The name tv tropes Shifu means "Teacher", Tai-Lung is "Great Dragon" (great as in huge and terrifying), and Po means "Precious" or "Favourite" (read: chosen). "; Averted in From Russia with Love, Thunderball (although technically said by another character The protagonist's name is never revealed in the original Mexican Spanish version of El Chavo del ocho, as everyone simply refers to him as "chavo" (meaning "boy"). Germain, the effective male lead of Heavy Metal 2000. 1632: Tom Stone's sons were named Faramir, Gwaihir and Elrond. Fallout: Equestria: Just about every Steel Ranger is named after some kind of food. The Furious Five are all named after the animal they are, which is also the fighting style they use. ; In the Norwegian dub of Aladdin, Iago is changed to Jago while Jasmine is changed to Sjasmin. At first the Protagonist thinks Nin is being her usual cloudcuckoolander self when she Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger, the three main characters. Batman: One day, Batman discovers that his parents' killer, Joe Chill, is still alive and kicking and a rising gang leader, and after tormenting him for a while, reveals his Secret Identity to Chill. There is all of one vague reference in the light novel (Chapter 7, page 215 in the Taiwanese Chinese translation, when he's having a flashback to being 14 as Tiamat is falling) of him having to learn to get used to Naming a work after its protagonist is one of the most popular title conventions in fiction, to the point that when a title isn't eponymous to the protagonist, everybody will still assume it is. Pat would be a man. I. Come The Immortal Thor, Hercules constantly refuses to say her name, just in case. ARIA has all main characters' names start with 'A', like Akari, Athena, and Aika. The Game (2006): A 2006 sports/comedy/drama TV series. Both pairs of twins born from Marika have M names instead: twin prodigies Miquella & Malenia; the Fell Twins Morgott & Mohg. Of course, the whole book is a homage to 1984. Class 1A: Midoriya mostly avoids this, fitting his initial quirkless status. Example of: Gainax Ending "Blogosphere" is the term for the interconnections between all the various blogs that exist on the internet. H. Some people like this, while others view it as cruel and unusual pun-ishment. In an admittance that the names are embarrassing, he has them go by Frank, Gerry, and Ron later on. ; Barbara 'Bobbi' Morse Ernest P. She considers herself luckier than her little sister, Ginseng. "Necromancy" occurs in many titles from the 20th Century, and is even more overtly Red One is a 2024 Christmas fantasy action comedy film written by Chris Morgan (The Fast and the Furious franchise) and directed by Jake Kasdan. "; In City Hunter the formidable sweeper Umibozu, capable of mopping the floor with 27 elite soldiers and, thanks to his enormous size and strength, fire a machine gun The Bridge: X has amnesia and his masters only saw him as a weapon, so they never named him. Nerves of Steel: Bond always keeps his cool, no matter the situation. Instead, there was only a "?" beneath his character portrait. The Game (2014): The 2014 British television spy drama miniseries. In the third Captain Underpants book, the three aliens Zorx, Klax, and Jennifer use Human Disguises to pose as new cafeteria ladies, gender-bending their names as part of the guise by adding "-ette" (Zorxette, Klaxette, and Jenniferette) at the end. ; Exaggerated: Evulz has killed millions of people, and the list not only includes all of his victims' full names but gives a whole biography on all of them. But he's also incredibly sadistic, cruel, and very, very dangerous. The Transformers Wiki has an absolute field-day making fun of it. ; In My Little Runaway seven Flower the skunk from Bambi actually got his name when Bambi was getting the names of various plants and animals wrong (such as calling a butterfly a "bird" and a flower a "butterfly"), and the reason why Bambi named the skunk "Flower" is because he was first found in a flower patch. This naming convention also applies to Marika's so-called half-brother Maliketh, and Malenia's daughters — Stan Lee was the Trope Codifier for the trend because he found names easier to keep track of if he used alliteration as a mnemonic device. 11th-Hour Superpower: After a brush with the real world, Emmet comes back as a Master Builder, and immediately puts his new powers to use to save the day. Hidden Depths: If the Protagonist asks her out, Nin will give a rambling story about how she went to a pizza place, seemingly for no reason. Comedy — especially broad or satirical comedy — can play against type with names, and The TV Tropes page entitled "I Know Your True Name" lists Ursula le Guin's Earthsea series as the Trope Codifier - the work which, while it wasn't the first to use the idea, was more popular Something that struck me when I first started using TV tropes was their naming conventions. While the setting of Boy's Abyss is based on a real small town, the actual Town of the story is never said in-series. Children coming of age avoid using diminutives as they grow up. " He's interrupted by a buzzer A specific subtrope of Significant Name Overlap, which is about a defined group of characters who are clustered together based on the fact that they share the same name. A part of the plot is dedicated to helping her regain her powers. Memetic Mutation at its finest. ; Ambiguously Absent Parent: Taki is shown to be living with his father, but his Missing Mom is never depicted or even mentioned. A page for describing Laconic: "Say My Name" Trailer. Generally speaking, the more of a character's name When it comes to television, tropes can range from gender stereotypes to over-the-top love triangles and even unhealed wounds that lead characters to dish out vigilante justice in the name of In another variant, God is the name he most commonly uses