Discuss the role of the teacher when guiding learners to do art activities Reading even in the initial phase is considered to be of Teaching plays a pivotal role in student development by guiding learners toward becoming empowered and literate individuals, fostering critical thinking and creativity. Hence, we argue that future PLE research should look into this matter. The role as a model that mathematics teacher educators adopt when teaching how to teach becomes hugely relevant since it is a mechanism that can contribute to strengthening pre-service teacher Learners who read more than five books a year are treated to a special roller skating party at the end of the school year, hosted by the principal. Each one of us, as adults, in analysing our individual The aim of the present study is to reveal teachers’ role in teaching and learners’ responsibility in learning Science and Elementary Technology in Rwanda. • Chapters 10 to 13 deal with the visual arts, music and dance, physical Practical Activities: Including arts, crafts, and puzzles to develop fine motor skills and creativity. This issue of Making the Standards Alive! focuses on the teacher’s role in questioning; next month’s issue will focus on student generated questions. It highlights how teachers' proximity to learners, individual study, and collaborative efforts with peers enable them to enhance Learners can imagine about what roles they wish for their teacher, how this inclination fits in with other aspects of their learning method, and why the teacher chooses every role. A teacher is a great leader. Gui and others published Roles of Teacher and Challenges in Developing Students' Morality | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate often play a crucial role. Leadership in the Classroom: 1. There are different types of learners such as fast learners teachers usually present learners with a model text to emulate and construct their own texts. Many research studies have established critical role of teacher in PLE design and implementation, but only some of them have focused on investigating teacher roles and competencies. b- Teacher: The main role of the teacher is the design of the course and setting the needs of A teacher can make this become true with his teaching efficiency. (2009). Additionally, the teacher’s ability to develop students’ competence, interest in subject High quality relationships with teachers and peers in the classroom form the foundation for the development of students’ academic engagement, achievement, and motivational resilience. Teachers can decide where on the continuum to position their role by considering the desired outcomes of the learning activity and utilising intentional teaching methods to support new learning that occurs because of a play interaction The purpose of this study was to investigate how teachers in the intermediate phase implemented a classroom interaction pedagogy (CIP) in teaching EFAL to enhance learners' communicative competence. The teacher plays the role of encourager, facilitator, and advocate For example, the teacher can set up a building station with different types of blocks and encourage students to construct structures using their hands. If you are planning to pursue a career as a Teacher, then familiarise yourself with the following roles of a Teacher: 1) Mentor . Do not choose a settlement that is too big. Mentor. Each program in the workshop includes examples of teaching in dance, People who have roles in distance education can be categorized in four subtitles; a-Students: In distance education, students have role to learn. A Thesis Submitted in Fulfilment of The Requirements for Children often learn about the world through exploratory play. Consequently, to build a nurturing learning environment, it is essential for teachers to understand the nature of creative 4. What they see is to be converted into some sound values. The art teacher uses creativity as a basis for modelling acceptance and joy in the process of creativity and expression. The teacher’s role in encouraging support of students’ autonomy, relevance, and relatedness of the material increases motivation to learn. 3 Discuss with At Teacher Strategies™, we’ve compiled a list of the 10 principles of teaching that we believe are essential for success in the classroom. John Dewey (), who can be seen as an advocate of the progressive education movement, suggested that education needs to be active and interactive as well as child centered (Mooney 2013). Whether you’re a seasoned educator or just starting your teaching journey, these This study focused on middle school art teachers supporting the development of students' learning skills, specifically their awareness of the framework of learning skills. Despite the acknowledgement of its crucial role in education, there are inconsistencies in its powerful impact Background: Career guidance and counselling in secondary schools are crucial for young adolescents as they embark on the initial stages of shaping their post-school studies and career goals. For this purpose, Survey questionnaires were administered to 49 university students in their English course. The role of a teacher in a student's life extends beyond teaching. Utilising tools such as questionnaires and interviews, educators can gauge students’ prior knowledge, learning styles, Role of Teacher as a Leader. Roles of a Teacher . This paper explores the complex roles of teachers and learners in the classroom, distinguishing between their identifying occupational roles and incidental activities. Society often looks up to teachers, mirroring their behavior and ISSN 2829-775X Journal of Innovation and Research in Primary Education JIRPE The Role of Parents in Guiding Children's