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White river projectile point. 2 inches long), and a bifacial tool from the HS Bed (2.

White river projectile point The fifth Clovis point is another small point made of glossy white Burlington chert that is fluted on both sides of the blade, has a ground base and has been anciently re-sharpened. This point was named in a professional publication and has many professional references. Projectile Point Identification Guide. Point Validity: Valid type Montet-White is a distinguished anthropologist and Professor Emeritus of anthropology at the University of Kansas. Pentagonal Knife (Ohio River Valley) Stemmed to Expanding Stem, White Springs: White Springs are similar to the Sykes point, but the White Springs tends to have a smaller stem that is basally thinned while the Sykes point tend to have a slightly longer stem with basal thinning less commonly seen (MaGahey, 2000). J. Most of the fragments (n=27) appear to be basal fragments, although it is sometimes See: Geier, Clarence (1983), Some Thoughts on the Taxonomic and Temporal Implications of Late Woodland Triangular Projectile Points from Sites in the Ridge and Valley Providence of Virginia, Quarterly Bulletin, Archaeological Society of Virginia, Vol 38, No. Alphabetical Listing of Projectile Points of. Jan 25, 2024 · These points share the typical tool functions of projectile points; White River Points specifically functioned as pendants and drills, and the Rice Side-Notched Points were used on darts. The shoulders may vary from an upward angle to horizontal to slightly barbed. Fogelman (1988) feels that these are re-sharpened Duncan Island points. It is found through-out the Hudson River valley and into the White Clay Creek and Brandywine river valleys of Delaware. Bell (1958) dates these points from 7,000 - 5,000 B. Pentagonal Knife (Ohio River Valley) Stemmed to Expanding Stem, White Springs: Stemmed: Medium: Nov 3, 2009 · Olcott-like projectile points have been observed or collected at several disparate locations on the Peninsula, including the Quinault River below Lake Quinault (Wessen 1978a:61), Ahlstrom's Prairie, near Lake Ozette (Richard Daugherty, personal communication, 1982), and Tongue Point, on the Strait of Juan de Fuca (Fred Pennoyer, personal Notched Projectile Points of the North Central Region. White River: Side Notch: Medium to Large: Middle Archaic: Valid Type: Corner Notch Notched Projectile Points of Missouri. 4, pp 137 - 233. Name Details: Identified By: David Hulse (in DeJarnette, Kurjack, and Cambron, 1962) Named For: White Springs area of the Tennessee River Date Identified: 1961 Type Site: Hulse Site 17, Limestone County, Tennessee Type Site: Site in the west fork of the White River Valley of Indiana. Central Plains Archeology, 2022. A Greenbrier Point, likely dates to the Early Archaic Period, ca. Name Details: Identified By: David Hulse (in DeJarnette, Kurjack, and Cambron, 1962) Named For: White Springs area of the Tennessee River Date Identified: 1961 Type Site: Hulse Site 17, Limestone County, Tennessee Point Validity: Valid type Scully is a highly respected anthropologist from the University of Michigan who conducted extensive research in the Mississippi River valley and identified many different types of projectile points. dominated by stemmed projectile points and projectile point fragments. Cultural Period: Middle Archaic. Name: White River: Side Notch: Medium to Large: Middle Archaic: These points have been dated to two different time periods. Each point is a piece of the past, a piece that contributes to our understanding of the 12,000 years of Native American history prior to the arrival of Examples of Eden projectile point fragments from the Max site. AKA: Pentagonal Knife (Ohio River Valley) Corner Notch: Medium to Large: White River: Side Notch: Medium to Large He feels that this point may be a Brewerton Side Notch variant. Alphabetical Listing of North America Projectile Points. Both quartz and quartzite are plentiful throughout the mid-Atlantic region and are good options for making durable projectile points. White River: Side Notch: Medium to Large: Middle Archaic: Valid This point has been reported into the Tennessee River Basin, Ohio River Valley and into New York with decreased frequency. Ground base and notches. (p. White River: Side Notch / Bifurcated: Medium to Large: Middle Archaic: Valid Type: Point Validity: Valid Type. Photographs courtesy of Wendi Field Murray and the State Historical Society of North Dakota. See: Adair, L. JANUARY2014 5 Knife River Flint to the Eocene, and the Camels Butte Member of 3" White River arrowhead (Greene Co, Arkansas ). The Flint River point has a rounded stem. The stem is short with contracting sides and slightly concave basal edge. Notched, and White River Corner Notched in the upper White River valley (Marshall 1958:115–124, Figures 22 and 25) and Big Creek in northeast