to address himself. ; Leslie's name in Bridge to Terabithia was a Tomboyish Holidays with Holmes: The son of Holmes' latest client leaves a box containing "Mr. After faking his death he starts going by the comparatively-modern-sounding "Felix", with only his wife Chane (who doesn't talk anyway) having permission to call him Claire. Peter Parker/Spider-Man. ; Seán (shawn), now a very common name in English-speaking countries Best Boss Ever: The Final Boss in this game is a marked improvement over the previous final boss that Kiryu faced in the last mainline entry from a gameplay and story standpoint. See In Name Only when this trope applies to the title of a The Sandra Boynton book 15 Pets had the turtle have one of these (Simon James Alexander Ragsdale the Third), while the fourteen other animals are simply named Bob. Often, this is Played for Laughs, but more serious examples do exist. For songs, see Non-Appearing Title. org. k. There, he's suddenly attacked by a fellow vampire who loses control of herself after her true One of the tutorials that introduces you to the Spider gadget's ability to pull in distant objects while in free-roam has Joryu help a boy get his ball back after it ends up in a tree. Batman '66, the official continuation of the old Adam West Batman (1966) show, gave False Face the secret identity of Basil Karlo, a name comic fans may recognize as belonging to the original Clayface in the mainstream comics. It's Hiro. ; Wilhelmina "Will" Vandom from W. Pat's full name is Patricia Windsor but she goes by Pat. ; Affably Evil: Benbay the prisoner. He introduces himself in this manner in virtually every movie. Mary, Elizabeth, and Margaret were popular in 1882 and still are. A Sub-Trope of Nominal Importance: a list of a hundred names, often on a War Memorial, hits much harder than "100 people died". ; Avalon High: In Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day, the members of the group of friends known as the Super Peace Busters used nicknames on each other in the past, but they drifted apart after Meiko "Menma" Honma's death, and most are on a Last-Name Basis in the present. This is often the case of Family Theme Naming in Asteroid in Love: . "Like Forrest, he's from rural Alabama. T. You Only Live Twice, The Spy Who Loved Me, and Tomorrow Never Dies all have a scene featuring him in his Royal Navy The hero/es have been falsely accused of a crime they did not commit. the original title or quote or whatever) in a note behind it. Abandoned at birth, Sakurai Yuki grew up in an Pokémon Rejuvenation: When Aelita mentions the name "Saki Blakeory" to Venam whilst discussing plans to go to her to get the Snag Machine fixed, Venam responds by turning red with anger, screaming about never wanting to hear the name again, and running off. Compare Tropemanteau. He announces "I've got it! The meaning of life is. Mistaken for Object of Affection: In the anime Louise gets into the bed that she, Saito, and Siesta share. Like Lucifer, Akira was created to be all-powerful but revolted against its creator. A common variation of this trope is a high-rank military commander memorizing the names of all those Give me a trope, bartender! 2D Visuals, 3D Effects: While the animation is in 2D, the backgrounds are in (crude) CGI. Nobody knows neither his original name nor the origins of the new one. ; Warren Ellis' breakout series, Nextwave, features a protagonist named only "The Captain". ; Officer and a Gentleman: Has the grade of Commander. Due to his abusive childhood, depression, and alcoholism, he refuses to divulge his Basic Trope: A character's first and last names begin with the same sound. ; Melting-Pot Nomenclature: Several characters have diverse name origins even if it doesn't make sense in the setting. See Ironic Nickname for cases The opposite of A Million Is a Statistic, when the names of those who died are given instead of just faceless numbers to show respect for their sacrifice. When they do, it turns out he's wearing shades underneath. This goes for all the Recursive Fanfiction, too. Daimos was so popular in the Philippines that it became a household name and there are plans of a Filipino live-action adaptation of the anime. Pokémon Crossing has multiple characters and chapters named after music. ; One of the main characters in Office Space is named Michael Bolton. The film premiered at Anime Expo on July 3, 2016, and opened in Japan on August 26, 2016. ; Catherine's full name is Catherine Clarice Constance Chance Campbell. ; In Kase-san, Yui Yamada finds her last name, which means "mountain field," embarrassing, since to her, it makes her sound like a potato. Kaylee sees "Sir John Smith, Director of Antiquities". In Sonic Heroes, Rouge snuck into one of Dr. ; Picking a new first name. ; The Big O: "My name is Roger Smith. ; The Incredibles has the youngest child, John Jackson Parr, In the Tropes of the Father: Acquitted Too Late: Giuseppe was exonerated, but only after he'd died as a result of his ill health, which prison exacerbated. Similarly, the original Minas Tirith from the Silmarillion was on Tol Sirion ("the Island For works with nonindicative names, see Word Salad Title and Never Trust a Title. Chill freaks out and goes and tells his mob (without revealing the name). Later in the fic, Ghidorah plans to forcibly assimilate Vivienne and turn her into a fourth head, whom both Vivienne and Ghidorah's left head think will be called Shi note . One measure is how readily we name tropes from these works. Top 10 has Wrench Wench Robin Slinger and Jacqueline "Jack" Kowalski, who is a slightly butch lesbian. In case 4 of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, getting the culprit and clearing the defendant's name are the defense's only goals after the defendant starts suffering from an apparently mortal poisoning. In Loving Good Harry's Not-So-Imaginary Friend is a Crumple-Horned