Learning Activities at Home Gita Asih Pusparini* Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia Pamujo Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia Okto Wijayanti Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia *Corresponding Effective classroom management is a shared responsibility between teachers and students. It explores the creative use of fine arts for students' environmental awareness. But sometimes they may fail to do such due to different reasons. We cannot conceive of a teaching activity that does not involve teachers. zonofeducation. The role of counselling in the education of the school going child. This paper examines the role of art in environmental education. The nine content standards were the result of decades of discussions by arts educators who came to a general consensus regarding what was important to know and be able to do in the arts. They consider the functions of various roles and when different roles might be taken. The art teacher also facilitates and initiates new This study used an ethnographic approach to explore the complex roles teachers play, rationales that guide their roles, and how student teachers learn these roles within the context of an early Using a Life History approach, the research examines the identity formation of six artists who become art teachers; through the influence of home, their schooling, their artist formation, and Art teachers play a crucial role in unlocking the creative potential of their students. Contrary to popular belief, art teachers do not have to be exceptional artists themselves. “By actively listening to children’s ideas and interpretations and incorporating their contributions into the curriculum you show children that relations, perceptions, role of learners and instructors. Encourage the child to experience creative activities. p. Stokes, M. PDF | Motivating the learner to learn is pertinent to curriculum implementation. Assessment feedback is heralded as an integral facilitator of teaching and learning. All were certain that getting kids to talk about the books was an important teaching role. K. select your settlement from anywhere in south Africa but preferably from south Africa . The activities carried out in the class must have someone showing the way and this is one of the teacher's roles. Teachers are no longer the only source of information for learners. The term constructivism has been used to describe a wide range of different ideas and approaches – to learning, to Arts educators were tasked in the 1994 National Standards for the Arts to foster students’ acquisition of arts skills and knowledge. While having a solid foundation in art skills is important, what matters most is the ability to effectively convey the principles PDF | The present research aimed to know the role that the formative evaluation fulfills in the teaching-learning process, this is based on a continuous | Find, read and cite all the research The australian early years learning framework (EYLF) has foregrounded intentional teaching as one aspect of its first national curriculum, thus sparking a debate about the relationship of play Teacher relational behavior has a significant role in reducing and diminishing the upshot of an education setting, other proficiency-based or less competence founded on learners’ inherent enthusiasm (Misbah et al. None were clear about what the teacher might do, what role she/he might serve during these discussions other than to ask for students’ opinions and attempt to include all class members. We also aim to Overall, those findings are in-line with traditional features of continuous assessment, i. To go really deep, find This study aims to determine the role of parents in guiding learning activities from home in fourth-grade elementary school students. Crystal (1987: 210) says that the sound is never far from reading, and hence both in oral and silent reading, readers do often move their lips and perhaps the tongue and other sub-vocal mechanisms. Students may resist teacher’s attempt to move into facilitative role 4. The role and responsibilities of teachers is extremely important to the educational and social growths of children. the pre-service teachers may help With the spread of English as a lingua franca and as the medium for worldwide broadcasting of information and knowledge, in many cases, the pragmatic objectives of language learning emphasize the PDF | On Oct 10, 2022, Dibyendu Giri published COUNSELING AND GUIDING YOUNG LEARNERS - ROLE OF TEACHER life activities, They are free to discuss issues with their par ents in . W. a settlement is a place where people live so the sort of settlement you could choose could be a conurbation such as Johannesburg and the witwatersrand or a city a town a village a suburb a complex or even a. The role of the educator could then be Purpose: This study aims to explain the understanding, basic concepts, planning, implementation, evaluation, and assessment of project-based learning management and case-based learning in guidance The topic of feedback to students is an under‐researched area, and there has been little empirical research published which focuses on student perceptions. To achieve this understanding, we discuss prior research on facilitation and present data on facilitation practices from a student-centered, And what applies to school and college learners, applies equally well to professional learners such as teachers and academic scholars. There is nothing wrong or inappropriate about these activities. This position paper is designed to address the knowledge and practices teachers need in order to create and teach effective curricula and materials that engage English language learners (ELLs), [1] This paper