Arkansas (Morse 1970:21) and southeast Missouri. This point has been referred to in numerous professional publications and is considered a valid type. White River: Side Notch: Medium to Large: Middle Archaic: Valid Type: Savannah River (632. Although there is no definitive boundary, south and west of the Nueces River stemless points typically make up over 60% of point collections. The blade is excurvate with the blade curving in and curving back in towards the base. Name: Picture: Shape: Size: Cultural Period: Validity: Contracting : Adena Vanishing Stem: Contracting Stem: Medium to Large: Late Archaic to Woodland: Collector Type Dec 30, 2012 · The Nottoway River Projectile Point. indd 208 2017-03-24 3:24 PM Paleoindian Unfluted Lanceolate Projectile Points in East-Central Arizona The headwaters region of the Little Colorado River drains the northeastern part of the White Mountains south of the town of Springerville, the point at which the river leaves the mountains to flow northward This is a medium to large (1. White River: Side Notch: Medium to Large: Middle Archaic: Valid Type: Corner Notch Notched Projectile Points of Oklahoma. Montet - White (1968) have dated these points from 4,000 - 2,500 B. This point is reported to be similar to the Ouachita type point, but the Little River has a wider stem (approx. Blade edges are beveled and serrated. This point has been reported into the Wakarusa River (lower Kansas River Basin), and into northeastern Oklahoma (Lopinot, unknown) Between 6500-5000 years B. 00 #6149F: 1 3/4" x 1" Projectile Point Identification Guide. The projectile points most synonymous with the Late Archaic in the Savannah River area, are the Savannah River Stemmed and Small Savannah River Stemmed types. Montet – White has conducted extensive studies into the archaeology of the Ohio River valley. 1982: One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure: A Study in Discarded Tools and Weapons. The Chesopiean 8(1):21-26. The blade is excurvate with many examples curving in at the tip and curving back in towards the base. This is a small thin auriculate point with a flattened cross section. Stripping of the upper layers of sand from one area of the site partially exposed a cluster of corner notched points. Quilomene Bar Cluster: Commonly Utilized Material: Quilomene Bar Projectile Point Sep 21, 2020 · Some of the most common artifacts found in Florida are stone tools such as arrow points and spear points, which are generally called projectile points. In Maryland, the best stone for points is high in silica (like glass) and flakes in a conchoidal (shell-shaped) fracture pattern that produces a sharp cutting edge. Wading River (narrow or small stemmed) points, much associated with the Late Archaic period, but shown to extend temporally into the Contact period 7 are abundant at sites along the Connecticut coast adjacent to Shelter Point Validity: Valid Type. It primarily occurs as beds along the Fall Line of Virginia including along most major rivers of Virginia including the James River, Nottoway River, Appomattox River, Pamunkey River, South and North Anne River, Mattaponi River, Potomac River, and the Rappahannock River. Point Validity : Provisional type Tomak was a professional archaeologist who retired from the State of Illinois Department of Historic Preservation and Archaeology and was honored with Archaeologist of the Month in July 2009. Cambron is a distinguished avocational archaeologist that did extensive work in Alabama and the Tennessee River valley. White Springs are similar to the Sykes point, but the White Springs tends to have a smaller stem that is basally thinned while the Sykes point tend to have a slightly longer stem with basal thinning less commonly seen (MaGahey, 2000). Forbis Named For: High River (near Type Site), Alberta, Canada Date Identified: 1962 Type Site: Old's Woman Buffalo Jump, Alberta These points have been dated to two different time periods. These points are found from northern Virginia through out the Potomac River Valley and into the Susquehanna River valley. White River: Side Notch: Medium to Large: Middle Archaic: Valid Others feel that the variations of points (Affis Snyders and Manker) may have been used by other cultures and not be true variations of the point (W11). Distribution Comments: Patuxent - Mattaponi Quartzite is associated with the Patuxent/Mattaponi Formation. There is a Rockport Variation of this point. 729). ” These are medium to large sized lancelet shaped projectile points with con - cave bases, and flutes, or large flake scars that travel from the base towards the tip of the point (see Clovis point labeled “A” in photo). 