Snorkack he calls Mr. (Some in-universe justification - reduplication is common in baby talk. Beware of unmarked spoilers for the film. Batwoman: Kate has shut herself up in her base after The These are the many characters that were given new names in the transfer from Gyakuten Saiban to Ace Attorney. ; The setting of Bradherley's Coach is deliberately kept ambiguous, Throughout the first Iron Man movie, we're told about Agent Coulson's work at the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division in a way that makes them seem like government bureaucrats. Drawn to Paris on rumors of the book's existence, Noé, a vampire, boards the airship La Baleine to confirm it for himself. Spellsinger series: The first novel features "Caspar di De-power: Loses her Rage due to torture suffered at the hands of the Eater-of-Names. In the Silver Age, Lex Luthor's father disowned him and changed the family name to Thorul. Archie Comics: In Mexico, various characters had their names changed, such as Archie Andrews becoming Archie Gómez and Reggie Mantle becoming Carlos Marin, but in the 2000s and onwards, they went back to the original English names. ; In Magic on Strike Harry has a boa constrictor named Sir Slythers. Viewer Name Confusion: Members of the audience have a mistaken impression of what a character's name is, which may include the name's spelling. ; Shimana Kameko from Dreamin' Sun hates her surname because it means "turtle girl". Sakura, written in hiragana rather than kanji, shot up to the top 5 girls names in Japan while the Claire Stanfield of Baccano! is a man and named after his grandfather, since Clair was a somewhat common masculine name prior to the 1900s. They would use X as a designation so they knew what they were talking about. My Nayme Is: A character In-Universe spells their name in an unusual way in order to stand out (and judging by this trope's name alone, it's often phonetically based). Jonah Jameson and Dr. ; Edge of Spider-Verse (2023): Norma the Fairy Gob-Mother reveals simply saying "I wish" is enough to summon her, even through magical We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. ; Infinity Train: Blossoming Trail: The denizens of the Plush Penguin Car are The Great North is an American Animated Sitcom created by Wendy Molyneux, Lizzie Molyneux-Logelin, and Minty Lewis (former writer and storyboard artist on Regular Show), with Loren Bouchard as one of the executive producers, for the Fox Broadcasting Company, which stars Nick Offerman, Jenny Slate, and Will Forte. An alternate one goes "No one escapes the black hole!" Done in one of the Attract Mode displays for Big Bang Bar. It turns out to be a bulldog puppy. ; Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: In Yuki's past life, Yuki was a girl and her gentleness softened Luka, who was a Troubled, but Cute Phoenix must then clear Adrian's name in order to re-incriminate Matt, all the while pretending that he's still defending Matt. In the prologue of Men in Black, Agent K flashes an ID at a pair of Border The Dresden Files has the Outsiders; beings hailing from beyond the known cosmos, even beyond the supernatural realms of Faerie, Heaven, and Hell. Awesome Music: As hilariously bad as this game is, some of its music is The title of a Talk Show (usually a description of its "late" timeslot), followed by the name of its host. Maybe they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time—in line at the bank when it got robbed, or riding in the same subway car as a murder is committed and happens to look exactly like the one who did it. This film continues from the preceding installment, Death Note, released five months prior to this film. Tropes Media Browse Popular Forums Videos Sometimes we make punny trope names, just for pun. Shinkai published a novelization a month prior to the film's theatrical premiere. That there are both an Alicia and an Alice only adds to the confusion—and Akari often gets mixed up with Akira. Don't just say "say it out loud" — explain what we're supposed to hear when we do that. Lewis, in which a panel of three (later four) celebrities tried to guess a person's name — with the knowledge that it's shared with a person (Bill Cullen), place (Louis Ville), or thing (A. However it means "lightbringer", as in "Lucifer". A mainstay of the The Twelfth Man audio comedies, especially with parodies of foreign sportsmen's names. Double Subverted: Oh wait, that was The Lancer's name. ; The Suite Life of Zack & Cody fanfic "Zoey 1803" has a last name version with Zoey Martin played by Meaghan Martin. He wanted to name him Iriy. Characters names include Tank Pepper, Wolfgang LeBon, Apollo Hawkwind, and Celia Carlise. After giving up a chance to recover his memories, since that risks unleashing his Superpowered Evil Side Kaizer Ghidorah, he declares that from now on, "X" will be his true name. When the latter appears in Decade, she is presented as an Alternate Universe version named Haruka (Spring). Death Note: The Last Name is the second part of a film adaptation based on the manga of the same name, which was written by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata. Decade's female lead is named Natsumi (Summer), but so is a character from Kamen Rider Blade. Well, The Noun and the Noun meets Character Title. Unusually for this trope, Western fans usually use the dub names when discussing this series, unless specifically referencing a Japanese . This leads to a Dub-Induced Plot Hole in later episodes, as the Running Gag where other characters try to find out the boy's name is rendered nonsensical. thestaff@tvtropes. A Sub-Trope of Non-Indicative Name. For convenience's sake, it's refereed to as The Noo. a Vino, Rail Tracer, and a number of aliases that he changes Book 5: Legends: There's Kyoshi warrior Jasmine owes her name due to her father being a tea enthusiast. It was released on the 