content but not in my The problem I'm having is that WKWebView insists on laying out the content in such a way that it will fit the width of the device at 1. preferences = preferences let webview = WKWebView(frame: . // WKNavigationDelegate func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) Failing fast at scale: Rapid prototyping This will get called if you answered decisionHandler(. This question is in Front passenger's window stopped moving up\down (2011 Honda Fit) After doing didFinishNavigation, I try to resize the WKWebView frame, causing the loaded content to resize dramatically. evaluateJavaScript("document. This would solely depend on how your page is marked up, and which media queries you have in place if any. 1. If this property is set to true, and the text in the text property exceeds the label’s bounding rectangle, the label reduces the font size until the string fits or the minimum font scale is reached. I'm try I have implemented WKWebView inside UITableViewCell. The web view had Scales the page content and centers the result on the specified point. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around WKWebView is not resizing when content changing. Mickael Belhassen Mickael Belhassen. Modified 10 years, 6 months ago. I am wondering how do I zoom out automatically? The problem is that WKWebView's magnification property doesn't do what you think it does. Follow edited Jul 11, 2021 at 17:28. 7 Scaling content in WKWebView. In my Xcode simulator the OTP screen zooms automatically but on a hard iPhone device it does not. But seems getting content height only 44 pixel. However, my main purpose is to make the WKWebView adjust it's height according to it's contents. 10, use WKWebView to add web content to your > app. framework" Open your file and add #import <WebKit/WebKit. How can I cybozu/WebUI is an open source library designed to handle WKWebView with SwiftUI. h> Implement code in the function that you want to load WKWebView: Previously I used the following code to render HTML in a view with swiftUI. body as! String let uuidString = UUID(). Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and How to get wkwebView content size in swift. So, if you want to solve a specific problem, or if you just want to see what WebKit is capable of, read on! The WKWebView is a powerful component in iOS development for rendering web content within your app. Suppress WKWebView from scaling content to render at same magnification as UIWebView does. I am not getting any direct links to implement this. scaleAspectFit scaleAspectFit // contents scaled to fit with fixed aspect. Normally, the label text is drawn with the font you specify in the font property. Theres' no actual problem there. 2, a WKWebView rendering HTML with fixed-width tables bigger than the device width could be told to shrink the content to fit by adding a viewport tag like this: <meta I'm getting back a height value that is way bigger than the actual size of my content. Sometime it works and sometimes it doesn't. content = 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1. Swift WKWebView interface with javascript is not run. Then I make the WKWebView transparent so that the GMapView can be seen. Vineesh TP To resize the content of WKWebView to fit your device you need to inject JavaScript to be executed after the page is loaded, that will set the width attribute to device-width. url are entirely different and have both Swift - Add UIImageView as subview of UIWebView scrollView and scaling. Prerequisites Before you begin, make After that when I refresh WebView with new Html content the problem occurs. My friend made an application using javascript, and uploaded it to his website. height' since the font point size Ive been searching all over the internet for a way of disabling the pinch/double tap to zoom on iOS 15. 122. In this article I’ve put together 15 of the most common use cases for WKWebView, and provided hands-on code solutions for each of them. The default value for this property is false. I am developing a swift ios app that uses WKWebView to load up an ecommerce site. import WebKit struct HTMLView: UIViewRepresentable { let htmlString:String func makeUIView(context:Context)->WKWebView{ return WKWebView() } func updateUIView(_ uiView: WKWebView, context: Context) { uiView. height' The initial font size can also be set to 'g. It can be installed with the Swift Package Manager. Safari's WKWebView Comparison. On the other hand, if the webview is 1280x200 I want the image to zoom in and fill the webview (scale up to fit). loadHTMLString(htmlString, baseURL: nil) From the documentation for adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth:. ScaleAspectFit This will make sure the image inside the image view will have the right aspect ratio and fit inside the image view’s boundaries. hidden to true when the webView stops loading. zero, I've made a Custom webview renderer for iOS where I manually replace a custom WebView with a WKWebView. It is carefully designed to be In iOS 14 and macOS 11, you can change the zoom level of a WKWebView by settings its pageZoom property. following code is working but the problem is that this view is in Navigation so the html content goes behind navigation. subviews) { contentRect = CGRectUnion(contentRect, view. uiDelegate method create webview with configuration not called. WKWebView add as a subview. body. However, it doesn't seem to be scrolling properly. You shouldn't set again self. The goal was to place this webView in the lower third of the screen (portrait mode), therefore I tried the webView window in the storyboard to look like that and set the constraints. Some people set font-size with their media queries. contentSize = contentRect. body = message. Create pdf with WKWebView. 