highlights the role of an art teacher in shaping the overall learning process and potential in supporting not only students' artistic skills, but also skills to thrive in a contemporary Keywords: Questioning, Technique, Classroom, Teaching, Learning and Role Introduction As an educator, teachers are constantly engaged with students in teaching and learning activities while teaching a subject in the classroom. Teachers play the role of a mentor for learners, especially during formative years at school. Teachers are role models. The teacher’s role in motivation includes, but is not limited to, creating an environment conducive to learning. Inactivity the teacher The purpose of this chapter is to present the key concepts and actors in pedagogy and didactics in the context of institutional teaching. There are several Roles of a Teacher. Teachers like having the main role. Assessing and monitoring progress Regular assessment and monitoring of each child’s progress are crucial responsibilities of a Grade R Teacher; these assessments help identify areas where a child may need additional support and ensure that all This section, then, will focus on the role of the teacher as a mediator of language learning, and thus on the potential role teachers can play to enhance the effectiveness of task-based language teaching. Group Activities and Role Play: To encourage social interaction and collaborative learning. The 21 st century learning standards are Differentiated Instruction: Creating an Environment That Supports Learning > Module 6 > Reading: The Role of Teacher Feedback _____ The Role of Teacher Feedback Much has been written on the effect that teacher feedback plays in student achievement. They are responsible for designing lessons that meet the needs of their students and providing feedback to help students improve their learning. Bruner's seminal 1961 publication The Act of Discovery can be seen as the kick-off of this debate. One of the most important sessions conducted by a teacher in the teaching and learning process is the question-and Robert, E. (2016:n. Role of the Teacher in Assisting Children During Art Activities. Right now the system encourages compliance, bell schedules, teaching to the test, etc. Vygotsky is still very relevant to educational psychology today, especially his theories on the Not only do they guide students in academics or extracurricular activities, but teachers are also responsible for shaping a child’s future, making him/her a better human being. Teachers are to provide children with the skills and knowledge needed to allow Whilst the forms of modelling described so far often take place between teacher educators and student teachers, the teacher-pupil modelling envisaged within ARM could be described as the following feature of a Teachers’ work is often beset with different challenges and dilemmas partly because of the need to cope with educational reform and innovations as well as the impact of accountability and performativity both How well do teachers master a single area of work in effectively guiding students? The purpose of an effective student is to create a stimulating learning environment in which students are choose your settlement. However, inclusive education (IE) policy in South Africa requires all the teachers to be able to cater for diversity in their respective classes. Learners, their teachers, and parents generally like and support them. com participates in Amazon affiliates programs, It means that we will get a small fraction of commission on the products you purchase through our links from Amazon sites. Current Review of Teacher Role in Personal Learning Environment The finding that strategies in teaching writing in online teaching activity were (a) the strategy of vocabulary teaching online by using Power Point, (b) Zoom and Whats App, (c)Strategy of Teachers play a key role in nurturing students' creative thinking. the ability to apply corrective actions while the education is still ongoing [25, 40] and the superior Change agents are individuals who can successfully transform aspects of how organisations operate. Research shows that adults can either facilitate or impede children’s learning through exploratory play, depending on the manner in which they get involved: 6. Teachers Do Less Telling so that Students Can Do More Discovering: Most teachers I know spend an entire class session reading through their syllabus. In order to facilitate learning in the classroom, a teacher must first become a facilitator of learning. Teaching differs from the old "show-and The purpose of our study was to examine mathematics and science pre-service teachers’ perceptions of their mentoring experiences during their 1st year in the Teaching Residency Program for There is popular expectation at the level of society and educational policy makers that teachers’ must adopt different approaches in classrooms to prepare learners to meet the needs of 21st century. 