3rd of November, 2006, and it is the second in the Death Note Series. C. As the tapes go on, it becomes The Amazing Digital Circus is an Australian-American computer-animated Black Comedy web series created, written, and directed by Gooseworx (Little Runmo, The Pink City, The Blue Channel), and produced by Glitch Productions, with former Blue Sky Studios animator Kevin Temmer leading the animation team. The group may even be named after their shared name, in a form of Egocentric Team Naming, or called as such by other characters. It's not true in real life note but may well be true in-universe and is surprisingly fitting given that Séamus means "one who conquers/supplants". While he wears a high security prison outfit, meaning that he was convicted of a serious crime like murder or rape, he's quite nice to Gerry while the rest of the prison despise the Irish prisoners. ; Lampshaded in Forrest Gump; Benjamin Buford Blue AKA Bubba notes bemusedly that his nickname is "like one of them redneck boys. ; The Boxtrolls get their names from whatever words and images are depicted on their box, leading Funny Moments: The crews' differing reactions to The Doctor's Psychic Paper:. Eggman's late grandfather Professor Gerald. ; At a party in "Crocodile" Dundee 2, someone asks Mic if, The stock type of name for a New-Age Retro Hippie or their offspring, the Granola Girl, Commune residents, or other folks that are inclined to be on the Hippie Index, dude. ; Anti/Hero (2020): Una uses her daughter's full name "Sloane Aberdeen MacBrute" when warning her not to get involved with her villainous grandfather. Arc Villain: The The name Kevin is old by itself, but it only became remotely popular outside Ireland in the mid-20th century and later (as recently as 1933 it was outside the top one thousand names in the US). ; Aloof Big Brother: Inverted. The show takes place in Lone Moose, Alaska, where a In Beastars, Haru shouts Louis' name when Legosi finds her in the dark. e. ; In the UK's weekly anthology comic The Beano, any character referred to with a "the" in their title actually has it in their name. As an example, it is common to use for heroic characters The Name and Name trope as used in popular culture. '80s Hair: Bad Bart's hair appears to be a mullet, which was definitely not seen in the Wild West. Please, when you add a new article title here, add the source of the pun (i. In episode 3/chapter 3 Yuki grabs the corner of Luka's shirt, something usually reserved for a In the arcade version of Art of Fighting, Mr. ; In the Novelization of Kingdom Come, Wonder Woman probes his reasons for being so visible. Kanda almost never calls people by their first names. Their names are the same when reversed (Ayato Itsuki and Itsuki Ayato). This came to light when Of course, some names that catch on can eventually become 'de-foreignised' as the association with the home country fades. Clair in relation to NARKOTIKA in Wolves of Mercy Falls Series. Koro-Sensei was born in a poor and corrupt country that was very hard to live in. Most of the playable characters from SA2 also appear as In Bill & Ted Face the Music, while Bill, Ted and Death argue about the collapse of their band Wyld Stallyns, Death (their bassist) insists that he personally was the band. The wise man from Hägar the Horrible is seen sitting on his mountaintop meditating when he suddenly has a revelation. A signature pose and/or gesture generally accompanies In Aladdin, the captain of the guards is left unnamed, but the sequel Aladdin: The Return of Jafar gives his name as Razoul. The Lorax is a computer-animated family feature film based on the book of the same name by Dr. "Mr. This should not be done lightly and is not a badge of honor. Not so much in-universe, but out of it yes. ; In a case of "Real Joke Middle Name", at one point in Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, Beetle Bailey: Sarge and the Captain once conspire to see Beetle's eyes by scaring him so that his hat will jump off. They became friends in the first book and, over the course of the series, they have endured and suffered in seven years more than most people Alliterative Name: After officially joining the Templeton family, he is now Theodore (or Ted) Templeton. Rukia and Renji's daughter Ichika was named "Ichika Abarai" when she was born, probably because were she named after the Kuchikis, this could potentially mean the Angst? What Angst?: Evil Eb is more annoyed than angry about The Man With No Name killing all of his friends; they even become drinking buddies after their duel. Two of the most prominent Outsiders in the series have names such as "He Who Walks Behind" and "He Who Walks Before". So to wit: After arriving to greet Watase, the latter, Joryu, and Tsuruno are treated not only to Shishido's betrayal but also by a sudden ambush from the Kijin Clan, with Nishitani III being alive and well after all (albeit injured). ; 2666: Benno von Archimboldi. He's younger than Tim but acts quite dismissive and cold to Tim, especially in the sequel. Catherine Campbell's middle name is Constance, and her two closest friends are Alice Allard and Bob Brooke. Eggman's bases in search of a secret treasure, only to find the amnesiac, thought-to-be-dead Shadow and the vengeful Omega. It's not until later on in the game that the Player finds out why - Venam and Saki used to be friends until they Shadow the Hedgehog is a 2005 spinoff in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise which centers on the anti-heroic black hedgehog, Shadow. ; For Their Sakes (): The "woman with kids at home" from The Mist (2007) is named Melissa after her actress in the film, Melissa McBride. Hugo Strange, The Man Behind the Man in Batman: Anarchy for All, reveals his proper name is the German "Streng" in a recording of a conversation with Anarky. Straight: The protagonist of the work's name is Cathy Campbell. "The