Best wire antenna for dx. Make plenty of decent DX contacts on 10 to 20 watts.

Best wire antenna for dx B. The DX Engineering assembly instructions are noted as superior to the ones Hustler provides. The current max is Bring back a bit of the essence of the Amateur Radio of yesteryear in your wire antenna construction. If you can have only one antenna and can chose between a vertical HF antenna or a relatively high horizontal HF antenna, go for the horizontal antenna. I use them for DX-ing and participation in contests like the IARU HF contest in July. Random Wire Antennas. S. Here are the top five wire antennas from the "DX Zone" website: Multiband Wire Antennas. Mainly to improve receive, because I've noticed often in DX, they can hear me fine but I really struggle to get a solid copy on them. Here we tell you all about it. An interesting variation of the dipole, giving very good low angle reception - good for long distance DX. Cebik, W4RNL 1434 High Mesa Drive Knoxville, TN 37938-4443 e-mail: cebik@cebik. This 9m or 29. 53 feet tall antenna can work as a quarter wave antenna and receive 40m to 10m bands. A continuous barbed Excellent wire antenna Time Owned: 3 to 6 months. ) Not needed at all but helps lower take off even more. Note that shortwave reception varies with the time of day and frequency. Best features of the Skyloop (aka sky wire antenna): An interesting variation of the dipole, giving very good low angle reception - good for long distance DX. 3-meter) end-fed wire and a counterpoise consisting of five long wires. Antenna Wire - lightweight - 100m ***HOT SELLER*** 100m of wire, the same type as we use in our Band Hopper and Bandspringer antennas. Reply. Also, if you have the manual, see what they recommend for an antenna. Mar 9, 2015 #10 And the ocf has more comments about it being good for DX at lower install heights, though I'm not putting a lot of stock in that as the sellers of Introducing the patented HybridDX ™ antenna. 40m/80m Portable antenna Portable wire antenna for 40 and 80 meter made with a RF Chocke. 6m SWR is not guaranteed due to Agree with iMONITOR about the long wire. Wire Antennas (End-Fed, Inverted V, etc. Shortwave reception generally Find DX Engineering Antennas and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Visit Our Blog: OnAllBands – Ham Radio News, Tech Tips, Interviews, Articles & More Wire Antennas (13) HF Vertical Antenna Replacement Parts (11) Show All. It worked great for shortwave DX but that was a long time ago before household RFI became a major problem. 1. I have a 140' dipole antenna that I'll be hanging sometime this week for use with my Icom I-7300. Small footprint and no radials needed. Not even my 80 meter half wave end fed antenna! The skyloops performance does have a high price. ridgescan Member. -- Read more --Front page DX News Logs Andes DX Antennas DX Lab In Print Web Stories: Archives: Antenna discussions and articles often emphasize take off angle. Currently have one in the attic at home. It can also double as a temporary antenna support for portable operation or Field Day. Work the world -- with high performance -- in a fraction of the space! Computer-designed hybrid wire antenna for the modern era of ham radio. CopperWeld 10 AWG-25 FT Our $\begingroup$ My best operating on 160 meters has been in the field with a random length wire thrown into a tree and a single wire counterpoise laying on the ground. Long story short, I can't put up a tower on my property, I already have a 20m dipole at 60ft and a 80-10efhw sloping from about 75ft-55ft. Mounting it with other antennas can cause detuning of DX-CC; 6. This helps a lot as well as having a good 1:1 matching balun or some good snap on ferrite chokes that fit snugly on coax. They can perform OK (my current hf antenna is an 84' random wire), but the signal pattern is different for each band, and they are potentially lossy, with lots of local environmental interactions, tuner losses, etc. 94 • 2 inch dia 5. It's all about DX conditions, not an antenna. This item consists of a fan dipole covering the bands 80-40-20 meters. Wire. In you're opinion which is the best wire antenna for 80, 40 and 20 meter ragchewing? I am using a homebrew G5RV. Click at picture for a larger view. The DX Commander line of antennas is pretty well-regarded for performance and quality. Cals 5 band (End of Life) was 204. Top HF Ham Radio Antennas. Get Results; Price Range. Length Total, Each. Horizontal Antennas Comparison. meters away from the feed point are also a good option. 2MHz. Four-Square Verticals for 40-10 Meters An Alternative to Rotators and Towers A 40 meter four-square vertical array is a good alternative when a horizontal antenna isn’t possible if a horizontal antenna can’t be installed at least 20 mtrs high a very good transmitting antenna for a second radio an excellent receiving antenna A 20, 15 or 10 meter four-square vertical is a useful Find DX Engineering Multi-Band Dipole Antennas and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! DX Engineering Multi-Band Dipole Antennas are designs that are rugged, yet lightweight. Here are some thoughts. I made an ‘ugly balun’ attached at the feed point. to/3AY4X2B. For our lower ham bands, 160, 80 & 40m, Shop HF Vertical Antennas and Packages at DX Engineering. The conventional vertical antenna is installed at ground level, making it easier to set up, tune, and maintain. DX Well worth a look. 3 MHz 7. It is hands down the best wire for antennas. The BEST antenna for you is the one that you can easily and affordably put up. com – dxsummit. https://amzn. Small size (46ft long x 24ft high) 50 ohm Coaxial Feed; Multi-band operation for 80m to 10m DX Commander DX10 Antenna Wire Spools. 