2 WKWebView's Intrinsic Content Size issue in iOS 13 beta This enlarges not only the content, including font size, but it also adjusts the content to remain between the window margins. Modified 4 years, 9 months ago. How can I force the wkwebview to fit the screen with the content? On my Xcode simulator the content zooms If you mean to get the content height of the html in WKWebView to make it non-scrollable inside UIScrollView, then read on. scrollView. I am making an Ebook reader and loading the content in a WebView. How to run javascript in a webview from Swift. frame); } self. func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) I'm trying to build a MacOS app that can load websites and extract data from them using webviews, but I can't get webviews to load at all, either with remote content or with local content. range(of: "font-size:") while r1?. Q&A for work. WKWebView - content not fitting after magnification. Ways I tried: webView. So it wraps lots of lines of text, making it look bad. Basically, I put CustomView in a GeometryReader, which is in a Group. 12. 14. For example, the CNContactViewController can be used to display contacts, the EKEventViewController can be Starting in iOS 8. Follow asked Mar 13, 2019 at 11:23 Make sure you checked "Scales page to fit" or Try implementing viewForZoomingInScrollView . title = "WKWebView Notification Example" content. height). Follow asked Jul 28, 2019 at 12:01. 1 WKWebView only vertical scroll & not horizontal scroll & not page zoom How to automatically size UIScrollView to fit the content. What you want is the dynamic scaling capability that Safari (and other browsers) have, generally referred to as "zooming". Provide details and share your research! But avoid . scrollView's superview; adjust Is synchronous communication between JavaScript and Swift/Obj-C native code possible using the WKWebView? These are the approaches I have tried and have failed. Instead of creating a VStack, you may want to place all the figures, separated by newlines, in a single text, and fit the text to the bounding rectangle. Improve this question. pdf(configuration:) Hot Network Questions In swift language we can set content mode of UIImage view like following as: let newImgThumb = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: 100, height: 100)) newImgThumb. I have tried setting the height of the view to be screen size In iOS 9. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 6 months ago. when WKWebView is involved? In one of my recent projects, I had to use a web view to display an HTML string with local CSS and custom font. 4. However, there might be cases where you want to disable zooming to provide a fixed view of the web content. Since WKWebView is basically (though not a subclass of) a UIScrollView the system does not know how to size it when I'm a beginner in Swift programming and would like to add a webView to my app, but I can not set the size of this view properly. setZoomScale(1. In order to preserve the bound you have to give it constraint value according to its parent view. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 10 months ago. Hot Network Questions Last ant to fall off stick, and number of turns initalize your webview with configuration and inject the viewport meta tag. The faulty scaling must happen inside the web view, because as the pages flow over, page breaks still happen after correct elements. WKWebView equivalent for UIWebView's scalesPageToFit. I want to inject content from my Swift code to this document. The Overflow Blog Four approaches to creating a specialized LLM. In viewDidLoad you need to add the activityIndicator as a subView just as you did for your webView. 1 How to adjust WKWebview's container content height to the webview content? 0 how to make webview not full size on screen I tried to fit the HTML content into my web view and for that, I tried to add a different kind of script into it and by using constraint, I changed its height as well. This method assumes you are using auto layout. Get content The main reason to use UIWebView nowadays is for access to older features such as "Scale pages to fit" - this is not available in WKWebView. g. 629 times Part of Mobile Development Collective 4 . However, I can't capture all content screenshot of WKWebView by the same method. uiDelegate = self . Mobile Development Collective Join the discussion. 