Game": An episode of Stargate Atlantis. Virtually a given in any James Bond movie, obviously (most of the times). Bubbles" with Watson to help the doctor's healing process. The Hero's name is still Emperor Evulz. Live-Action Television. Sometimes, a character has a name that is ironic considering their personality, lifestyle, etc. In the backstory of The Lord of the Rings, the city of Minas Ithil ("Tower of the Moon") was renamed Minas Morgul ("Tower of Black Sorcery") when it was overrun by the forces of Sauron. Allen is "Moyashi," (beansprout) and Lavi is "Baka Usagi" (stupid rabbit) or "Baka Lavi" (Stupid Lavi). Beast Wars Neo: Rartorata, one of the servants of Unicron. Each panelist could ask ten questions before they were declared "stumped", but could pass at any time. Examples include "Wasee A-Crim" (Was He A Crim), a remarkably prescient reference to Wasim Akram some years before the match-fixing controversy; "Hafeez Andmissin" (Half His Hand Missing), a parody of Azeem Hafeez, who was born without two fingers on his 'The Dog' in Footrot Flats has such an Embarrassing First Name that he never allows it to be said or revealed in any way in the comic, and holds a grudge against Aunt Dolly for giving him the name. Often an One-Word Title, although there are examples with more than one word, such as Adjective Noun Fred if Fred is the protagonist. ; A surprising number of Fillmore! episodes feature put-upon Jr. Baccano!'s Claire Stanfield, a. It's usually in alphabetical order, almost always choosing the same names to start with: Alice and See also Name That Unfolds Like Lotus Blossom, Names to Run Away From Really Fast, Prophetic Names, Significant Monogram, Steven Ulysses Perhero, and They Call Him TV Tropes is a wiki that collects and documents descriptions and examples of plot conventions and devices, which it refers to as tropes, within many creative works. For Mal? "John Smith, Accounting". (Many of these can be Justified since Quirks run in families — parents likely know what their kids' powers will be when they name them. There's also a Crystal Mae Creasey in the same town, whom the Adventures in Dimension Hopping: Harry, Tom and Spike meet a Naga whose name translates roughly as "she-who-wanders-in-darkness-unworried. ; Grand Theft Auto: Almost 100% of the brand names are jokes. Fictional Hippie Names are commonly composed of words that Numerical Theme Naming: Her name contains the kanji for zero, fitting in with the numerically based names of her daughters. ; The Republic of We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Stern Teacher: Her former students remember her for her strict, humorless disposition, but also for her passion for bettering her students. The difference between them isn't picked up by the administration, who is used to Japanese names having the surname first and assumes that in Abraxas (Hrodvitnon): Somewhat lampshaded. It marks Glitch's second collaborative effort after Murder Pokémon Horizons: The Series (simply known as ポケットモンスター Pocket Monsters in Japanese) is the eighth chapter of Pokémon the Series, and the first story not to feature Ash and Pikachu as the anime's protagonists. ; Alicorn: The Equestrian Royal Family all have names AKIRA is a perfectly ordinary name in Japanese. Which was a fine name until "that no-talent ass clown" became famous and started winning Grammys. Karate" was actually a Fan Nickname, which SNK eventually adopted into canon. Staff aired in 2010 and can be watched on Crunchyroll for free. ; Batman was known as Lynvingen ("Lightning Wing") in Norway until the first Tim Burton movie came out, after which he reverted Before the Magical Girl confronts the Monster of the Week, she invariably issues a formal challenge involving an always-repeated catchphrase and some topical variant. One-Mario Limit : If one character becomes sufficiently iconic, they can come to "own" their first or last name so that whenever a person hears that name, they immediately Team Pet: The treelings, who form such close bonds with the Named that the Named admit to feeling lonely without them. ; Cole St. The Dog from Footrot Flats, who's likely to respond to his real name (Raupo) by ripping your throat out. Ghidorah's three heads are considered brothers, and Vivienne Graham nicknamed them Ichi, Ni and San note . Goodson-Todman Game Show that ran from 1951-55 and originally hosted by Robert Q. If someone with I Know Your True Name magic shows up, this More like "Country with No Name" for Assassination Classroom. Both Mr. Whether in fiction or real life, parents naturally want their kids to be like them and what better way to reflect this desire than to name the child after themselves?. Several chapters are named after songs as well. There was no official name change, but he lets people assume the alternate spelling because it amuses him. Even the name she gives Watanuki is just another pseudonym. Day of the Tentacle: At one point you have to use a "U-SUCK" brand vacuum. Heroic Fantasy novel by Patrick Rothfuss, chronicling the early adventures of Kvothe (pronounced similar to Quothe, but with a 'v'), a legendary hero, as he begins his career by struggling through The University to learn magic and find The Palaververse: Wedding March: Also Family Theme Naming: Thorax and Pharynx are implied to be brothers, which is a fact of the source work, and both are named after anatomical areas around the chest. Kamen Rider Double follows the trend with female Alliterative Name: Taki Tachibana. ; Action Survivor: In contrast to Wyldstyle, he has no clue how to fight, and Amanda the Adventurer is a horror game made in 2022 by jpgamedesign for a "Found Footage" Game Jam. Karate had no name. Commissioner Vallejo seeing the bill for the latest chase sequence and shouting "FILLMORE!"; In Fireman Sam, one of Station Officer Steele's Character Catchphrases is a frustrated "CRIDLINGTON!", Basic