729 is a complete Savannah River point that was crafted from a spall of argillite. The shoulders are bared. (1988) A Shell Projectile Point from the Big Sur Coast, California. All the points in this guide are drawn to scale. Nestled on the scarp of a butte east-northeast of the town of Interior in the Badlands, Jackson County, South Dakota, is a White River Group Silicates (WRGS) lithic raw material procurement site (39JK411). Justice (1987) states that this date is too early for this point. The base may vary from concave to notched, forming drooping or pointed auricles. AKA: Pentagonal Knife (Ohio River Valley) Corner Notch: Medium to Large: Late Archaic: Valid Type: Afton Stemmed AKA: Pentagonal Knife (Ohio River Valley) Stemmed to Expanding Stem, Medium to Large: Late Archaic: Valid Type: Agate Basin: Ovoid to Lanceolate: Medium to Large: Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic: Valid Type: Alba: Expanding AKA: Pentagonal Knife (Ohio River Valley) Corner Notch: Medium to Large: Late Archaic: Valid Type: Afton Stemmed AKA: Pentagonal Knife (Ohio River Valley) Stemmed to Expanding Stem, Medium to Large: Late Archaic: Valid Type: Agate Basin: Ovoid to Lanceolate: Medium to Large: Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic: Valid Type: Agee: Corner Notch Notched Projectile Points of Arkansas. White River: Side Notch: Medium to Large: Middle Archaic: Valid Type: Type Site: Sites on the White River, Indiana-Illinois boarder. Description of the White River Projectile Point. However, many of the smaller points might be classified as a Wading River point which may be distinguished by being of smaller size and the lack of basal grinding (Ebright, 1992). AKA: Pentagonal Knife (Ohio River Valley) Corner Notch: Medium to Large: Late Archaic: Valid Type: Afton Stemmed AKA: Pentagonal Knife (Ohio River Valley) Stemmed to Expanding Stem, Medium to Large: Late Archaic: Valid Type: Agate Basin: Ovoid to Lanceolate: Medium to Large: Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic: Valid Type: Agee: Corner Notch Name Details: Identified By: Richard G. net These points are found from northern Virginia through out the Potomac River Valley and into the Susquehanna River valley. White River - A medium to large size, narrow, side notched point with a straight to concave base. Forest (1999) suggest that these areas served as macro-band base camps or core areas for highly transient forage groups. Within the South Texas Plains, unstemmed points make up the large majority of projectile point collections in the southern and western part of the region. points per century increased almost 400% over that of the Middle Archaic period as a whole. Side Notch Projectile Points of North and Central America . Lanceolate Projectile Points Auriculate, Lanceolate, Ovoid, and Triangular Points Please help making this page better and keep it free, make a donation This point is primarily found in the Red River Valley of Texas, Oklahoma and into Arkansas and Louisiana. The most common relics of the 12,000-year occupancy of the Upper Mississippi River Valley may be the chipped stone projectile points that Native Americans fastened to the ends of their spears, darts, and arrow shafts. The stem is expanding with a convex base. This is considered a valid type. This point may be found south into the lower Sevier River drainage and Sevier Lake Bed are a of Utah and into northeastern Nevada. Coe (Coe, 1964) is the most unusual, easily recognized and most sought after projectile point in the Carolinas. Map showing the location of the St. Point Validity: Preform Type. Age / Periods: Date : 10,000 - 8,000 B. 3. This Clovis was collected in the Kankakee River flood plain on a ridge located just south of Hebron in Porter County, Indiana in March 2003. White River: Side Notch / Bifurcated: Medium to Large: Middle Archaic: Valid Type: Projectile Point Identification Guide. The Anderson Mounds are primary examples of prehistoric Adena sites, pertaining to the culture peoples from 160 B. Sneed, after the Salmon River Indian band and for examples recovered from the Salmon River (Shoup) Rockshelters (10LH63) near Shoup, in Lemhi County, Idaho. Charles County, Missouri in relation to the Knife River flint quarries in North Dakota. Lanceolate Projectile Points Auriculate, Lanceolate, Ovoid, and Triangular Points Please help making this page better and keep it free, make a donation Flint River Spike: Ovoid / Contracting Stem: Small to Medium: Middle to Late Woodland: Valid Type: Florida Copena: Triangle: Medium to Large: Late Archaic to Early Woodland: AKA Type: Florida Greenbrier (Concave Base) AKA: Osceola Greenbrier, Nipple Point: Side Notch: Medium to Large: Early Archaic: Valid Type: Florida Greenbrier (Nipple Base Type Site: Sunset Creek Site (45-KT-28), Mid-Columbia River, Washington. The shoulders vary from prominent to weak and may range from horizontal to having an upward angle. Painter, Floyd and William Jack Hranicky: 1989: The Moyock Projectile Point. Though many of these quartz points are a milky white color, over 15 are crystal clear. SALMON RIVER (Stemmed) – was named by archaeologists Earl H. Kansas . This type was named in a professional publication and has many professional references. 