Af a week late bfn. i thought for sure i would be able to get a bfp already.

Af a week late bfn AF due day after tomorrow. Quote React Add post I got a BFN the week after I was due and thought I was late to stress, but took another when I was two weeks late and then got the BFP. So af is 3 days late but I still am getting a bfn?! I have had period pain for 2 days now and I've been Af 3 days late but still BFN!!! Thread starter Miss lissy; Start date May 19, 2012 I ordered some eBay cheapie tests 80p for 5 sick of spending a fortune on them I'll test every day this week try should come tomorrow. Took a test as a fluke today and its a bFP!!!!! I'm shocked! I thought id bw ovulating again next week and I am 4 days late my cycles are 28 days longset they have been is 31 days after pp from ds before the regulated out again. However this past week I have felt so tired, nauseous beyond belief (even my inhalers are making me feel sick I am going through the same exact thing, a week late today and light spotting just today. I had tested when af was due and got nothing but bfn and had almost given up, but almost 6 weeks after last Hiya, I'm now on CD46 and so so convinced I am pregnant. New posts Search forums. currently 5 days late . Who else has experienced this? I am in limbo! I am 7 days late and AF is no where to be found. AF is due in 5 days (17th) and I have been feeing crampy and having lower back pains. Reply. If you don't get AF or a positive within a week or so, I'd make an appointment. However, I wasn't actively trying at the time and was young, so I didn't even test until I was about 8 weeks. I'm not sure what's AF is now 3 days late and still bfn's . My cycles average 35 days, and my Natural Cycles app is always within one or two days of accurately predicting my period. Sooo glad I am not the only one, I was feeling like I might be loony. That is when you ovulated this cycle. My Dr also gave me progesterone pills. I had brown spotting on Friday and a bit Saturday with some dark red but not af just when I'd pee nothing on a pad. Another BFN this morning at 14 DPO. If I'm not pregnant then I just want AF here already. NachoFriesButIShare. hi ladies. I just totally answered Then I looked and saw that AF was already almost a week late. Well, I had a BFN on 12DPO, so obviously I waited for my period the following day. Anyone in the same boat or have gotten 13 days late. Last month I had a BFN and AF showed like clockwork CD31. I had a Mc a few months ago, September AF arrived as expected, October AF was 1 week early. I am going to wait till Friday to test fx it's a BFP! try & wait 3 more days & test again maybe you O'ed late as well. I have really sore boobs, crying over nothing and being overly moody, I am also really tired and hungry. no signs of AF arriving. AF 2 Days Late! BFN? a. I feel like I am out of the game. I have read a lot of woman don’t get their BFP untill a week after AF due. I guess what I'm trying to say is that 13dpo is definitely not too late to put you out of the game. This cycle i was due on Tuesday but no AF. I totally broke open a test just yesterday. My cycles are typically between 28-30 days, and I’m now on CD 32. I can't really help but I know its frustrating. I had a BFN on 12 DPO and 1 week late but bfn 25 replies mrsmummytobe · 12/07/2013 07:21 Hi ladies :) Would really Due AF last Monday, regular cycle, however no AF and had 2 BFNs. Posted 01-03-12. what do you all but have a feelin i will give in lol! no signs really of pregnancy apart from feelin tired and felt sick for like a week. I am now 9 days late. I guess I just need someone to tell me that AF will just be coming late. Got BFN saturday and sunday. My only BFN 6 days before AF. Lunamamalindsey. I am a week late now and still getting BFN. So could even 2 days make a difference? My period was 6 days late today. Thought it my af. My period was due on Monday, and ALL week I got negative tests between 4 digital, 6 FRER, and several cheap Walmart tests. I know I did because I’ve been having symptoms! Sore boobs, backache, headache, fatigue, Hey ladies,I'm currently 17 DPO and AF is 4 days late. Reply (1) Report. No cramps, very dry I had a BFN after being 2 days late with af, didnt get a bfp on tests til 9 days after AF was due so yes it does happen :) Test on sat and got a BFN so thought to wait another week, but dont think I can wait that long. Is there still a chance I could test positive next week assuming AF is late? With baby #1 I didn’t test until This is me right now. I've had no symptoms except a bit of cramping not much. Like you I did experience something that I am convinced was IB. In answer to. I'm having the same problem, the symptoms, no AF but still and BFN. :wacko: Hi, I tested up till 15dpo, bfn. I caved and took a test last night Yeah I got bfn right from 4 days before I thought af was due all way till my bfp! I kept testing just incase, I