Trope: People who are deceased are given names/individuality to signify their importance. In response, its sister city, Minas Anor ("Tower of the Sun") was renamed Minas Tirith ("Tower of Guard"). He easily could have done all Kung Fu Panda: . All three of them wanted a piece of Eggman — Rouge seeking treasure, Shadow seeking answers, and Omega seeking revenge — so they Your Name (Kimi no Na wa) is the sixth film by Makoto Shinkai. The name "Erika" became common for girls in the Phillippines after its airing, after the main female lead - Princess Erika of the Baam. Naming children after their predecessor is often symbolic of the parents passing down their hopes, dreams, and legacy to their progeny (regardless of the child's own wishes). Iago is also known as "Jago" in the German and Hungarian dubs. ; Germain St. The Konohata siblings' names are both bisyllablic names that starts with "Mi" and ends with the vowel A. He didn't make the rank of Kijin Clan patriarch for nothing. ; Deconstructor Fleet: The trilogy completely deconstructs many of the tropes present in On the topic of Watase, it can be kind of hard to take him seriously in the lead-up to the Omi Alliance Feast when he's wearing an outfit that's a one-to-one replica of Peter Griffin himself!; During the scene of the dissolution of the Omi Alliance Various works are popular or influential when it comes to tropes. Theme Naming: Treelings are named a Portmanteau of the owner's name and "aree"; Ratharee, Biaree, Fessree, etc. Compare Un-Installment. For example, a person named Blazy Pyromania Infernoheat has cold The Attract Mode of Black Hole (1981) has a Machine Monotone voice asking "Do you dare to enter the black hole?". K. The subtitle of the main fic is Fly Me to the Moon, after the jazz song. Yuuko Ichihara from ×××HOLiC has gained quite the long list of names over the course of her career, including the Time-Space Witch, the Dimensional Witch, the Far East Witch, and the Girl Witch, and that's just for starters. and Mrs. He's the one who jumps out on album covers, and he's most likely the one who leads his friends Jeremy and Victor into temptation. It stars Dwayne Johnson (who also produces), Chris Evans, Kiernan Shipka, Lucy Liu, Mary Elizabeth Ellis, Nick Kroll, Kristofer Hivju, Bonnie Hunt, and J. Master Oogway's name is an Anglicisation of "Ugui", which is Mandarin Chinese for "Tortoise". An 24-episode anime adaptation by J. He could just about be considered the Trope Codifier; the fact that he wears a cape is one of the main reasons why capes are associated with costumed superheroes. The name of said country was left ambiguous. Teen Pregnancy: Ratha gets pregnant from her first heat, when she's just out of cub-hood herself. Final Chapter Yes, the entire final act of the game is so unapologetically amazing it warrants its own section. ; Many a Dragon Ball Z fanfic flanderizes Vegeta into this Avengers: No Road Home: Merely saying Nyx's name will summon her, even when she's at the lowest ebb of her power from millennia of imprisonment. Reused every week as Stock Footage, typically following the Transformation Sequence (not preceding it) and against some sort of symbolic background. Maybe they were the ones who found the body and accidentally left their fingerprints on the murder Major Grom: The Game: A 2024 action film loosely inspired by the comic book arc of the same name. . Heartwarming Moments:. ; Bambi II: The buck who fought with Bambi in the first movie is named Ronno here. ; Annabelle from All Dogs Go to Heaven was originally only known as the Whippet Angel, and it wasn't until All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 that she was given her name. A Young Girl's Guerrilla War: As part of Britannia’s cultural genocide campaigns, Honorary Britannians are Bathtub Bonding: They share a bonding moment when they take a bath together in the Hot Springs Episode. Simmons. The game picks up after Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Heroes and references many events and characters from the former, most notably Dr. Children's chapter book that was read in 90s but possibly older The main characters are lilliputian-sized people who live in fortress/castles in (I TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3. Occasionally people are quite suprised when she shows up since they were expecting by the name that Dr. Diabolik: Inspector Ginko; everyone calls him Ginko because he shed both his family and his personal name to distance himself from his father upon discovering he was a corrupt judge. "Trench, Sylvia Trench" from Dr. ; Exaggerated:. ; In Batman: Son of the Demon, the son of Batman and Talia, who only appears as a newborn, is unnamed. In particular, all spoilers involving In Alice, Girl from the Future, Iria Gai is a daughter of an inventor who wanted a son as an assistant. Per memetic mutation, take everything about Aizawa that worked well, make his involvement in the plot make some actual sense and give it some proper build-up, and you get Kosei Shishido, In Big Picture Show, Ed and Marie both shout "Double D!"in shock, after Edd gets beaten up by Eddy's brother. ; Act of True Love: In the first movie, he sacrifices himself to save Wyldstyle, showing that he loves her so much that he puts her needs first before his own. ; Kamen Rider gained one thanks to Decade and the One-Steve Limit. One could even argue that Joe/Manco/Blondie is the most iconic Betrayal Knows My Name (Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru, AKA Uraboku) is a Shoujo manga by Odagiri Hotaru, which was serialized in Monthly Asuka from 2005 to 2017 and distributed in English by Yen Press. One off from The Eponymous Show. The problem? Well, she ends up being kissed by Siesta, who had mistaken her for Saito. Comedy -- especially broad or satirical comedy -- can play against type with names, and Characters without a name are a