118 - Multiband Ground-Plane Antenna for 10m, 15m, The best shortwave antenna I ever had was a 660 foot long wire about 20 feet high. But if a power line runs between the trees, forget it. Fortify your existing antenna or build your own with high-quality brackets, clamps, tubing and supports from DX Engineering. Hey Hayden! It was great to finally get you the log on 10m FT8! Hope you can make many more contacts, and good DX! 73, Joshua N8JJM N8JJM, Jan 24, 2023 #2. Hook up a simple single wire antenna for now. Overall length is 16. DX-Wire UL is great for balloon or kite-supported antennas. ARRL Handbook 1990-2009. Dec 6, 2009 #2 Well wire antennas are a "compromise" when DX'ING is considered. As a comparison, 4mm² corresponds to about AWG 11. Choose from a wide range of antenna types, including single-band, dual-band, multi-band, vertical, trap vertical, wire, Yagi, VHF/UHF and HF/VHF mobile, and more. No problem with rain on my antenna. Look-up W8JK wire antennathat's what I have on 80-17mI do OK but I know there are better. All wire antennas described above have been for portable operating. Vertical and luckily not tall enough to hit house wires. Further Reading My plan is to place it on such a backing and affix it to the back of a piece of wall art as a stealth antenna. This antenna can have up to a 3 dBi gain over a 1/2 wave center fed dipole, depending on height. So my offering to FDIM 9 will also be a matter of 5: my personal selection of the top 5 HF wire antennas for the backyard and for multi-band operation. 117 - Six-Shooter Array Antenna, Gain=7. I want to make an endfed wire antenna for as many bands as I can, (I have an old Kenwood receiver), but really I would like it resonant for the CB band here in the UK as Ive just bought an old Rotel CB that I want to use Find Wire Antennas 20 meters Wire Antenna Band and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Shop All Our Hot Deals! Departments ; Hot Deals; What's New; Buckmaster OCF Dipole Antennas DX-OCF-HP160 Dipole Antenna, Off Center Fed, 160, 80, 40, 20, 17, 12, 10, 6 meters, 3,000 Watt, 270 ft. On a cost/decibels scale, a wire is hard to beat: It stays up even in a hurricane, and even if it does come down, you can put up another one in mere minutes. Most antennas for those bands cannot be put Antennas are probably the number-one station characteristic making the difference in working the DX. 00. There has been a lot of anecdotal Antennas: Probably the best DX site in the world: DX news: The ever-popular L-antenna (a single wire) to a point about 20 percent from one end. Mar 30, 2016 #20 The wire antenna. the Antenna Wire; it would act as a Counterpoise and a more uniform ground field. Just run the wire along the top of the walls if you can. G5RV, ZS6BKW, doublets, they're the same thing. These antennas are small, 25 It's built using RG-58 and some wire, commonly referred to as a T2LT or flowerpot antenna. The most popular antenna for mediumwave DX today is called a `loop' antenna, and can be either of two types: ferrite rod or air-core wound wire loop. The Hy-Gain AV-18HTJR Hy-Tower-Jr is pretty good too at less than half the cost and easier to install. Joined Apr 1, 2008 Messages 4,778 Location San Francisco, Ca. The OCF dipole is a multi-band wire antenna that does not use traps and is a relatively simple install. It feeds at the top. It requires lots of space to deploy! Even so, the antenna is practically invisible once it’s up in the air. Using a kite, or balloon, to launch a long-wire antenna is a risky business, even on a clear day with no clouds around. For those with huge towers, if you can get the horizontal wire antenna up at 133ft that would be the first half wave for 80m and would be many multiples for all other bands making it a DX only antenna. What is DX ? Wire Size of the Dipole • Wire size Gain Dbi USA • #12 5. When you use a wider tuner, the antenna can reach up to 160-6 Antennas: Probably the best DX site in the world: DX news: More on slopers: Sloper 1 Mark Connelly shows what to expect with 30 m of sloping wire Sloper 2 Jose M. 1) Height is might. DX Commander Signature 9 HF – Our Top Choice. My wire Yagi antennas are all mono band so that keeps the design simple, Resonant frequency, and SWR adjustments are simple to monitor and adjust with an antenna analyzer such as a Rig Expert AA35 Zoom and others. You may need to make your own random wire antenna with a soldering kit, insulated wire and 3. They are generally best paired with outdoor or emergency transmitting stations. Installing Vertical Antennas. And they cost less than $50 for the most part. Find Wire Antennas and Parts and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Amp up Your Operation with the DX Engineering Super Card – Apply Now! DX Engineering Wire Antenna End Insulators DXE-UWA-END-KIT Wire Antenna End Insulators, 4 gauge Maximum, Set of 8. ) Thus, some sort of tuned antenna is best for all but the most isolated, rural locations. I ended up with a 22 foot vertical run, 42 foot sloping wire and end-loaded for 80 meters with a 110uH coil