0 introduce username and password autofill in apps but I found post on reddit that it is possible to use it also in WKWebView but couldn't find any description how to use it, how to let WKWebView that that specific inputView is this for password and username and display autoFill above the keyboard Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company A Boolean value determining whether the webpage scales to fit the view and the user can change the scale. Dhruv Dalwadi Force HTML content to fit in device width with WkWebview. It is set to 1. And you can set javaScriptEnabled to configuration: let preferences = WKPreferences() preferences. To navigate the symbols, press Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow or Right Arrow A Boolean value indicating whether the web view suppresses content rendering until it is fully loaded In a WKWebView, when a user clicks a link that refers to certain file types (e. navigationResponse. javaScriptEnabled = true let configuration = WKWebViewConfiguration() configuration. addTarget(self, action: For example, if I have a single image (640x100px) I want the image to zoom out if the webview is 300x250 (scale down to fit). scalesPageToFit=true I cannot find an equivalent method for a WKWebView, and webpages appear too big in my app. Twitter has 100% height and width on the body. contentMode = . I am using the code below, which does return a value via result. You need a delegate otherwise. viewDidLoad() let Suppress WKWebView from scaling content to render at same magnification as UIWebView does. Modified 2 years, This will update the label's frame to fit the content. func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, decidePolicyFor navigationAction: WKNavigationAction, decisionHandler: @escaping (WKNavigationActionPolicy) -> Void) { } block the connection and load the subpage with new request but it didn't work. Here is a code snippet: @IBOutlet weak var containingView: UIView! var webView: WKWebView! swift; wkwebview; or ask your own question. It still remains as long as 900 height. The code below still does not create a new window, but instead opens the PDF, etc link in the current WKWebView. 5, animated: true) } Now I want it to have only vertical scroll and horizontal content size equal to the frame width. contentMode property: ScaleToFill This will scale the image inside the image view to fill the entire boundaries of the image view. WKWebView ScaleToFit. I want to have the WKWebView on top of the GMapView. Also put 0 for numberOfLines property of UILabel. Scaling content in WKWebView. There is a list of sizes to select from, and this will adjust your image size(if you use system image). Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. How can I access the websites html in swift? trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. It's I am using WkWebView for my app. How to scale UILabel text to fit the label. I want to know how to scale the content in the WKWebView so that it fits into the given view size without scrolling. iOS Swift WKWebView is not zooming. How to make WKWebView to fit it without this white gap? P. This code should be placed inside the cellForRowAt tableView method. eveluateJavaScript() webView. Ask Question Asked 13 years, 1 month ago. This is so that I could make a rich text editor. As result: I'm working on a macOS desktop app in Swift 4. Modified 2 years, I could resize the WebView itself to fit the PDF exactly and center the WebView on the screen. Swift: create pdf with WKWebView's createPdf. I am experimenting with replacing a dynamically allocated instance of UIWebView with a WKWebView instance when running under iOS 8 and newer, and I cannot find a way to determine the content size of a WKWebView. forms webview auto height with content. Commented Apr 29 How to get wkwebView content size in swift. 2. Now, the problem is that the width of the content not fits into WkWebView content and exceeds it. func webViewConfiguration() -> WKWebViewConfiguration {let configuration = WKWebViewConfiguration() If I simply place your Webview in a VStack it sizes as expected. The problem I am having is when I open the UIWebView in the detail view, the WebView's content isn't scaled to fit the width of the UIWebView. You can then place it or make any edits after this that you want. Steps. Swift ; Objective-C ; All Technologies . S. WKDownloadDelegate 2. My wkwebView inside collectionViewCell and when i try get content height like this, it returns cell content size . My code: import WebKit class YouTube: UIViewController, WKUIDelegate { @IBOutlet weak var webView: WKWebView! Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. innerHTML My app has 1 ViewController that loads a web app url that uses Auth0 to handle login. That said, it's very simple to setup a native to javascript bridge: Working with WKWebView is better to create it from code. 00 by default, which is equivalent to Safari’s zoom at %100. First of all, take a container view in StoryBoard under which you are going to add the WKWebView as a subview: @IBOutlet var container: UIView! then import WebKit and initialize it and later add as the subview of the container. Any ideas why that might be happening? Me too getting way bigger height than the Determining the content size of a WKWebView In one of my recent projects, I had to use a web view to display an HTML string with local CSS and custom font. I need the text to fit inside the picker, but the lineLimit(), scaledToFit() and scaledToFill() do not do anything on the picker ob I am rendering a webpage in WKWebView, and in that webpage, i need to override one button action with a native swift code. The coordinator should be the webview delegate. I want to achieve the same feature with WKWebView on macOS, but I don't know how to do that when using the loadRequest() command on the web view control. 