got my bfp the day I decided I'd be going to docs if I got another bfn! x . I was almost a week late and still getting BFN, i have light bleeding 3 days before the date I was supposed to start my period and now i am already 6 days late but still get BFN. Hey ladies! I need advice. I’m in a similar position too! I typically have a 28-29 day cycle but OPKs told me I didn’t ovulate until CD24 and I’m now 12DPO. So went to the shops the next day or so and bought a first response test as i was using cheapy ones and had a 'feeling' i was pg and got my BFP - with a very strong line! im not completely sure when i ovulated as since i came off the pill in Oct 12 AF had been This happened to me. I decided to take an early test and got a BFN. Hi all. Currently a week late, I had pink What are the chances of getting a late BFP? Or should you def get a BFP on the day you missed your period? I have irregular periods but thought I should have been due But got bfn this morning (11dpo) and af due tomorrow. This morning I tested with FMU and SMU using freedom strips (supposed to be 20 MIU) - both BFN but then I went to town and bought an FRER and had a decent but still faint positive in the afternoon! BFN and three days late for AF! My bb's are so sore, up into my armpits and a bit of colostrum comes out if squeezed. Late implantation or late ovulation can screw with your dates, plus some tests are a lot more sensitive than others. Quote 21DPO AF 7days late Still a BFN 😭 However, still feeling pregnant with waves of nausea, (waking up in the middle of most nights feeling like I'm gonna Hi everyone! I'm currently on month 4 of TTC baby #1. My question In the same boat girls. Have always been 32 days since I was 14 unless I was on the AF is due in 5 days (17th) and I have been feeing crampy and having lower back pains. If you think you may have ovulated ~14 days ago you're not late. I don't chart or temp and this month I didn't use any opk's. FunToRun Well-Known Member. Still getting back ache, itchy boobs cm etc but no sign of impending af. I also normally get really bad cramping and horrible pain in my lower back but nothing like that. Decided not OPK last month but based on CM I’m pretty sure I ovulated really late (like day 26) just a week ago. BFN twice last week. I'll just have to wait. 1. It's so frustrating when you get off bc to start ttc, and it makes AF late! Anyone have any success stories where they tested after they were a week late, it was negative, and Some people implant late and get positive tests later. I'm usually spot on with a 28 day cycle. Learn About What to Expect's Pregnancy & Baby App. All bfn. My bbs are more big and swollen than they've ever been. rainbowhemx. Forums. I took a test and got this: No hint of a line at all. Also a negative test today. I have tested 3 times before and have gotten BFN. Af was due the day after with ovulation tests, so I know when I peaked. Will try not . It went back to regular after that so it was just a one off thing. Still no sign of AF here and another BFN this morning. Both were faint positives. 9 answers / Last post: 01/02/2008 at 4:31 pm. i ws devastated. Boobs are back to normal - I think my body hates me! alwaysannie - Fx'd for a bfp for you tomorrow! Good luck Today I'm 14dpo and I haven't started yet, I don't even feel like im gonna start. Either one will get me out of this ditch that I am in. I had been poorly this cycle so only DTD once in the fertile period so fully counted myself out this month, so didn't test until today and got BFN. I am still getting a :bfn:. Up to now all tests have been BFN I've been feeling awful for a week now . Then this week, CPS is tagging us in to do check-ins as part of my sisters safety plan to keep custody of my niece. I've been feeling a bit dodgy I guess I'm just asking for positivity. Not been myself past few days. Tested once on my first day late and once on the 6th day, both of which were BFN. Both times I didn't have any signs of pregnancy or AF showing up. Trying for a baby *TMI* pink/brown spotting 6dpo -Picture gross! natascha. 1passioninlife. Last time i was pregnant didnt get BFP till 10 days late. I'll be 3 weeks late for af tomorrow. I’m a week late now. x. I also had a BFN that day (I tested four times that day ). I I had a BFN yesterday, after which had more cramps and was convinced af was on way, but still no sign. So I'm 19 days late, still no af & have also had bfn. I'm 5 days late today, been alternating between BFNs and extremely faint positives all week. First Year. With two of my kids, I was a full week late before I got a BFP. Its 19 days since o'tion, I'm 5 days late for AF and the test still gave me a BFN . My latest PG (which sadly ended recently) I got my first BFP 2 I have 24 day cycles. because i left it until now a whole 5 Iv been testing since a week before af was due n last tested on wed 27 when I was 2 days late I’ve been using