2. Rather, it is what we do with them, and for them, to bring out the best in each of them, so that they grow up to embrace the best of the human spirit – to strive to be better, to build PDF | On Mar 1, 2020, A. This is because motivation is an influential factor in the | Find, read and cite all the research you need on Imagine a school where teaching is considered to be a profession rather than a trade. So what does a TEACHER do to deserve the label curricularist? Let us look at the different roles of the teacher in the classroom and in the A teacher has several responsibilities and with this article, we will dive deeper into the 14 roles of a teacher. Bruner opposed the then-dominant expository style of teaching and argued instead for problem-solving as the basis for learning With the use of an action research project, learners’ English proficiency was assessed with a custom-designed tool and, thereafter, they participated in 10 weekly sessions of arts-integrated the role of teachers in task-based language education165 seems to suggest that learners are supposed to do tasks independently, with the teacher withdrawing as much as possible and language learning coming out as an A discrepancy between the current state of the collaboration and the desired goal-state may then lead to a reflection process within the group which can eventually trigger regulation. They bring their expertise, ArtDependence features the latest art news, highlighting interviews with today’s most influential artists, galleries, curators, collectors, fair directors and individuals at the axis of the arts. Teachers need to continually model a positive attitude to learners when assessing their own art or attempting new art mediums. Abstract The process of identifying learner needs is a pivotal initial stage in the educational journey. Mother and child sharing through drawing: The Teacher’s role is to guide and facilitate these activities, ensuring that they are educational and enjoyable. But is that all there is to this essential role in society? Far from just being the disseminators of knowledge, . Early learners The Art of Questioning: The Teacher’s Role. • Chapter 9 deals with the teaching of emergent mathematics through play and games. ) assert that in the PBL literature, SDL refers to 'the preparedness of a student to engage in learning activities defined by him-or herself, rather than by a teacher 28. . The teacher plays a crucial role in facilitating and 6. Weimer offers a totally different and interactive approach where OVERVIEW. What role should teachers take in children’s visual arts experiences? There is no one ‘best’ approach to teaching and supporting the visual arts with young children, and in fact there are many different and competing perspectives. The objective for introducing English Version schools in Bangla medium schools is government’s concern on the nation’s human capital development. 1. Discover the “ PBL involves changing teaching practice where teachers let go and encourage learners voice and choice. com Abstract Currently, the role of teachers in the classroom is more emphasized as a learning facilitator. II. Learners may have expectations of ‘instruction’, and they may feel that the instructor is not teaching when in fact teaching is in the form of facilitating, guiding, scaffolding learning. A teacher imparts knowledge, good values, Below are the two major research questions that this study tends to answer 1. As a mentor, a Teacher plays a Chapter 1: The learner attributes in teaching and learning Ultimately, education is not what we do to our children. The 21st-century skillset is generally understood to encompass a range of competencies, including critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, meta-cognition, communication, digital and technological literacy, civic The ideas can improve their awareness of teacher-student interpersonal relationships, including teacher stroke, rapport, and teacher immediacy and their role in improving learners’ foreign The role of the teacher is to guide learners to deep understanding, and one way in which images support brain action is to visualize concepts (Rivoltella, 2012; Damasio, 2012;Freedberg & Gallese Examines the teacher's leadership role both in the classroom and within the school, focusing on motivating students, sharing responsibilities, and contributing to school-wide goals and activities. 1 The Teacher as Key for Learning to Occur. The question is ‘How do we prepare teachers to understand and be effective in this new role?’ The answer hinges on a clear understanding of what facilitators do and what dilemmas they face in twenty-first century classrooms. Art and Craft Activities: Engaging in art and craft activities can greatly enhance fine motor skills. The purpose of this study is to use a literature review approach to gain insight into In this theory, three fundamental components are recognized: the teacher in charge of planning and controlling the students’ learning, the students whose main function is to learn the contents that the teacher teaches and that Learn about the main roles and responsibilities of a teacher, such as planning lessons, delivering instruction, assessing learning, improving practice, developing relationships, and inspiring PDF | On Dec 12, 2019, Kirsi Tirri and others published The Moral Role of Pedagogy as the Science and Art of Teaching | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Download Citation | On Jun 1, 2004, Ji-Hi Bae published Learning to Teach Visual Arts in an Early Childhood Classroom: The Teacher's Role as a Guide | Find, read and cite all the research you need Role of teachers. In education, teachers as change agents are increasingly seen as vital to the successful An Art Teacher is a specialized educator who plays a pivotal role in the academic and creative development of students by fostering an understanding and appreciation of the visual arts. This nurturing process equips students with the skills The distribution by country emerging from the analysis of the selected articles shows an interesting result. 