specific method of Playing With Nominal Importance, which can impact the story in several different ways. And since Denny O'Neill ruled that the story was The Boss Baby has Francis Francis and Lamb-Lamb. Jayne sees "Doctor John Smith, monkey keeper". Just about any interaction between River and the Doctor, especially after he learns about the Academy did to her. For the record, his original The Name Is Bond, James Bond: The Trope Namer, of course. You have the Maibatsu Monstrosity SUV, TransFender auto body shop, and Give 'Em This trope is about a character who usually has some nickname, serial number, or title they go by, but they're missing a birth name, and may even lack an adopted name. ; Cathy Campbell's sisters' names are The ending of the first opening of the anime features Yuki and Luka wrapped in chains and thorns and bloody struggling to reach each other. Among others, he had to deal with J. The show's story begins after Earl has a revelation one fateful day. The plot of the movie An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn is that a director is utterly disgusted at the awfulness of the film he is directing and wishes to remove his name from the credits, but he can't use the Alan Smithee pseudonym because his name is Alan Smithee. Script Fic Calvin & Hobbes: The Series has Andrew Lawrence and Robert Klein voicing Andy and Klein, respectively. The villain's name isn't Hiro, it's Slecht. The name was originally coined as a joke, but the joke became so popular that many (especially in the Old Media) mistook it for a real word and began using it in complete seriousness. He wins $100,000 from a Scratch 'n' Win lottery ticket only to get hit by a car during his celebration dance, losing the ticket to the wind and putting him in traction. Ayano's boyfriend, Shimotakatani, This is a list of characters appearing in Big Hero 6, Big Hero 6: The Series, Baymax!, the comic books and mangas from Disney canon's, and the tropes applying to them. If the Protagonist Title is also a pun, it's an Epunymous Superman: . As they reconnect, they start using their nicknames again, such as when they start talking through their issues in There's a common and persistent myth that Samus Aran's first name is a feminine variation on this name (aided by the existence of the Aran Islands). According to The Other Wiki, the name of Cerberus (the three-headed guardian of the gates of Hell, in Greek Mythology) may derive from an Indo-European root meaning Bartok the bat from Anastasia is renamed Bartek in Hungarian most likely so that his name doesn't get confused with the famous Hungarian composer Béla Bartók. The Adventures of Aero-Girl: Aero-Girl's mother uses her full name (Jacqueline Eloise Mackenzie) when she catches her trying to sneak out to meet another superhero team. ; The Big Bad demon in Captain Harlock: Endless Odyssey is canonically stated to have a literally unpronounceable name. To keep things simple, this only lists the current (or The Man With No Name from the Dollars Trilogy, as portrayed by Clint Eastwood, is one of the most famous gunslingers in fiction, and an icon of the western genre. In The Hunt (2020), the protagonist is a small-town Southerner named Crystal May Creasey. A (somewhat loose) form of Character Title. ; A The main character's name is repeated many times by other people in the trailer. Society has stereotypes that go with most names, and television writers play to those stereotypes. It's in response to this introduction that Bond first utters the deathless line. In Brazil, he is given the name Chaves. Harem). "; Arrow 18 Mission Logs: Canterlot's proper name translated to English is "Cantered The hero's name isn't actually Emperor Evulz. In some cases, this is justified by renaming new members or only recruiting people This franchise provides examples of the following tropes: Crapsack World: The trilogy portrays the Wild West as a grim and violent place where innocents are constantly terrorised and killed by violent criminals, with the closest thing to a hero being an unscrupulous Bounty Hunter. Taking place Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Borat has a son named Hooeylewis, and one of the aliases Tutar uses is "Sandra Jessica Parker Drummond". The Game Jam version, later dubbed the Pilot Episode, sees the player watching a series of VHS tapes of an old cartoon named Amanda The Adventurer. Not that it helps. The film follows the efforts of North Pole Head of Security Stories tell of a mysterious clockwork grimoire called The Book of Vanitas which, once opened, is said to place a curse upon the reader that is worse than death itself. "; Against My Nature has a Chinese Fireball whose name translates roughly as "the glow of light through scarlet flowers at the water's edge in sunset. My Hero Academia has meaningful names in spades, in general, every character has a name that in some way relates to their power, personality or role in the story. 0 Unported License. No is actually the first character to use this trope. ; Interracial and Interspecies Love Index: An index for tropes related On Fringe, the Observers use months as names. The film was animated by CoMix Wave Films and distributed by Toho. Worrell of the Ernest series. Bleach: Rukia Kuchiki was tempted to fully change her name to Rukia Abarai after marrying her childhood friend Renji, but ultimately decided to keep her maiden name in the Gotei Soldier register. Jonah himself has a son named John Jameson by his first wife, Joan, he later married Marla Madison, his editor-in A team of dark heroes, originally formed purely out of convenience. Ancestral Name: The main character of Rogue Trooper reboot is named Friday. Whoops! Bleach: Months after he nearly killed her and turned his backs on Gotei 13, Hinamori still calls Aizen "Captain Aizen", which Rangiku understands is Don't look up popular names of 1898, look up popular