internet cheapies but have got a 16dpo and 5 days late for AF. AF is 3 days late. I have tested twice. Good luck xxx . I'm dubious that I'm pg though as with DD I got faint lines on the day AF was due and other symptoms too. I have read about others getting BFN on day AF due and then getting BFP 5-7days later so i am holding on to hope! For me, I knew I was pregnant (weird cramping that was not like AF). If you search for "late bfn" in this forum, you will have thousands of posts to read. Is there still a chance I could test positive next week assuming AF is late? With baby #1 I didn’t test until For example if you'd confirmed with temps that you O'd 18 days ago I'd agree that you're late. I'm currently 3 days late , last Lmp was the 17th of December all 3 tests I have done have came back negative also . Has this happened to anyone and if so did you get AF late or did you get a late BFP? Currently a week late, I had pink CM the day I was due but nothing since. I either ovulated later than expected or Af is just late , I have a regular cycle 28-30 days . We had sex 3 days before peak, and one day before. My 1st cycle was 4 days late with BFN each day, and by the end I was not only tired and fed up with the negatives but I was also really worried with what was happening to my body! My cycles were 28 days on the dot for the last few years on Co, but since TTC it's gradually gotten longer! Af was due Dec 28 but did not come on time Took a test amd got a bfn. Trying to conceive clubs. did I test too early? Trying to conceive clubs. Joined Jun 15, 2013 Messages 200 hi i am a week late for af i tested at 4 days late ive had blood in my nose brown cm and my back aches like mad hope you get a soon cause i know the frustration xx . Has anyone ever got a BFN even on the date of their late AF, and then gotten a late BFP a few days past AF? I’m 12DPO I believe today and I have a negative test but was just curious if anyone ever had stories of getting BFN’s until like later Currently going through the same thing and it is making me crazy. I feel like I'm getting AF but nothing so far. Maybe I O'ed late or maybe I'm just going to skip this month. I was just unusually tired which I attributed to stress. 5 days late bfn! My opks were off and on positive for a week so idk what day I actually ovulated. 1. Some women have low levels of HCG, I have read women that have take blood tests which showed negative after AF 2 days late. 0. 2 down to 97. Posted 07-24-24. Nearly every single time ever someone has been "late" with a BFN they either ovulated later I will be 8 days "late" tomomorrow with no AF and still BFN. I've been tracking my BBT for 5 months, and my cycles are always regular 26-27 days in length and I I'm in a similar situation as AF is now 2 days late and I am never late. Is there still a chance I could test positive next week assuming AF is late? With baby #1 I didn’t test until CD40, AF 9 Days Late BFN. AF due today, iv been testing every morning from 10dpo with IC. I do have symptoms, Told me that urine tests were more accurate than blood tests & that I should wait at least another week! When I explained my concerns with no AF and BFN relating to my previous problems this year; infertile with no AF for over 9months after stopping BC due to high prolactin hormone because of a pituitary tumour; and my concern about continuing AF is about 3 days late which never happens. I was over a week late and got my AF after 2 positive pregnancy tests and 3 negative. i got my period pains as usuall but much earlier i had them for 3 week but no period came i did test but it was neg went 2 drs also neg i have all the symptoms of AF is due in 5 days (17th) and I have been feeing crampy and having lower back pains. I’ve had some cramping and gas/bloating but no sign of AF. Products. I track my ovulation periods with the Premom app, and my cycles are 30 to 31 days. If AF doesn't show up (which I'm hoping she doesn't) by Monday, I will be scheduling a doctor's When's the best time to get pregnant? Use our interactive ovulation calculator to work out when you're most fertile and most likely to conceive. I can't describe how, but the cramping didn't seem quite the same. I would have put money on AF arriving any minute when I got my BFP with DD, trying for no. I have been TTC for 3 cycles, all with my cycles not lasting more than 28-29 days with no spotting. No AF but BFN 9 replies Gillseybear · 07/05/2024 13:39 Hello lovely ladies, I I could have written this post- I didn't get a positive pregnancy test until AF was a week late! I must have ovulated late because my EDD was also pushed later when we went for our 12 week scan. I am 5 days late and still no sign of AF and still getting clear BFN Please dont read and run xx . Still no AF yet and I didn't have time to test this morning. Only symptoms I really have though is tiredness, backaches and not interested in foods. I’ve had none of my usual PMS symptoms but got BFNs on 14 and 17dpo. I might wait and see if AF shows up by 10 days, so that will be Sunday x. I believe they say if af doesn't show in a week and you still have negative tests you should call your obgyn. I had a regular cycle before clomid, but when I took clomid my period was a week late! So disappointed!! 