and 6 feet of Find Wire Antennas 10 meters Wire Antenna Band and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Visit Our Blog: OnAllBands – Ham Radio News, Tech Tips, Interviews, Articles & More Buckmaster OCF Dipole Antennas DX-OCF-HP160 Dipole Antenna, Off Center Fed, 160, 80, 40, 20, 17, 12, 10, 6 meters, 3,000 Watt, 270 ft. For DX work, higher above ground is preferred for producing low-angle radiation (less than 20°). com 2004 marks my fifth full decade as a licensed radio amateur. It turned out to be an interesting gain comparison of single element 28. Personally for me, THE overall best performing 40-meter DX antenna was a 3-element inverted Bobtail array that the trees here Adjustments to this monoband mobile antenna allow you to achieve the lowest SWR for your operating frequency. Its relaxed PVC insulation is UV-resistant and rolls out easily, unlike wire that The classic sloper antenna is a top-fed 1/4 wave vertical antenna sloping down and away from a tower. If you want an antenna that covers 11 and 10 meters without any tuning, go for the Sirio Gain Master. Practical Antenna Handbook - J. HF MULTI-BAND ANTENNA. cis. The DX Engineering 43-ft Vertical Antenna Package addressed this list. A kite is the best way to get your wire up really high and get a 'big gun' signal on lower bands like 160 metres. Have a long wire for nvis. 2 MHz 18. (Radio signals don't care if the wire is insulated or not. 5. Length HIGH DX ANTENNA LAUNCHER KIT COMPLETE Best wire launcher on the market. -- Read more --Front page DX News Logs Andes DX Antennas DX Lab In Print Web Stories: Archives: Examples of antennas in use by DXers today. I like Double Bazooka but for you ? Reply. Less than $10 (35) $10-$20 (85) $20-$50 (110) $50-$100 (89) Kite antenna - watch out! From: Glen Leinweber leinwebe@mcmail. <Prev in Thread]: Current Thread [Next in Thread>[TowerTalk] Looking for recommendations for an 80 M DX antenna, Don Solberg <=. I'd like some advice on the best wire antenna I can put up. 00$. This system is generally good on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 12 meters. But very few people have the ability to put up a 133ft tower so go with what you can based on the need for DX or NVIS. Top band (160m - 1. 8 MHz 3. radio. 2) Beam antennas (flat & vertical) win every time over an Basically 20 meters and up a yagi at one wave length is a very good DX antenna. 217, 17m 206, 20m 227, 40m 188). Wires antennas are since ever the more practical and cheapest aerials that hams can build. Inspired by the mini-X-Q Let’s cover the top 5 HF Radio Antennas for new hams, coming up. N4TTW, 2E0CIT, N4FZ and 29 others like this. Part Number: DXE-UWA-END-KIT. Spool, Each. It fits all the requirements on my wish list and has an efficiency at least equal to an expensive factory portable antenna. Still today it is one of the best, and most popular, wire antennas around. To really obtain good DX results from a horizontal dipole or doublet, we should increase its height to 3/8-wavelength--and much more if possible. Glad I made the decision to buy this antenna! Look forward to many years of great dx with this antenna! Update on 3/10/24 — well, this beast is the best hf beam I’ve ever used. These glass insulators are actually quite striking in their appearance. Vertical Antennas Find Wire Antennas 160 meters Wire Antenna Band and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Visit Our Blog: OnAllBands – Ham Radio News, Tech Tips, Interviews, Articles & More Alpha Delta Parallel Wire Sloper Antennas DX-B Parallel Wire Sloper Antenna, Multi-Band, Resonant, 1,000 W, 160, 80, 40, 30 meters, 60 ft I’ve built this antenna from a 16foot aluminum pool skimmer handle. Find DX Engineering Premium Antenna Wire and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! DX Engineering Premium Antenna Wire helps you achieve top performance and long, trouble-free operation at a very reasonable cost. Oriented currently to favor SE – NW. A selection of five easy and easy to build HF multiband wire antennas. Sloper Antenna Tests. Good luck with your antenna journey on the Magic Band. When the propagation is great, you can work the world FAQs: V43 HF Base Antenna; FAQs: VHF UHF MilCom MOTO antenna; Reviews: Alpha Base MagLoop antenna; Reviews: Alpha Portable MagLoop antenna; Reviews: Digital EMCOMM antenna; Reviews: End fed Sr and Jr antennas; Reviews: HexTenna antenna; Reviews: HOA Buster antenna; Reviews: Icom AL-705 Loop Antenna; Reviews: MIL 2. - simplify - simplify - simplify - I have an Alpha Delta DX-B half sloper. This PVC-insulated 14 AWG stranded copper wire is comprised of 19 strands of 27 AWG solid copper. -- Read more --Newly added Amazing Hula Loop DX antenna Take two Working DX with Wire Antennas and 100 Watts By K0NA. But vertical tend to be best for low angle take off and 1/2 wave better then 1/4 due to gain lowering that take off Simply string out a wire from the antenna terminal on the back and you are good to go. So plan to do a bit of tweaking. Connect with my First, as in the old days, you need a long wire antenna. In this video I will show how to build a simple ham radio antenna for 10 Meters using just one piece of coax and W5GI Mystery Antenna is a multi-band wire antenna that performs exceptionally well even though it confounds antenna modeling software. The HybridDX™ system includes: Pre-measured / pre-cut solid copper antenna wires (18 AWG), 75 feet of quality 450-ohm ladder line, rugged feedline interface, ultra-durable 3/16" support rope, polymer spreaders, stainless-steel hardware, ring lug connectors (pre-soldered to the antenna wires), and complete instructions. 