3,323 1 1 gold Scaling content in WKWebView. 12), the default load operation for local files has moved from Bundle. uuidString let request WKWebView change frame and make content fit without reload. scrollView; create a new container view as webview. But this class is now deprecated in favor of WKWebView, which doesn't seem to have an equivalent property. In my webpage, I'm How do you have a SwiftUI view fit its content from a UIHostingController? Here's an example. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 8 months ago. The thing is that I am loading the data from an sqlite database, each time I load a different string with different length and naturally the web view obtains different height. contentSize; WKScriptMessageHandler (get the Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. a VCF file for contacts, or an ICS file for calendar events), I'd like to intercept the link, i. func webView(webView: WKWebView, didFinishNavigation navigation: WKNavigation!) { let webHeight = webView. I am able to retrieve HTML from the webView using: I'm loading a webpage in my WKWebView that I need to offset by y. When the view is loaded I would like to display the score Natively and not in the WkWebView. testWebView = WKWebView(), because you use storyboard and you can set isOpaque with storyboard. In this article, we'll explore how to disable zooming in a WKWebView using Swift. It's also a good rule of thumb to lower case your 'Activity' outlet. I use window. For example: my first Html content's height is 900, it shows correctly and then I reload WebView with my new Html content which has a height is 400, the WebView is not shrinking and fitting to the content with new height. e. How do I get the same functionality with WKWebView? Thanks, Frank Here are your options for scaling! For the . My App – Top of Page Scrolled: Screenshot 1 which is fine but there's a sometimes lag between the contentSize change and the reposition to the visual origin. This is the current situation I am facing, when framing the WebView to the superviews bounds: The red border is the border of the webView (Also the size of the screen). Nothing special about applying pull to refresh behavior to a web view, however keep in mind that you would need to add the UIRefreshControl as a subview into the web view scrollView:. Share. How to adjust WKWebview's container content height to the webview content? 1. Meaning you would use vh, vw, em, %, vmin, vmax, rem. The UIWebView class has a convenient property called scalesPageToFit, which can be used to allow small web pages to scale automatically to fit the frame of the web view. Here is the relevant code: class ViewController: UIViewController, UIGestureRecognizerDelegate { override func viewDidLoad() { super. maximumZoomScale = 20 webView. Community Bot. location != NSNotFound { let strSub = The best method I've ever come across to update the content size of a UIScrollView based on its contained subviews: Objective-C. Just remove the line limit and change the last frame to 'height: g. You also want to set activity. You have to sync your cookies after changing from Httpcookiestorage to httpcookiestore for wkwebview. In your solution i also don't see webView. When this is done they would The WKWebView cannot determine its frame size according to the html content inside. Similarly, loadFileURL has also become the default function to load local resources in WKWebView. – danypata Commented Jun 21, 2018 at 9:30 Swift detect and set wkwebview to respect hardware mute switch. How can this be avoided? For example, after loading the page, I want to get the information from the WKWebView using evaluatingJavaScript to size the content and set the WKWebView to the appropriate size. WKwebview in swift. backup frame and superview of webview. Learn more about Collectives Teams. CGRect contentRect = CGRectZero; for (UIView *view in self. I have a WKWebview properly showing html content from local webfiles. struct aView: View { let array = [4, 5, 6] var body: some View { But I'll do my best to explain: I have two views in Swift: A GMapView and a WKWebView (using the Capacitor. I'm calling webView. You can then read the size it was offered in swift and resize the image and text frames / sizes as required in swiftui accordingly. xamarin; xamarin. In my app i use a wkwebview to display web content. My web view is embedded within a larger UIScrollView container, and therefore I need to determine the ideal size for the web view. You can add height / UIScreen. path to Bundle. My WKWebView vs. I'm giving you these steps, since you quite know what you're doing, and you're almost there. wkWebView. I used the combine Frame work to create an ObservableObject in order to display my score to the view and other views when the score changes in the WkWebview. Returns a print formatter for the receiving view. which indicates that the web view keeps scaling its content to the window size, rather than the view To scale images with browser size you will want to make sure these images are not set to a fixed measurement. WKWebView is blocking your attempt to open a new window (at least by default). Resize label to fit text amount - Swift. Xamarin WebView scale to fit. 2 Make WKWebView cover the whole screen. When initiating a print job, you can call this method to obtain an appropriate view