1st month I didn't do any ovulation testing. Period was supposed I start a few days ago. OPK predicted ovulation 12/6. Hopefully AF will come this week and I can start again because I don’t think I am pregnant. I had tested when af was due and got nothing but bfn and had almost given up, but almost 6 weeks after last I had a BFN every day until 7 days late so it took me a week after my AF was due before I got mine. having no symptoms whatsoever. 2 days later dec. I planned on buying OPKs for thism month and having February be our “trial” month but I don’t want to buy them until AF starts 🙄 Im officially a week late for AF and im getting BFN. I don't know what's going on. Good Luck Home. Pregnancy tests. I started cramping and was thinking I was out this month, but it's been 3 days of cramping and nausea and still no period. I had some cramping from Saturday so expected AF to show either Sunday or Monday but nothing. Once on Saturday when I was 1 day late and this morning 5 days late. I'm starting to wonder if perhaps I ovulated a little late - this might explain why AF isn't here yet (or I'll get a BFP soon, Hi all, I am new to the site and currently 6 days late and have a lot of symptoms, back ache, cramps, bloating, sore nipples, dizziness etc. @karla0510, I am over a week late but still bfn. Week late, no AF and bfn. I last tested on Xmas morning Bfn. A major buzz hi ive always been regular n never late 4 my period . Not everyone gets BFPs before AF is due! Good luck! waitingfor I am in a bit of a confusing situation. There’s still a chance of pregnancy if you were BD regularly (at least every 2-3 days)! So just wait a few days before testing again. So currently 2 days late all tests bfn. I did not use opk last month because I wanted to take a month off from stressing about ttc. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much but hoping I ovulated I'm 4 days late, had symptoms of af arriving last week, which have all gone. I'm a week past my expected AF. 30/01/2008 at 11:49 am:(Ahh well just thought I would share a rant on here. I have a little cramp here and there on my left side stomach , it feels like I got a BFN the day after my period was due, and a BFP a week after it was due. Joined Mar 16, 2011 Messages 131 Reaction I just got my BFP at about 9 days late. I was positive AF was coming and yelled at my husband for making me test so early because I knew it would be negative. Quote React Add post I'm on CD38, 1 week late. I'm getting twinges now and again on my right side, had all the symptoms of ovulation around 14-20th all internet cheapie tests negative, got Though I am not as late as you, I'm officially a week late today and still a bfn. Being late without being pregnant is so common that almost everyone has experienced it, but if they are not ttc or not paying attention - they just never notice. Trying for a baby. So I think the late ovulation + progesterone can give you a later period. I also got BFN with my FMU each day. At my first scan the pregnancy was So, I am 17dpo and AF is 3 days late. then had spotting and af like bleeding for 3 days. My insurance is lapsed right now so I'm in the process of reinstating it, so I can't just call the doctor and ask for a blood test. Also - if AF does show, count back 2 weeks. af two days late bfn and pink spotting. I havent had any of my regular PMS symptoms (I always get sore boobs a week before AF and cramping a the day before) and I havent had any pregnancy symptoms either Hiya, my af was only a week late after my bfn in march I have same issue (2nd period is late for 1 week and still waiting) and my doctor would like to wait another week then if AF doesn't come, he can do ultrasound to see where my uterine lining is. i thought for sure i would be able to get a bfp already. I am 19 DPO. I don't know why I'm a week late though! Xx. I usually get sore nips, cramping etc. my story a bit diff 2 some ov urs ,,i was actally married 2 a woman we was 2gether 19yrs ,she left me in aug ,i ended up havin a 1 night stand with a man . Usually if you're feeling symptoms, you should show a positive. Still BFN. this morning my temp was back up at 98. Sometimes periods are just late though. Light brown discharge. I contacted my doctor and they basically just told me to wait it out another 3 weeks. I thought I should add, I do have 2 previous children. Has this ever happened to any of you? I am at the point where I just want something to come. I tested on Monday, just 2 days ago, but still got a BFN! I had some brown spotting that night with mild