0 FMJ HF antenna + A full-size delta loop, fed in the bottom corner, is a good low angle radiator and is a DX dream. They work well for NVIS at lower heights, but not for DX. 8MHz) DX Operation Top band DXing is real ham radio challenge. Along with Low-Band DXing, the ARRL publishes the ARRL Antenna Book and the Antenna Compendium series. Dec 27, 2014 104 16 28. 800 MHz); and Maximum height is 40 feet Tower, an effective Low Band Antenna, uses your beam as a capacitive top-hat and only needs a simple feed network The 10- to 15-meter bands were quite good for DX during daytime but left a hole at short and medium distances. If you absolutely, positively have no other choice than to plunge into the multiband antenna, use a 102 foot flat-top. Antenna Wire, Replacement for DX Commander Antennas, Appox. "HO7 V-K 4" is the European harmonisation code for this wire. Kite-supported wire antennas. ca Date: Dec 12, 1994 Original source: Usenet's rec. (Tiny counterpoise rods/wires. A forum search on QRZ will bring up hundreds of threads. 75 feet with a small bit of very stiff copper wire on top. Where the 2 sections join I have fastened it solid with sheet metal screw and placed a heavy copper ‘jumper’ wire over to the top section. Low SWR, lower noise and works. if the propagation is bad . The easy way is to buy (or otherwise locate) a length of insulated wire. 790-3. The antenna and counterpoise go to a balun outside of my shack. Use it for dipoles, It’s helpful for pulling wires around branches or retrieving a stubborn rope or weight that may be caught in the tree. These will get you wandering DX Engineering Premium Antenna Wire. For most bands, you will need a tuner. DX Commander DX10 Antenna Wire Spools provides enough wire to replace the elements on DX Commander antenna models while still having enough wire left over to make several radials. it's just tougher if the bands aren't too good because that'll be the weaker lobe from a east-west antenna position. Let’s not minimize the importance of a good antenna. Another consideration was the simplicity of the mounting base. This is perhaps the easiest antenna to place in an attic. For comparison, horizontal antennas must be at least 1/4 wavelength high to even begin to be effective for DX, and 1/2 wavelength is the minimum height to be sure they work well for DX. Wire Weasel Senior Moment. Pretty much any wire more that 25' or so will work. Cebik, W4RNL (SK) published what was going to be the last entry of his seminal 10-10 News series. ARRL Antenna Best 40 M. This is exactly what a good friend of mine, the author of one of the most popular antenna modeling programs, often showed angst over. 5dB. , kq2m Re: [TowerTalk] Questions on Low band Long Wire and Dipole Antenans for ham radio category is a curation of 186 web resources on , The CN2WW 80m wire-beam, Installing Wire Antennas, The Versatile Vee Beam. 96 – Good contest: CQWW and ARRL DX . The time and effort put into making a fake DX Commander was not worth it. Being copper clad steel, it is very strong and performs well. To get started, I worked with Mark Ludwick, W8BBQ, my go-to guy at DX Engineering, for the purchase of the DXE-160VA-1 Thunderbolt Vertical and its appropriate accessories and materials. -- Read more --Front page DX News Logs Andes DX Antennas DX Lab In Print Web Stories: Archives: Antenna connectors: The RSP1A RSPdx and RSPduo all have one or more SMA female antenna sockets. 39 . Hard-drawn copper wire is best for a permanent antenna since it won’t break, but it is not cheap and is quite heavy. In this video I will show how to build a simple ham radio antenna for 10 Meters using just one piece of coax and some wire. Half Wave End Fed 20 M Antenna for DX; Best Antenna For Long-Haul DX; Loading a Delta Loop to make it smaller; My Go 2 Antenna | TN07's 80-6 meters Stealth HOA A Beat The HOA With A Stealth Antenna; Ham Radio on the bike; Quarter Wavelength Vertical Needs No Trimming; Random Wire Antennas using the LDG 9:1 UnUn; Wire Antenna Basics Antennas for mobile operation 7Mhz ,10Mhz, 14Mhz, 18Mhz, 21Mhz, 24Mhz,28-430Mhz 40 thru 10 Meter Zepp Antenna A modified 20 meter double zepp wire Operating Bands: 40 thru 10 meters (with tuner), basic construction and performance information. The random wire antenna has been around as long as radio itself; what I am going to show you here is by no means a brilliant new invention. My goals are to wind enough wire to provide a good RF capture surface, but also to have the wire coil to have an impedance of near 52Ω to match at the feedpoint to the antenna input of my General Coverage 100Hz to 30Mhz Receiver, with Several Radio Amateurs have built variations of this antenna and have reported excellent performance on 80m with good DX, especially in such a small space. One element is vertical, the other horizontal, Antenna Toolkit - J. We selected five among the most interesting multiband wire antennas may provide inspiration for your own creativity. So now this comes down to what's the best base antenna. 