5 Explain the different materials you will use to enhance learners’ understanding (more) 0 1. Knight, L. p>The present study aims to investigate teacher roles in relation to classroom activities. Each program in the workshop includes examples of teaching in dance, Teachers play a critical role in implementing effective instruction in the classroom. Discusses the pivotal role teachers play in the execution and improvement of the curriculum. The role of the science teacher like any other Schlechty (2004) has termed teaching as the art by which students are induced to learn; it is the act of guiding learners to acquire Both students' language learning and teachers' language teaching are interconnected components of the language-learning process, and they rely on each other to create an effective language Discuss the role that the teacher plays in assisting the 1 month ago. The magazine also covers series of A student-centered classroom is a classroom where students are the most important people. Enthused and A TEACHER’S role is broader and exclusive of other functions and so a teacher is a curricularist. Teachers naturally become role models, influencing academic growth and shaping the values and character of their students. Many Discuss the role that the teacher plays in assisting the children Answer Created with AI. They inspire and guide students of all ages to express themselves through various artistic mediums, such as painting, drawing, sculpture, Art Teacher’s Role: Art teachers play a crucial role in fostering creativity, critical thinking, and emotional expression among students, distinguishing themselves from other The Art of Teaching the Arts examines how seven “principles of artful teaching” influence the curricular and instructional choices that high school arts teachers make. However, every product Do visual art experiences in early childhood settings foster educative growth or stagnation? International Art in Early Childhood Research Journal, 5(1). The hands-on based approach is a complete means to empower the interdisciplinary face of 21 Ways a Teacher Can Facilitate Learning in the Classroom. TKT Module 3: the roles of the teacher – teacher’s notes Description In this activity, participants analyse the various roles of the teacher in the classroom. Culturally The Art of Teaching the Arts examines how seven “principles of artful teaching” influence the curricular and instructional choices that high school arts teachers make. Teachers see the role of standing alongside learners as less important than standing in front of them. It emphasizes the need for effective synchronization between these 24 MakwaleteJohannaMalatji:Implicationsofparent-teachercollaboration TheUnitedNationsConventionontheRightsoftheChild(UNCRC)declaresthat In an art museum, an artist or gallery staff member may create the conditions for learning but it is the participants who select what they explore and how their learning journey proceeds. New York: Random House Inc. , 2015), and in addition, it had an impression on learners. The Practice Guideline goes on to elaborate on the importance of play and inquiry. 35 Developing your school with Cambridge learner attributes A guide for school leaders Developing your school with Cambridge: A guide for school leaders 5: Improving student learning through assessment and feedback continued A typical policy for assessment will include: •rief explanation of the purpose of assessment and uses of assessmenta b •lear statement about Teachers' Pivotal Role In Developing The Curriculum. Teamwork: Collaborative projects and group activities teach Although teachers enact multiple roles in the course of a curriculum unit or time period and many of these roles are unique to inquiry-based versus traditional instruction (Aulls & Ibrahim, 2012), no research has addressed as a Dolmans et al. The roles of the teacher in the classroom is assessed in TKT Module 3 Part 2. They possess a robust knowledge of art history, techniques, and materials, utilizing this expertise to guide students through various artistic processes. Interactive Activities: Engage English Language Learners in tasks and activities that encourage communication. As highlighted by Figure 4, about half of the articles come from China, sketching a huge gap already with the In this article, I discuss the status of teaching as a profession using Gardner and Shulman’s framework emerging from their empirical examination of the professions in America and use Bernstein This way, teachers do not necessarily produce children who would by all means become artists but rather creative children who can transfer the skills they have learnt through art to other subject Leadership Opportunities: Teachers provide platforms for students to take on leadership roles in the classroom, clubs, or extracurricular activities, nurturing leadership skills. (12) 3. In a recent synthesis of more than 800 meta-analyses, Hattie (2012) Our aim in this guide is to build a shared understanding that the main purpose of effective questioning is to help learners to think and teachers and learners to assess progress, adapt teaching and move learning on. This is partly due to ongoing debates about how children’s development in the visual art occurs. 2 Review regularly personal teaching practice using existing laws and regulations that apply to the teaching profession and the responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. There must be a comprehensive strategy for teaching English to young learners that takes into account the specific characteristics and needs of this age group. 1 month ago. 3. 3. While teachers play a significant role in setting the tone and creating a conducive learning environment, students also have Comprehensible Input: Make your teaching accessible and understandable for all learners. While there are Using the above-mentioned activities, even topics that do not interest students can be made more interesting and participative through online class group discussions. Teachers are one of the main factors for success in education. 2. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The teacher plays a critical role in this type of classroom. Teacher as Model & Participator The art teacher is in a unique position; she personifies the value of art and creativity in everyday life (and not only in the art classroom), and actively participates in art activities. Teachers do not only have to teach educational subjects but also have a moral responsibility to teaching learners whose home language differs from the language of teaching and learning in the school, as well as an introduction to teaching a first additional language. Of all the professions that focus on the development of learners, teaching is regarded as one of the most complex. Research Questions: RQ1: What do a teacher consider a positive relationship with students? RQ2: What are some mindset characteristics you consider helping you as an effective teacher? The role of teachers on their teaching practice has been subject to debate. So my outline of constructivist teaching above is neither complete, nor even definitive. , & Elizabeth, (1983). Considering the role of the teacher and their relation to pupils during the instructional process as well as the organisation of activities by the teacher, this paper actualises the current views However, this must not be overdone to avoid blocking the initiatives of the learners. Time required: The role of the teacher in implementing counseling guidance must be able to involve parties in the school such as students, subject teachers, school principals, and parents so that the guidance All were enamored of class discussion as a primary teaching strategy. e. The role of teachers in a child's education -- and in American culture -- has fundamentally changed. Even progressive educators who focus exclusively on the role of learners would at least not ignore the role of teachers as a guide. In that process, student has difficult and different roles according to traditional learning process. This means that the teacher must take on a new role and ROLE OF TEACHERS AS FACILITATORS IN LEARNING EPURI SUNEETHA Lecturer in English, VSR & NVR College, Tenali Email Id:sunithab1977@gmail. Developmental psychology. We present a holistic approach to education and view human beings as lifelong Hands on activities play a huge role in pedagogical, andragogical and heutagogical aspects of education. , 2017; Furtak When we think of a teacher, the classic image of a person standing in front of a chalkboard often springs to mind. Studies about inquiry-based teaching and learning emphasize the teachers' crucial role in effectively guiding students' learning in inquiry-based learning environments (Dobber et al. Escholz (1980) found that the product approach follows a traditional way of teaching writing as it demands that learners focus on the model, the form and the duplication of the teacher’s text as much as possible. (1986). Since the early 1960s there has been ongoing debate in the educational sciences on how to promote active learning in students. The teacher plays a crucial role in facilitating art considering their strengths and weaknesses. 6. Learners should have an understanding of the instructor’s role as a facilitator or a guide. Teachers have an Important Role Teachers have an important role in the education of their students because, as models of citizenship and work, they not only promote academic learning, they are also a source of social learning. The teacher is an agent of change to students. 2 Critically discuss what the teacher does to enhance the learners' sense of belonging in the classroom by Yet, they are rarely directly supported for the purpose of enhancing learners' opportunities for improved self-regulated affective learning. Teachers play a crucial role in curriculum development as they translate the curriculum into meaningful student learning experiences. Contemporary understandings of arts education have largely been influenced by Vygotsky’s theories about the sociocultural nature of learning, which suggest that children’s artistic abilities can be enhanced throu What is the teacher's role in children's art? An adult does not need to be a talented artist to provide meaningful art experiences for children, but can stimulate, guide, and model creativity From developing a dynamic curriculum to managing a creative learning environment, assessing student work, and leading extracurricular activities, art teachers play a The art teacher should keep the following points in view while teaching: Be sympathetic, encouraging and understanding. The Role of the Educator in Purpose-This study focused on the impact of principals' leadership content knowledge, evaluation practices and teachers' professional learning activities on classroom instruction. In regard to the role of the teacher, he suggested that the teacher should observe children to develop an understanding of what Arts educators were tasked in the 1994 National Standards for the Arts to foster students’ acquisition of arts skills and knowledge. It is very difficult, indeed almost impossible, for a learner to learn and grow without any help from a teacher. In parallel, teachers also tend to miss out on Creative Civics teachers, therefore, should be able to design joyful teaching where complex things can be explained in simple ways while uninterested learners become interested in the teaching Teaching of learners with diverse needs can be a challenge to most of the teachers. Next, I will discuss the The current qualitative study has investigated the motivation for which all the 18 final year English-major students of a College of Education in the Western North region of Ghana made the These roles, the coach, counsellor, and parental figure, foster emotional understanding (Denzin, 1984) between the teacher and learners, which creates a positive classroom climate.