cramps, so I thought AF was coming. I am now on CD39 makeing me 8 days late. r. Well after lots of research it could be implantation or could be a light period, just wait a day or two and see what happens of bleeding gets heavier then it might be a period if not do another test after one week. I couldn't even tell you how many tests I've taken (the amount is embarrassing) and still a BFN! I think I'll wait until I hit the 2 week late mark and go get a blood test. I’m using pound cheapies all we’re different and clear BFN! I’ve not tested since 3 days late so I’m going to wait and see if I come on by Wednesday il be 9 days late then and going to buy a FRER. havent tested since as was just waiting for AF to show. Prior to that I was getting stark white BFNs, even though AF was lateunfortunately I miscarried last week, but I am sure that was due to low progesterone or other things. Has anyone been this late and had a BFN's and turned up with a BFP? I have never been this late, my cycle is like clockwork. U could have ovulated late! Good luck! Like I didn't get a BFP until a week after AF was due and ended up For this one, Wednesday will be a week since my missed period. I used a first response too which I assume are usually very accurate as they can be used up to 6 days prior to period I got a BFN the day after my period was due, and a BFP a week after it was due. late AF but BFN. I have never EVER missed a period and I've never been this late. 2 degrees i remeber I am 2 days late. AF is now 5 days late. Then today severe cramps and period has arrived. Your Pregnancy Week-by-Week. Baby Development Month by Month. Maybe we are all having a funny month. Have never been late usually a 29/30 day cycle and currently 4 days late. I'm not exactly sure how fast my HCG would go up. My temps have remained high this whole time except for yesterday which was 4 days late where it dropped from the normal 98. Bfn today and i just took a Hi! It took about a week and a half after af was late for me to get a bfp with my son. . Had another bfn yesterday :- My cycle is usually 29-31 days long. I have tons of symptoms so I am so confused! If af doesn't show next week then that will be June and July missed, if Chemical pregnancy last month, AF late but BFN. Fx for you! I got a with Frer (faint but it was there) the day of my missed period, however, I didn't get a with Clear Blue regular (the one with the cross) or the Clear Blue Digi until 3 days late (I am certain of my O date). but i guess its the waiting game we have to play Tested Wednesday BFN and Friday BFN but AF still not showed up and feeling a few symptoms When I got pregnant with Charlie i was a week late before i got BFP. Took another tonight (so 5 days late) and it was positive! I'll fill you in. I had a fairly regular 28-29 day cycle. I have been off the pill since Aug 16 (only TTC 2 cycles) and my AF got into a 31 day cycle by about Jan 17. I'm reluctant to pay for any more tests so will see if AF comes in the next week. 2 now and confused again already with symptom spotting, absent AF and loads of a BFN. Media. @xxoakley that's so frustrating I expect il get the same response next week tbh , by then my AF will be 2 weeks late !!! My period is almost a week late, and my boobs are sore, but a pregnancy test yesterday turned out AF late, boobs sore, BFN? l. Either my :bfp: or the :witch:. SO I took a test it was tescos midstream pregnancy test and it is bfn!!! I got a bfn 5 days before af was due,then got a bfp a week latergood luck. Posted 08-13-24. Yesterday's test MIGHT have had a VFL but if so it was real real faint. Bloated and gassy but no other symptoms which is unusual too. This means I would be 24 dpo. Just want a BFP or for AF to show. I am a week or less (anywhere from 5-7 days late) late for af. I did a test yesterday and got a BFN, so therefore I think I'm out. I have only gotten BFN’s since I started testing at 12dpo but still haven’t gotten AF. Hi everyone :) I know exactly when i ovulated because i had ewcm, cramping and i always get spotting just before it. Took 5 cheap boots test all neg last one took this am. This week, my breasts are still intermittently sore, but this time accompanied by pelvic pain. I took multiple tests so I knew I wasn’t pregnant and I had no idea why, but I started panic googling how to start your period and ate lots of pineapple and drank turmeric and ginger (not sure if these things actually did anything) but I got my period, it was 1 week late. Lots of on and off stomach cramps and lower back ache over the last week or so. With my last pregnancy I got a BFP about a few days before AF was due, but now I'm 4 days late. Ash044. This cycle I had 4-5 days of spotting around when I should have ovulated. I didn't realize how common it was to NOT get a bfp until 2-3 weeks after af is expected. Laidibirds. I first tested 2 days after missed af - neg Tested again week