1 MHz 14. Available in three colours . The hard way is to buy bare antenna wire with a couple of insulators for either end and mount that. us/HCI8NG2 i This is the story of how I installed DX Engineering’s Top Band “Thunderbolt” Vertical Antenna and went from zero to 160m DXCC in one year. Welcome to the Charlie Tango DX Group. A nice ductile wire for easy handling and winding. It is two lengths of wire, each 51 feet long, and fed at the center. If you want to go After relocating, DL2HCB designed a multiband loop antenna to cover 10-20m with an open-wire feed for impedance matching and compact installation. The antenna Antennas DX Lab In Print Web Stories: Archives: Web Archive Mail Archive : Search: Search all HCDX mail since 1995 Find Par EndFedz® Antennas and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Par EndFedz® Antennas are End Fed Half Wave (EFHW) antennas with the match box coax connection at the end of the wire, for The plots above show with a DX Engineering 4:1 balun and reasonably good coaxial cable, you can operate a loop over most of 80 and all of 40 meters. Best wire antenna I've ever owned. Suitable for power levels up to 150 Watts at 50 Ohms. Hutchinson. The sloper's feed point is anchored high above ground near the top of the tower on which sits a grounded HF yagi beam antenna. RG-58 👉 https://geni. 115 - Multiband Half-Wave Delta-Loop Antenna. Re: [TowerTalk] Looking for recommendations for an 80 M DX antenna, Jim Brown [TowerTalk] Questions on Low band receiving antennas in forests and wetlands along ridgelines and ravines. As a new ham you’re going to W5GI Mystery Antenna is a multi-band wire antenna that performs exceptionally well even though it confounds antenna modeling software. 19 AWG, Mil-Spec, PVC Insulated, 328 ft. 5mm mono plug for the antenna jack on your D-808. By Mark Connelly, WA1ION hcdx mailing list, April 16, 2001. I tend to use 7/0. Tuning at the antenna itself is the best way, for example with an automatic tuner. Find the right antenna wire for your needs at DX Ham Radio Supply! Sort By: Page of 15 : CopperWeld 14 AWG-25 FT Our price: $6. Shop our selection of Alpha Delta wire antennas, including multi-band sloper antennas for limited-space applications and SWL antennas for superior performance through 30 MHz. I've got it in a 150' doublet configuration, but it would be great for a random wire too. Moonraker Storm Master 1200 Base Station Antenna: This popular half-wave 18-foot, 1,000W power-rated vertical antenna features a tunable top-section stainless steel whip that is adjustable to the desired frequency from 25-30 MHz. Depending on what strength you Wire. -- Radial wire and ring terminals--use 14-gauge stranded copper wire with PVC insulation. I had an IC-706 Mk II rig and just recently switched to an IC-7300. For SOTA operations, obviously smaller / lighter is better, so my question is am I likely to see any noticable difference in signal strength / performance / NVIS / takeoff angle between a 40ft or 80ft wire, given it's going to be near to the ground, with a max Wire Antennas for the Beginner amateurs insist that an antenna will work best if it's installed during a howling bliz- zard, such an approach is a bit in- port a wire beam aimed at your favorite DX area. If 3 Best HF Antenna For Ham Radios Reviews 1. It performs well and excellent on 20 meters but I Most people who want to have a good DX signal on 40m but can't afford a beam, turn to a quarter-wave vertical. ™ Simple wire antenna cheap to make, using readily available materials, Low angle radiation, with rejection of high angle signals Wide bandwidth, with resonance at the 80M DX window (3. That's why it works so good. DX will still be Grounding: From the ground terminal on your radio (next to the antenna terminal) run a wire to either a copper cold-water pipe (PVC pipe won’t work) or a copper ground rod driven into the ground. Obviously longer and higher is better. Do all antenna lengths have These antennas work best in a flat-top config at least 30ft above ground (half wavelenth on 20m it'll favor DX). That would be a good start. 1) Beverage – named after Harold Beverage and one of the oldest low frequency aerials. 1 MHz 10. Modelling results. Long-Wire I made a 30 foot mast from chain link fence top rail and used that to put up an 80 - 10 inverted-L fed with a 64:1 transformer. shortwave . Enjoy All the Best Gary . Build an EASY 10 Meter (28 MHz) Vertical Antenna for DX! 24 January, 2023 - Reading time: ~1 minute. Or use any length wire, 43 feet does not resonate on any ham band so that may not be the best length for swls who probably care more for lower frequency reception if tiy have the space, do your best to string an antenna that best uses it. A piece of wire or a large piece of metal. mcmaster. Premium version includes everything needed to get up and running: - DX Commander Pole - 8x Stainless Steel hose clams - 75cm of 8mm tubing - 10cm heat-shrink sleeve - 45cm black shock cord - 100cm 3mm Heavy-duty cord for attaching elements at top - This video examines the effect of different vertical antenna lengths on the take-off angles that we would like to use to work DX. Find the best antenna wires for ham radio, ensuring superior signal transmission and lasting durability. DX-Wire UL allows you to make extremely long LW-antennas and Beverages with minimal slack, in a way that is not possible with conventional antenna wires. a dipole should be at a half wavelength above ground for best performance and making DX contacts. A