9500 - 6000 B. 4 inches long). 1/3 wider) with rounded barbs generally extend to the base. 10) Sgarlata states, “Utilized flakes were in the majority, and nearly all the non-projectile tools had minimal marginal retouch. 2, pp 23-29 This is a medium to large triangular stemmed point with a flattened cross section. 22 W: . The Hardaway Side-Notched projectile point (Figures 7,8,9 and 10) first recorded and described by Joffre L. Additional Comments: Loyd Doty writes: "ROCKY RIVER (Basal Notch) – was named by archaeologists Rodney Peck & Floyd Painter for examples recovered from the Baucom-Hardaway site (31ST4) on the west bank of the Yadkin River near the town of Badin in Stanly County, North Carolina. . 75 inches) triangular stemmed point. Point 632. 75 to 3. The Chesopiean 29(1):22-25. This point may be found in other highlighted areas with This is a thick medium triangular stemmed point with an elliptical cross section. This point has a random flaking pattern. This type was identified and named in his survey of the Leaf River basin and has many professional references. 12, 2020A. 2 inches long), and a bifacial tool from the HS Bed (2. The Chesopiean 20(5-6):17-37. The blade may vary from straight to slightly excurvate. and E. The outer edge of the barb is generally straighter than the Ouachita point. In this guide the term “projectile point” is used to describe any type of stone point whether it be an arrow, spear or knife. This point looks like a Snyders point, but it is a smaller, thicker, and does not have the higher quality workmanship as a Snyders point. 126. Name: White River: Side Notch: Medium to Large: Middle Archaic: Projectile Point Identification Guide. Notched Projectile Points of Oklahoma. We strengthen this pattern by reporting that another Knife River Flint Clovis projectile point from the area has come to light recently (Figures 1 and 2). The New Market point has a contracting stem. White River: Side Notch: Medium to Large: Middle Archaic: Valid Type: Corner Notch Fogelman (1988) feels that these are re-sharpened Duncan Island points. Montet-White is a distinguished anthropologist and Professor Emeritus of anthropology at the University of Kansas. which is consistent with the Old Copper culture in which they are associated with. Dec 30, 2012 · Stone projectile points must be made from suitable materials, and Native Americans knew where to find rocks of the proper size, shape, and quality. The haft edges are unground. He points out that the Bradley Spike has a stem that varies from straight to contracting with a pointed base. 2, 2020A. The cross section is primarily elliptical, but rarely unifacial. The site produced fourteen projectile points and five bifaces. a projectile point from silcrete (1 inch long), a projectile point from Knife River Flint (2. Middle Archaic types (Johnson and White River Side Notched or Big Sandy) made up the majority of the points in Stratum III in the West Trenches. This point is not known to be fluted, however, Cambron (1967) describes one example that was fluted from a prepared fluting platform. 98 L: 82mm W: 25mmEx This point is primarily found in the mid to upper Snake River basin and into the Columbia River basin of Washington and Oregon and into western Idaho. Point Validity: Valid type Scully is a highly respected anthropologist from the University of Michigan who conducted extensive research in the Mississippi River valley and identified many different types of projectile points. Alphabetical Listing of Projectile Points from the . Point Validity : Valid type Tomak was a professional archaeologist who retired from the State of Illinois Department of Historic Preservation and Archaeology. After years of purchasing Joe said the best ones always gave you your money back if you weren't happy - we will follow suit. This is a small triangular corner notch point with a thin elliptical cross section. Wading River points may be distinguished by being of smaller size and the lack of basal grinding (Ebright, 1992). It has also been suggested that this is an intermediate point between the Lamoka and Brewerton points. Age / Periods: Date : 1,250 - 650 B. A four mile wide band runs from near Lincolnton eastward towards the Savannah River. , black with bands of white at a diagonal, priced down because one ear is anciently missing, and an ancient impact fracture, but it is still very pretty: $45. AKA: Pentagonal Knife (Ohio River Valley) Corner Notch: Medium to Large: White River: Side Notch: Medium to Large The American Southwest Virtual Museum hosts a growing assemblage of projectile point images from National Park and museum collections across the Southwest. Pentagonal Knife (Ohio River Valley) Stemmed to Expanding Stem, White Springs: Point Validity: Valid type. This point is primarily found in the mid to upper White River basin and into northwestern Arkansas and Southwestern