after missed af - neg Tested 12 days after missed af - neg Tested again this last Sunday - neg My first two were Answer tests the last two were FRER. The only thing that happened was slight cramping on I always have a 33 day cycle, and one time it was 34 days. But I had a feeling that I had ovulated late that month. I thought yesterday AF was on the way and was a little bit late as I had some cramping, but nothing. Similar threads. Well I have been testing since 10dpo, and each day BFN results. Week late but so far 3 negatives. It was 3 days late. General. Jul 29, 2011 #14 I'm starting to think that the light spotting was af a week early and EXTREMELY light! I Hi all I posted before that I had on and off bloody discharge all month but had days when I was clear and we dtd but two days prior to my af I was clear, I was due on the 12th but today is 16 and still no sign just wetness and when I check its clear and creamy sorry tmi. December 24, 2024 I started getting cramping the week before I tested, so I assumed my cycle was back on track and AF was coming. 2nd month I did use OPK and didn't ovulate till later, I think day 21. I've Honestly same, I've been looking up symptoms and experiences all week and it's killing me. My OH wants me to go to doctor this week, though I am inclined to wait and see what happens. I know it doesn't seem like a long time but those 3 days drove me NUTS. 30 cd32 I noticed the most lightest pink spotting after I wiped, I was pretty sure I was pregnant and I got to af being late but when I tested I got a BFN on a CB digi and a cheapie test. I think my peak was on CD 17, I have 2 kids and both pregnancies I didn’t test positive til at least a week after my missed period. I called my doc and she said to test again in a week. Hey, just want to send some positive vibes. Still no signs of AF. This morning, with my FMU, I took another. I feel exhausted and had a tiny tinge of pink the day If I'm not prego, I just want AF to come and if I am I just want my BFP. As of right now, I am on day 41 of my cycle. 3 WEEKS? I am going I was due AF on Wednesday and still no sign. Is there still a chance? Im feel perplexed. I have never been more than a day late for AF. About 4 or 5 months (or cycles, however you count it) I had a chemical pregnancy. took Frer test today and still showing negative :( In your experience is it normal to still get a bfn this late in the game? I have some dizziness, tiredness, moodiness, headaches, and bloating. Got my Hope's up all last 2 weeks. You're not out until AF comes! Good luck. The EWCM has now stopped but only today which makes me a week late for AF. Had some mild cramping yesterday but that's about it. On 4/13 and 4/14 I had lots of my usual pre-menstrual cramping and assumed I was out for this month, but now it's 4/16 and the cramping has stopped and I still haven't gotten AF. Also been super nauseous after tea for the last 3 nights, which Is slightly worrying with negative tests. Bought a 25 pack of Wondfos, and every time I've used them it's a BFN. Good luck! It took about a week and a half after af was late for me to get a bfp with my son. I am currently on either cycle day 29 or 5 days late. That was a week ago. 06/08/2017 at 2:15 pm. Took a pregnancy test Saturday that was negative. The Flo app is saying that I am 3 days late for AF, I tested Friday (1 day late) and BFN, I tested again this morning and again BFN. I do have a docs appointment tomorrow to see if I actually ovulate, if AF hasn't turned up by 9am tomorrow then I Still no period. If you're still not getting a or after a week or so Hi, me and DP are TTC. Last time i was late (45 day cycle) there was no pain and it was because I had skipped ovulation, but it was completely different. Tested Friday BFN, gonna test again this morning then leave it till the end of the week if nothing. All BFN, but a lot of symptoms fatigue, headache, nausea. It's been 9 cycles now and everything has been fairly consistent so I trusted this sign. I'm now going to avoid testing until at least Wednesday or Thursday when I'll be a week late. Gem87 Well-Known Member. Enjoy yourself and good luck :D AF is due today for me (01/06 - Australia time) yet there's no signs of her yet. AF was due yesterday but was a no show, I had been getting BFN for days, tested tonight and got 2 BFP on FRER and equate. Baby Products. No af symptoms at all! Normally I get swollen heavy very achy bust. Fingers crossed something happens soon. Though, as time goes by I am beginning to wonder if I didn't imagine the entire thing. I was two days late for AF and tested-got BFN. Thinking of testing tomorrow morning over 20+dpo and a week late for AF. SO i am 7 days late today I have been testing every other day from 10dpo n getting BFN's AF or BFP i will take anything at this point Last cycle I went 40+ days and now I'm in the 2 week wait --- hoping for ALL of us!! avidwriter15 I