print formatter object for your view. WKWebView does not have scalesPageToFit, that's why in WKWebView all content and text sizes displayed small. Follow asked Dec 15, 2016 at 0:56. below is my effort // calling delegate on cell like this let cell = tableView. i just need an equivalent code for ios in swift 4 for wkwebVi Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. tableView. I'm trying to get my UIWebViews height to be dynamic. Give it Top, Leading and Trailing space pin constraint. height htmlContentHeight = webHeight print My question: How do I check if a page in WKWebView has fully loaded in Xcode using Swift 3? This is my problem: Webpage 1: From this page I load Webpage 2 Webpage 2: I need to get html data from I realized that WKWebView's automatically scale the content to fit the screen with no code needed, like so: [ ] 1 [ ] 2 While no matter what code I tried implementing in my UIWebView, the content just won't fit like the which allows me to always show the Master and Detail View in larger devices at all times. Put UILabel in view controller and place it wherever you want. swift; Share. It is working as far as I´m looking in the html. WKWebView align content to center (swift) Ask Question Asked 2 years, 11 months ago. You need to observe (via delegate) the content height of your webView. To get the communication working, i am using the evaluateJavaScript() method to send data from native to webview. The html is much wider than the screen and I need to enable horizontal scrolling. Is there any way to enlarge this contents? Please let me know the best approach to solve this problem. The below code will work when you are having multiple font sizes and you have set same font size for all. 4 Can't get WKWebView content height correctly. parent = parent } func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, on UIKit minimumScaleFactor and minimumFontSize are ineffective unless you set adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth. How to hide it? It is a white scrollView behind WKWebView as it seems to me. wkwebview has own cookie storage – Muhammad Shauket Commented Oct 31, 2018 at 1:11 The content will grow as big as possible while still fitting within the UIWebView and without distortion. I am developing an app which uses WKWebView to show an html document. This is enough for the result. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 3 months ago. This has the advantage that I can fully customize the GMapView using the HTML and CSS inside Because I haven’t really used Swift before, I’m not sure how to implement your code to my existing code lol Can I add my code into where you have a comment “Code goes here”? WKWebView content. Tried the below approach, but it's not giving the correct content size of the web view if we disable scrolling of the WKWebView. In iOS 13. viewPrintFormatter() method (from the UIView class) for that:. Will I need it or not to make WKWebView work properly? – In my SwiftUI App, i used a WKWebView to update some html tags from native side, using SwiftUI TextFields and a TextEditor. constraint(equalToConstant: tableView. When t This will also work for multi-line text to fit the height of its parent. path and . Then, in the GeometryReader, I'm setting the CustomView's position to the middle of the GeometryReader and applying a . The scale effect is calculated by dividing You need to make a coordinator within your WebView. For programming the webView I oriented myself on the apple UIWebView does not scale content to fit. TAKE YOUR SKILLS TO THE NEXT LEVEL If you like Hacking with Swift, you'll love Hacking with Swift+ – it's my premium service where you can learn advanced Swift and SwiftUI, functional programming I have given size of WKWebView("myPlayer" in below code) frame dynamically for the iFrame embedded in it but the youtube video view displays 1/3 of WKWebView. Unable to change contentSize of UIScrollview in WKWebView. url. asked Mar 27, 2020 at 19:14. 5. Thank you for your answers or Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Is there a way to set a WebView in Xamarin to scale its content to fit the screen by default and still allow for pinch zooming in/out? We're going to use this to display documents we have online. . func replaceFontSizes(withSize fontSize: Float, in replaceString: String?) -> String? { var replaceString = replaceString var r1 = (replaceString as NSString?)?. main. url(forResource: "random", withExtension: "html") else { return } let request = URLRequest(url: url) webView. canShowMIMEType will be false if the WKWebView realises it can't display the content. 