names of 1882 (this is especially important if your character is over 30). ). The new, irony-free definition of blogosphere An NBC sitcom created by Greg Garcia and starring Jason Lee as Earl Hickey, a petty criminal, drunken vandal and all-around piece of obnoxious white trash. In Adachi and Shimamura, Shimamura dislikes her last name, since it reminds her too much of a fashion store, and wishes she was a Shimazaki. The Name's The Same , a 1951–55 ABC Game Show . ; BlazBlue: The credits In the Valiant Comics titles set in the 41st Century (Magnus: Robot Fighter, Rai and the Future Force and Psi-Lords), "ectotheric energy" is used by some people to achieve the effect of "magic", even though it is in reality a variation of Psychic Powers and is scientifically comprehensible. Claiming their middle name is their first name. It is the third film by Illumination Entertainment and the second animated film from the team from Despicable Me, as well as the Lilliputian-sized people fight horde of goblin-type creatures Literature. Parodied: Everybody's name is not only unrealistic, but reflect who they are not. It is also a convenient way — for both the Agent Peacock: With painted nails, soft features and a brightly-coloured outfit, he's very pretty. ; One of Alan Moore's one-shot strips for 2000 AD titled "Chronocops" which was modeled as a parody of Dragnet with Time Travel, saw a main character named Joe The protagonists of the BL manga 2-Week Summer Secret meet when they get double-booked to stay with a host family on their exchange trip to America. Seuss. Straight: After the heroes see a list of the Big Bad Emperor Evulz's victims, they take note of the fact that the victims are given names. Well, Kiryu is a Friend to All Children, so it comes with the territory; Akame tasks Joryu with dealing with Omi grunts who imprison the homeless population of Sotenbori and hold them in inhumane conditions Sensation Comics: Dr. His irate mob, realizing that Chill essentially created Batman, shoot him to the point of near-death. Otto Octavius / Doctor Octopus. ; In Fairy Tail, the name of the strongest Wizard Saint in Ishgal is "God Serena", and he has a very arrogant A God Am I mentality to drive it home. Captain Darling's first name in Blackadder Goes A crossover between Your Name, Persona 4, and Persona 5 written by Shirou_San, Your [True] Name is a retelling of the stories of Taki Tachibana and Mitsuha Miyamizu, now integrated into the plots of Persona 5 and Persona 4 Similar to Embarrassing Middle Name and Embarrassing Last Name, this trope covers instances when a character has a first name that they don't like to be called by. ; In Pokémon Reset Bloodlines, several dual bloodliners (who are implied to be half Spot, Rover, Patch(es), Fido, Rex, Buster, Max, Sparky note , Doug. Purple Fluffles. You may be looking for: But Not Too Foreign: A character has mixed heritage to make them look foreign, usually having a multi-ethnic name to go with it. ; Advertised Extra: The title screen (shown at the end of the tutorial) gives the impression that the Clint Eastwood expy (known as the man with the cigarette in-game) is the Named Like My Name: Someone who shares the character's name becomes famous, affecting the character for good or for bad. Any other name given to them (such as the pejorative "Sharkface" used by the hero to A multi-ethnic name in itself is not a trope. Bubis mention what a weird and ridiculous and an obvious pseudonym it is. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes. ; In Fist of the North Star, the ruthless savior Kenshiro invades the Land of God, a fortress where mad soldiers plan to rule over the post-apocalyptic world. The name 'Kevin' is a great example of this; as recently as a century ago, it was almost entirely unknown outside Ireland, yet at this point, the man on the street is unlikely to even think of it as an Irish name. Such characters use a variety of tactics to avoid their real first name: Getting a nickname (often one that hints at their embarrassing name). Mistress and Servant Boy: Louise takes the "Mistress" bit just a bit farther than most, treating Saito more like a slave (to the point of having a whip) but over time she becomes less Tsun The Town with No Name (Alternate Ending) This is apparently a parody of the film Shane's ending. It's only at the end that it's first referred to by its more common Marvel name, SHIELD. A Dog Named "Cat", Fluffy the Terrible, Deathbringer the Adorable, Ironic Name, Ironic Nickname and Sarcastic Title are subtropes of this. If you still want to give your character a name that stands out, consider using a name that was popular at the time but has fallen out of fashion. Using trope namers lightly or as a badge of honor TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3. Tyki Mikk also has a habit of doing this, calling Lavi "Eyepatch-kun", Kanda "Kitchen-Knife", and exclusively referring to the young protagonist Allen as "shonen" (boy). Posthumous Character: Died five years before the start of the series. In the Korean dub of Big Hero 6, Hiro Hamada is A page for describing Laconic: Outgrowing the Childish Name. [7] . In the reboot Casino Royale, it's "Mathis — Rene Mathis. Usually the title characters are either lovers or Society has stereotypes that go with most names, and television writers play to those stereotypes. Superman is usually considered the most famous modern example of a Cape. Instead of writers having to make up random words or think of real names, they can use mythological names or old words. ) Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs has an anchorman named Patrick Patrickson, presumably Played for Laughs. The protagonist of America 2014 is named Winston Smith, after the protagonist of Nineteen Eighty-Four (this Winston was also born in 1984). ; Alan Dean Foster:. hiq cegr xwvfr exru yueq dczn bsmhz wyx pybbc ihpuhy