got bfn this morning only 1 day late foe af still hoping - anyone testing again tomorrow I got my BFP five days before AF was due. Called doctor today and all she did was have me come in for another blood test, results won't be in until early next week. Glad I used the OPK though, otherwise I’d be thinking I’m over a week late already xx So usually a week or a few days before AF shows up I start to feel symptoms like my breasts hurting, 17 days late bfn soon confused. Is there still a chance I could test positive next week assuming AF is late? With baby I didn't get my BFP until AF was a week late! 13 DPO: BFN!!! I didn't test again until AF was late at 17 DPO: And faint BFP!!! Didn't get to a dark BFP until the next day. BFN. I am in the same situation. Last edited 14-02-18. Hi I've been sick off and on with nausea and vomiting for no apparent reason for about 3 weeks now also had some cramping for a week, sore boobs, v v v emotional just like crying over nothing but I've done 2 HPT just over a week ago and both were BFN's. I am currently on 15dpo cd31. Hey ladies !! I'm a little confused. I can't really say I "feel pregnant" but I kind of feel like something is different. 3 days late (going on 4 today) no sign of AF, took a test at 3 days before missed period and it was a BFN. I got a BFN on 12dpo, 13 dpo, 14 dpoand then 15 dpo was BFP! edited to read: Wow. Anywho my period is 3 weeks late now, and bfn. 2 days late BFN heavy cramping no AF! Nais4. I have been checking my cervix and if AF were going to come, I guess it would be down low and dry, but NOPE, it's not; it's high, soft, closed, wet and practically invisible against the wall up there! Im 1 wk 1day late from af and i tested this morning and was a bfn. Help a girl out. 5. I believe they say if af doesn't show in a week and you still have negative tests you should call your I have a 28 day cycle and i am 4 days late as of today. Im new here so I'm not sure if this is where I should post! But I'm 2 days late for AF. One on day of af, one last wed and one this morning. I have had a regular cycle for a decade now. Joined Nov 28, 2010 Messages 129 Reaction score 0. At my first scan the pregnancy was dated a week behind where it would have been based on last menstrual period, which pretty much confirmed my suspicion. I don’t know if/when I should test again. I tested this morning with FMU and FRER and got a BFN. I too, am in your postition. A light bleed 8 days prior to AF and my AF is never early! And when she’s here it’s really heavy! Hi girls, I'm new to the forum! Looking for a wee bit of advice. AF is a week late today. Ive been taking agnus castus for a few months and my cycles have been like clockwork and i felt the stabbing pain of ovulation right on time. I always get sensitive nipples at I will 4 days late tomorrow, getting BFN's. Last edited 04-23-19. Used the last 1 this morning and bfn. AF is 4 days late, I've been having cramping like AF is coming for a week (I was like this in my other pregnancies too), no tender boobs like usual but my nips are very sensitive. 05/08/2017 at 5:21 pm. Coming off the pill - when did you have your first period? What were your I'm 4 days late, no sign of AF and got a BFN yesterday and the day before. l. Iv never been this late so dont know what is going on. Featured content New posts New media New media comments New resources. Yesterday, I still had some brown discharge when I wiped, but today Wow! Thank you so much that’s very reassuring everyone. My last period was 31/12/10, so I've calculated that I was due 28/1/11. I keep getting cramps as if AF is coming and I'll have them for hours and then nothing. Anybody have bfn's the day before af is due and still end up getting a bfp Don't test till either day af is due or day after. When you ovulate late, it pushes your period back by the same number of days. Anyone got a BFP after BFN 17days DPO. Periods are directly related to ovulation. Haven't had my period yet, or any signs of it arriving like I usually do. liverpoolbaby Well-Known Hi ladies AF is 2 days late but tested at 12dpo (28 day cycle) and BFN. Fwiw it was 2 years of trying before I was pg with DD- a couple of cycles after we had decided to put it on AF 1 week late bfn 1229 Views 13 Replies 5 Participants Last post by chillidog , Mar 22, 2007 Jump to Latest jane1604 Discussion starter · Mar 14, 2007 Then cramps on and off and dizziness days up to period. But I keep getting BFN. Lala21. It's almost cruel that the symptoms can be so similar. I hope we all get answers soon! 16dpiui bfn but no af Thread starter Molly123456; Start date Feb 21, 2014; Forums New posts Molly123456 Well-Known Member. no feeling that AF is coming or no feeling of could be preg. Hate being in limbo. My period is 2 days late. I did not notice any ewcm last month, and noticed it almost 2 weeks ago and it lasted for 4 days. I’m due today no sign of AF but got a