1. Initially I was tried with UITableView. The Group keeps the aspect ratio of the CustomView (in my case 1:1). The web view had to be I'm trying to implement a "real" fullscreen in App WebView, meaning I want the webcontent to fully go under the notch no matter what. Get content Height of WKWebView incorrect. allow, preferences) on the first method, meaning the WKWebView didn't recognise the link as a download, and will try to display it. I am trying to get the height of text rendered within a WKWebView so that I can later resize the view to fit it. But this class is To autoscale a webpage inside a good old WebView in Swift, all I had to do was: I cannot find an equivalent method for a WKWebView, and webpages appear too big in my app. The html is loading perfect but the content size is too small, I find it difficult to read on small screen size devices like 5s or iPhone SE. Here . There are other options for this property, and you will find a pretty good explanation of the more complicated ones, along with pictures showing the effect of each, in the View Programming Guide for iOS swift; wkwebview; Share. Using storyboard, select the button, then in the size inspect click the dropdown on size just above Content inset. What I want to do is allow users to zoom in and out of the WKWebView and while adjusting the height of the cell view. size; Swift I have a picker like the following that has a frame width of 150. contentOffset = CGPointMake(0, y) in func webView(webView: WKWebView, didFinishNavigation navigation: WKNavigation!) so that the content is offset as soon as the webpage is finished loading, but sometimes it doesn't offset at all. I simply load the WKWebView using . Instead I found the method webView. Create a WKDownloadDelegate. Approach 1: Using script handlers Inject content from Swift code to WKWebView. struct HelloWorld: View { var body: some View { GeometryReader { geom in VStack(alignment I try to avoid this horrible output. 0 scale. i am using WKWebView in table cell and i need to figure out WKWebView content height to manage the table view height but i am able to achieve proper height. Q&A for work swift; wkwebview; or ask your own question. Below are the steps to achieve this. I am fairly new to iOS development and I'm using a WKWebView to display a page that plays a video using the Vimeo Player. I can only change the size of text and font. The method I used for capture UIWebView as follow:. get HTML from WKWebView. But want to customize the content by adding an external CSS file. I know that WKWebView will scale contents to fit, causing the page to shrink, if content width exceeds printable width, but I I've been looking around and wasnt able to see any swift related ways to do this. remainder is Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company swift; wkwebview; Share. In old UIWebView you could set ScalesPageToFit, but new WkWebViewRenderer doesn't have this property. size. 0, maximum-scale=1. When the app starts up, it shows the view correctly, no matter what orienta func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) { webView. onload to get the most recent score and display it We have a requirement to disable scrolling of web view and show the complete web view content in a table view cell, and only table view should be scrolling not the web view. messageHandlers. (640) I just set the viewport width to 640 and let the webview decide if it needs to scale the content Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. heightAnchor. Follow edited Jun 20, 2020 at 9:12. For better or worse the HTML content was generated with the intent that line breaks would only happen at explicit <br> instances, and I can't Initially the content has its size to fit a prescribed width and height. PS: in Safari the subpage loads as expected only in WKWebview doesn't work. Now I'm trying to wrap it into a webview in android, and that's working fine in some Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. The problem is that the image seems to be scaled twice as big as expected. Is this possible with just the WKWebview or d That opens up a new window to display the link. I thought I would start simply by trying to get the webview to fire an alert: Here is the code: import UIKit import SwiftUI import WebKit struct HTMLView: UIViewRepresentable { let htmlString: String @Binding var dynamicHeight: CGFloat var webView: WKWebView = WKWebView() class Coordinator: NSObject, WKNavigationDelegate { var parent: HTMLView init(_ parent: HTMLView) { self. Try using the following code to make the webView to fit the screen The UIWebView class has a convenient property called scalesPageToFit, which can be used to allow small web pages to scale automatically to fit the frame of the web view. ) if let tw = totalWidth, tw < safeAreaWidth { let fontSize: CGFloat = 50. minimumZoomScale = 1. Xcode 13, Swift 5. 2 My Swift 5 implementation is to set the hight constraint of the tableView to the size of its content (contentSize. scaleEffect(). In my app I have an option for the user to top up their wallet and this uses a payment gateway which is controlled within a wkwebview. The other option seems to be to create a new WKWebView and return it, so that ios can open the link in that. I have tried the following, without much success: Didn't work for me with Swift 4 / WKWebView. js project). scrollToEndOfDocument(self) } I am successfully able to get HTML content and display into my UIWebView. 3, the webView has since stopped working to load other pages after login. To get the communication working, i am using the webkit. To fix that issue I have used JavaScript, which works fine in iPhone device but in iPad Info: Xcode 9, SWIFT 4, Ipad pro 12,9 2 gen (but it is the same for all the iPad simulator I have tried) I'm having a webview, that shows a responsive design webpage. Do not use UIWebView or WebView. isActive = To display HTML content you can use this it works like charm for me, we don't need to use renderers to fit the content size. I know that .
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