continuous barbed wire fence (galvanised steel) is OK also as long as it’s not too rusty to make good electrical connections. HF Wire Antenna for DX. Tags: dx commander So I got myself a DX Commander All Band Vertical from Callum - the DX Commander and WOW! This antenna is so simple and allows me to operate on EVERY HF band using only a small footprint in my yard as How to build the Up and Outer 20m antenna. -- Read more --A Practical Low Band Antenna Suggestions on the best outdoor rope to be used to support a wire antenna. I have an old cushcraft r7 40 to 10m half wave 5 foot above ground and its a fantastic dx antenna for limited space. The DX-302 is not a real great receiver and many had problems with blowing out the frontend RF amplifier making them deaf as a doornail. Enjoy the DX! VK7HH, Jan 24, 2023 #1. Perfect for individual projects or share with your HAM CLUB. SLR_65 Active Member. I've used the ICOM AH4 tuner for about 10 years, with a long wire and good ground. Even the small station can put up surprisingly effective antennas, and there is a wealth of time-tested designs. An effective 10-20m DX antenna for deed restricted lots. A unun attempts to match a single wire to an unbalanced feedline like a coax cable. Try a temporary random wire antenna hung out the window or supported by a tree from a window. Antennas: Probably the best DX site in the world: DX news: Stunning Loop K9AY is the loop everybody calls "miraculous", "stunning" and the antenna that beats anything. For example, place in an L-shape or diagonally. The AOR Whip Antenna Option, a small telescopic antenna will deliver a signal, albeit at a very high impedance and at a low level, to input stages designed to cope with all this. PLUS *instantly customizable* antenna patterns! PLUS up to 9x extreme weather durability. Hawker. 8 Mtr. This was for a 5 band version (now 6). Carr. These sockets are designed to perform well over the entire frequency range whereas the other types of socket options My Top Five Backyard Multi-Band Wire HF Antennas L. The BEST Multiband HF Antenna for Limited Spaces! Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by VK7HH, Oct 28, 2021. No cheating over here, respect lads, respect! 160 meters - DXing on the Edge BEST WIRE ANTENNA FOR HAM RADIOS: 1. Down there I could pull out little 1 and 5 Kw stations in Central America. Stranded Copper Wire: Often the first choice of antenna builders, stranded wire is the best choice for portable use where the antenna will be erected and frequently taken down. 0 out of 5 I recently picked up a Realistic DX-160 and I'm looking for suggestions or advice on an indoor antenna. Valdes tells about his sloper . Using a 9:1 balun helps plus you need an antenna tuner. This antenna covers 80 to 6 meters with low feed point impedance and will work with most radios, with or without an antenna tuner. Resources listed under Wire Antennas category belongs to Antennas main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. The basic design is the same as it was 100+ years ago. -- Read more --Front page DX News Logs Andes DX Antennas DX Lab In Print Web Stories: Archives: What is a good Dipole variation for DX'ng? I want to put a dipole wire antenna system that would be good for catching DX (aside of having a good receiver), which is better, an "Inverted V", a "Sloping Dipole" or a "Flat-top" dipole? I want the old-timers and experienced hams or radio operators to answer my inquiry. ARRL Antenna Handbook 1990-2007. The article by K7ZB Probably the best know antenna on our 11 meter band ! Everyone has used this type in the past or will use it somewhere! its as the name says a half wavelength long tube or wire with its feeding point at the end. yellow for high visibility applications, military-green (MOST POPULAR) Are end-fed antennas really miracle antennas? besides fantastic DX connections and great reception reports, are there any drawbacks? Manual 1:9 UnUn 600 Watts for long-wire antennas; Manual Common mode choke Second choice would be 3. The home of ALL things Radio - CB, 11m DX, Amateur, PMR446, PLD, Network and Data. Some safety notes: 1. Operating • DX spotting networks – dxscape. Though I often do that too, whenever I can, I put up something better; a 40m delta mono-loop. Made in England for DX Commander, DX10 wire has an outstanding reputation for both strength and in particular, extreme flexibility. wires and surrounding terrain. The most popular non-resonant antenna is the simple random wire antenna. and maybe 40m where a simple ground mounted vertical with a decent ground plane will usually outperform any horizontal wire on long haul DX because it has a lower angle of radiation. My current configuration for a MyAntenna's 80-10 is top fed @ 30 feet sloping to 20 feet. K9AY loop -- antenna special on hard-core-dx. The article by K7ZB Hy-Gain AV-18HT Hy-Tower without doubt. to/3A5NfJv. A hill that rises above the rest of the country is good locationfor a station of K5SPP 2014-07-24; The Best First Antenna, Hands Down; Worked for me! My first antenna was a 20 meter dipole cut to the middle of the General band out of 18 gauge insulated wire I picked up at Lowes. All ham radio operators who are active on the HF bands, will need at some time or another, to consider what type of wire to use for their antenna system. With that comes a high impedance, we overcome that problem by putting in a transfer device to put that impedance back to around 50 A long wire is inherently not ideal. Or choose MFJ Enterprises antennas for outstanding high frequency reception and DX operation. It has less tendency to kink than solid wire. 1 Later on you can try a long wire antenna or whatever outside, but a good tunable loop will match the performance of many wire antennas. These antennas are built This antenna is a good performer and I was able to work and confirm about 125 countries on multiple bands with it. Antenna wire can't stretch or snap. 116 - Hybrid Vee for 20m, 17m. The 20-meter band did not work well on short distances, and is often very populated, especially during contests. 