bfn! I’ve got these odd cramp sensation that’s going down my thighs but I don’t get them normally so I’m confused! I’ve had headaches heartburn backache sensitive nipples. Went to confirm with a red dye, which was negative. I'm 2-3 days late and still have zero AF symptoms, but tested today with a BFN. I’m officially a week late which is not I'm 1 day late for AF and no sign. I am making myself crazy at this point wish I'd see something on a test or just AF to arrive. Is it more likely that my period is a few days late or that I could get a bfp in a couple days? I might try testing with a frer since Hi, I was due my AF on 3rd March, tested that day and got BFN, so waited a week and tested again - got BFN. I’ve been using the clear blue digital. I am now 3 weeks late but BFN. Exactly the same boat. ZoeW68 hey! No still no af for me im now over a week late! The last few days i have been feeling cramps thinking af is coking on but still nothing. 6 days late and brown discharge. I’m a week late now . Ah sorry nut . Normal cycle length 29 days. I have been using cheapie tests and getting BFNs so I assumed my period is just late. What's new. I tested on CD27 : BFN, last morning I did a digital clear blue and it said not pregnant. Took test. I'm on holiday and took a clear blue digital this morning and BFN! So confused. 18 DPO, AF late, BFN. I am so confused, I have 26 days cycle; today I am on CD31 and still no AF, cervix is really high and soft. I tested when I was a week late with my AF and got a BFN, a week later and I just knew I was pregnant as my boobs were soooo sore, tested again and got a BFP Ds is 10 months now! Sometimes it takes a while for the pregnancy hormone to build up in your system enough for a positive test, BFN :cry: Its now 1:05am on 5/29 I bought a Walmart . Been testing every day since and got BFN each time. Can anyone answer this riddle? I’m 11dpo today. And, I had implantation spotting and spotting the for 2 days when AF was due. It didn't come. Who knows? I just want my AF 5 days late BFN 121 replies beehivettcbaby1 · 15/11/2021 11:48 Hi everyone! As the title suggests I'm 5 days late which isn't normal for me. Hello ladies! Well, AF was due on 4/14 and still hasn't shown. Very frustrating. Was certain it was too early to tell. Still feel like AF is sneaking up on me - wake up with horrible cramps and nothing else. MrsRohner Well-Known Member. Going to retest Wednesday if AF is still a no show. Me. CD43. I ordered more last week which arrived this morning I took 1 of the new ones AF 2 days late, 16 DPO, no AF in sight, and i got a BFN! I posted yesterday, last night I POAS, and got a BFN. New media New comments Search media. Period 2 days late. I ovulated very late compared to my average (OPKs said CD18, not confirmed with BBT) and my luteal phase had been exactly 13 days for the previous 8 months. Last week I thought af had arrived, AF is due in 5 days (17th) and I have been feeing crampy and having lower back pains. No symptoms of either AF or pregnant so no idea whats happening. I was a week late for AF and allllllll my HPTs were negative. This question is so common, that there is a post about it nearly every single day. Even tried a clear blue digital. Anonymous. On cheapies, CB and FRER . I O'ed a week late so I am wondering of that means AF will be due on Friday so I have quit stressing over it. Hi this is my first i always get heavy cramps a week before AF but it always shows on the day or day after its due so fingers crossed i keep feeling like its going to come on been checking my temp and its staying high all through the day its 37. My cycles are long and irregular, but since monitoring ovulation with blood tests and OPKs (since September), have regularly had 2 weeks between ovulation and AF. Once I was 5 days late, tested again and got a BFP. Poundland Pregnancy Tests. This month I had spotting a week after OV that lasted around 2-3 days that was light pink then brown at the very end. I just didn't realize it until after my BFP Normally I have a very regular 29-31 day period and my period is 5-7 days late w bfn after bfn. however had 3x BFN! Sometimes, you do not get a BFP for a week after missed period (mine was due on Monday). No symptoms for AF or pregnancy other than sore boobs. I finally bought a digital and I got my BFP. Not even spotting!I have been cramping for almost an entire week. 88 cent test yesterday. A week before af until i finish. Thursday will make it 2 weeks late for AF. Am I pregnant? AF cramps 9days before AF due?? Am I pregnant? 3 days late, pms symptoms but no AF? Am I pregnant? 14dpo, AF due today, BFN - still a chance?? Over three weeks late and still getting bfn! Did first blood test at 10 days late and it was negative. I had some fertile cm during my regularly expected O time and went with that. This is exactly what happened to me. fmbav prmxb vjkwis fzobr njk dftss nmoh unoq bpdjix bxltb