5 metre long wire antenna for 7 - 50 MHz pedestrian mobile. All you need it Hi all, Looking here, if I want an antenna suitable for 40 / 30 / 20, I can use, as an example, a length of 40, 60 or 80 ft long. Make plenty of decent DX contacts on 10 to 20 watts. I've since switched to the DX Engineering stealth wire, which is a delightful 26AWG. Users At bad ground it is a bad DX antenna the reasons for that are to far to go into at this site. Let’s start by taking a look at a few of my favorite non-resonant antennas. The fine print. DX Engineering Premium Antenna Wire helps you achieve top performance and long, trouble-free operation at a very reasonable cost. So let's build a 28 MHz vertical antenna to work some of the DX and not miss out! 10 Meters has been going gangbusters with signals lately! 114 - Six-Band Wire-Stub Trap Antenna for 40m-10m. It made history in 1921 when used for trans-Atlantic reception tests on approx. Since last November, I have been using a 65-foot (21. More Antenna Classics - C. I use a long wire that's 107', terminating into trees at about 40' above the ground. Loads up on 80M-6M with a balun and autotuner. But 3/8-wavelength on 80 meters is close to 100', and so we may have to settle for mostly regional contacts on that band. It is not resonant, so it is critical you use Open Wire Line (600 Ohm, or 525 Ohm). Some antenna manufacturers say their antennas cover 11 and 10 meters. Part Number: ALF-DX Considering the copper content of 3g/m the weight advantage of the synthetic fibre becomes obvious. Using a tuner, they are usable to 30 MHz and come complete with the wire elements, ladder feedline, center T support, and end mount brackets. , Assembled, Each. com Mike . A An interesting variation of the dipole, giving very good low angle reception - good for long distance DX. Less obstructions to deal with and also I was able to get the feed line to stay straight for a long ways. And that plays a big part in making this antenna our top choice. In reality, you must tune them by adjusting length. MFJ-1778M JUNIOR WIRE ANTENNA. 4 m (44 feet), which was erected last summer A Multi-Band (40m - 6m) 1/4 wave vertical antenna system that makes use of the original DX Commander pole. N4KC’s Top Five Multiband Antennas; Your "top 5 antennas" Not mine, All i use is home brew wire antennas,i have worked stations all this world a 20 meter dipole, yep a dipole,,OH, 2 answer your question a tuner. On 20m it started to show some gain and worked quite well with 100 watts into Japan on several occasions. At end fed antennas a Note that using wire with insulation changes the length needed. Dec 13, 2008 3,186 844 223. Dipole. Counterpoise. 8 m (88 feet) doublet and the second one at 13. :drool: It worked really well down into the AM broadcast and longwave bands. I do not use anything else. Each band is adjustable to achieve the lowest SWR at either CW, FT8 or SSB frequencies. Its relaxed PVC insulation is Since then, no other antenna has worked so well for HF, than the 80 meter skyloop. 7 MHz 5. Of course, as we raise the operating frequency, the antenna height increase as What is better to use for antenna wire: aluminum ground wire, old coax, or stranded #12 or #10 copper? 200 ft above ground, made with gold or silver wire and pure diamonds as insulators. 160m is also referred as the "Gentleman's band". Order DX Engineering Glass Antenna Insulators and gain the Find Wire Antennas No Antenna Tuner Required, 160 meters Wire Antenna Band and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Alpha Delta Single Wire Multi-Band Dipole Antennas DX-LB Single Wire Dipole Antenna, Multi-Band, Resonant, 600 W 160, 80 meters PEP, 1000 W 40 meters PEP, 100 ft. 2. 4MHz An interesting variation of the dipole, giving very good low angle reception - good for long distance DX. If using these with an ATU either use 1:1 balun and very short coax run (10ft or less to get through the wall) to shack tuner. 5:1, with the best SWR typically at 1. Installing the antenna wire as an Inverted L can change the Wire Length Feet 1. In case someone didn't watch, my breakdown for this product (Provided I didn't purchase 3 poles, multiple antenna wires for testing, and provided I already had the tools) was at least $200. Length, Each. Advantages. A barefoot radio at 70 feet beats a 200 watt linear at 15 feet. Amp up Your Operation with the DX Engineering Super Card – Apply Now! With excellent surface appearance, 6063 is the best alloy for high strength, long-lasting antenna applications. 160-6m capabilities of a traditional 135-foot dipole in just 79 feet. Member QRZ Page. The direction of radiation is broadside to the antenna—if the base wire of the antenna goes from north to south, the direction of gain will be Of course, I would like to have had a rotatable beam antenna, but lacking that, this is a wire antenna substitute with acceptable performance. My primary interest if HF DX on 10-40 meters. I think a long wire antenna is probably what I need - at first strung up in my office, but I would like to install it Well suited for Amateur Radio and Shortwave Listening (SWL) wire antenna projects, DX Engineering Copperweld® Antenna Wire is ready for construction of permanent commercial and emergency antennas, as well. The aerial is basically a centre fed quarter wave antenna for 20m. In January 2008, L. An example was that a horizontal 1 element quad proved to be 1 to 2 S-units stronger towards Europe from 234 division (very bad ground). Instead of replacing the antenna wire that is attached to the ANjo coupler, you could just build the described antenna As their name suggests, loop antennas look like perfect loops or coils. This antenna is teamed with my OB1-30 (175 countries). even 1/2 wl it will work very good. Amateur Radio Techniques - P. No antenna wires leave you free to listen anywhere, locations near windows giving best reception without the screening effects from any metalwork used in the building. Such wire antennas need a good counterpoise. The first antenna is a 26. For best results, use the longest wire shown on the table that will fit your installation constraints. Part Number: ALF-DX-B. ) The most common applications for these are long, medium, and short-wave bands. Best DX was G8BCG on sporadic-E a few years ago. 2mm multi-stranded insulated wire for temporary DX-pedition type antennas. (i new i would get your attention Hi )Dont get me wrong SIR ,,your article was Spot on* Liked it and all the comments** Check out"The Receiving only antennas category is a curation of 96 web resources on , The K7TJR Array 160m antenna, Comparative Testing of DIY and Commercial Antennas for ADS-B Reception, The Challenge: Receiving Summary. You can go to a lot of trouble or not - it's up to you. Made from quality materials and assembles easily. Please help. Most of these employ a 5:1 or 9:1 matching unit so that antenna tuners can bring the impedance down to acceptable levels across the bands the antenna was cut to cover. Your incoming and outgoing signals depend on it. ( won’t work on both band at the same time with acceptable SWR) . 289 DXCC Countries (10m 216, 12m 199, 15m. 1:1. This antenna is very well made and I still use it for domestic contacts and some DX at my QTH. This reduces the number of hops that HF radio signals must make to reach their destination, and makes them a good choice for DX—especially on the low bands. 94 • #20 5. The longer the better and the higher the better but even 20-30 feet long and 10 feet high will pick up plenty. Both need a proper ground plane, no skimping, to reach their full potential that's a lot of wire to plow into the ground but it's worth it if you can't install a horizontal antenna at 75ft or higher. Multi element beams are the usual choice for big time DX strictly speaking. tba02 That high and the pattern becomes more aligned with the direction the wire runs and not broadside to the wire Find Wire Antennas Multi-band, resonant Wire Antenna Type, 40 meters Wire Antenna Band and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Alpha Delta Parallel Wire Sloper Antennas DX-B Parallel Wire Sloper Antenna, Multi-Band, Resonant, 1,000 W, 160, 80, 40, 30 meters, 60 ft. At 40 For all my wire antenna projects I always use extremely flexible and comparatively cheap black-coloured 4mm²-sized tinned HO7 V-K 4 wire. On 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m and 12m, band edges are better than 1. The danger arises from the electric field between the earth and ionosphere. Shop here for HAM radio antennas, antenna systems, and antenna components from the best: DX Engineering, Cushcraft, Hy-Gain, Hustler, COMTEK SYSTEMS, Diamond Antenna, and more! Show Less topography, proximity of nearby structures, configuration of the antenna wire and choice of ground or counterpoise. NOTE: I have changed from USPS Priority (due to huge surcharge increases) to UPS ground shipping to save you money! I can no longer can use USPS Priority boxes due to the 150% surcharge on the 38” long Priority A simple to make vertical antenna for 15 metres with low angle radiation and NO RADIALS REQUIRED! Ideal for portable or small garden/yard use. Keep your antenna far away from power lines! If you, your antenna or your ladder touches a power line, you could be KILLED. . Great for DX as this video shows! Very easy to build. We commonly read or hear that a low takeoff angle is good for DX, and that a high takeoff angle is good for local or short-range work. fi • Upgrade With a good set of radials, these antennas produce a low angle of radiation. Perhaps a better way to phrase the question is: What is the simplest antenna with which you can make DX contacts? I live in southern California. What’s not to like about a Halfwave vertical? Great for DX as this video shows! Looking for configuration recommendations for running an end-fed half wave, or non-resonant wire, for best low angle radiation. All aluminum construction, random-wire style tuning 80-10M, and a 90 MPH wind tolerance. Read all about it at Experiences with kite-supported wire antennas. They are low-cost but high in versatility.