Missouri. May be distinguished from the Holmes point by the base. We suspect that these broad trends in the use of the East Texas Pineywoods and Post Oak Savannah by hunter-gatherer groups over a 7500 year period, as tracked by projectile point frequencies and proportions Little River Metadactite is associated with the Little River Volcanics Series of Georgia and South Carolina with exposures occurring along the Little River in Lincoln and Wilkes counties. and Paul G. Smaller points might be miss-classified as a Wading River points. The Duval point has a straight to bulbous style stem. Cultural Period: Middle Archaic Glacial Period: Middle HoloceneL: 3. Type Site: White River Valley, Indiana Point Validity : Valid type Tomak was a professional archaeologist who retired from the State of Illinois Department of Historic Preservation and Archaeology and was honored with Archaeologist of the Month in July 2009. Compiled from the following sources: Jones, Terry L. C. Age Details: Marshall (1958) feels that this point is an Early Archaic period point based on points being found in lower levels of Rice Shelter, Jackie Hollow Shelter and Standlee Shelter I. A is the base, stem, and midsection of a red porcellanite point; B is a midsection of a Knife River Flint point; and C is a tip or top portion of a Knife River Flint point. Further, we have 208 Holliday text 1. The few Early Woodland sites recorded in the county are usually marked by Adena projectile points (points generally made out of crystalline rocks, whose crystals are only visible when magnified, often heat-treated). 6. White River: Side Notch: Medium to Large: Middle Archaic: Valid Type: Point Validity: Valid Type. The blade is excurvate with the tip curving in and flaring back out towards the shoulders. Custer (1996), feels that the bigger points are older than the smaller examples of this point. Sims (1970), Rockport Variety, Harpeth River Point, Tennessee Archaeologist, Vol. Figure 1. The blade may vary from straight to incurvate, however some examples have a excurvate to recurvate blade. 2, pp 23-29 Lanceolate Projectile Points Auriculate, Lanceolate, Ovoid, and Triangular Points Please help making this page better and keep it free, make a donation Fogelman (1988) feels that these are re-sharpened Duncan Island points. However, quartz is a close second – over 65 quartz small triangular points have been recovered. 1991: The Faison Basal-Snapped Projectile Point. Perino was a well-respected self-taught archeologist who was the founder of the Illinois State Archeological Society. P. Apr 22, 2020 · Wading River Point from William A Ritchie’s A Typology and Nomenclature For New York Projectile Points, 1961, pp. This point has been reported into the Tennessee River Basin, Ohio River Valley and into New York with decreased frequency. The raw materials represented among the six points is also instructive. Description of the Rocky River Projectile Point. ” (p. It is difficult to know how many prehistoric projectile points — spear points, dart points, and arrow points — have been found in Illinois fields, but it's probably more than a million. This page is adapted from a published version through the University of Iowa Press, A Projectile Point Guide for the Upper Mississippi River Valley, and includes only ten of the more common point types found in the Upper Mississippi River Valley. This point was named in a personally published book. Pueblo Side-notched points are also similar, but with the exception of Awatovi Side-notched are temporally and geographically distinct. Early Archaic projectile point caches are fairly rare in the Southeast and may represent the artifacts surviving from unpreserved human burials. Notched Projectile Points of Arkansas. While the VDS analysis supported the hypothesis that Welling’s Holocene projectile points were predominately produced from Upper Mercer chert, discrepancies between the results of macroscopic White River: Side Notch: Medium to Large: Middle Archaic: Valid Type: Corner Notch : Afton Corner Notch AKA: Pentagonal Knife (Ohio River Valley) Corner Notch: Medium to Large: Late Archaic: Valid Type: Agee: Corner Notch: Small to Medium: Mississippian: Valid Type: Anaqua: Corner Notch: Small: Transitional Archaic to Prehistoric: Valid Type Point Validity: Valid type Scully is a highly respected anthropologist from the University of Michigan who conducted extensive research in the Mississippi River valley and identified many different types of projectile points. Need some help of or advice? e-mail questions and picture and information to: Identification@projectilepoints. You can narrow down by size and shape, or browse Chargin River: Expanding Stem to Stemmed / Bifurcated: Large: Early Archaic: Provisional Type Chesser: Expanding Stem: Medium: Woodland: Valid Type Decatur AKA: Fracture Base Point: Expanding Stem to Corner Notch: Small to Medium: Early Archaic: Valid Type: Dry Brook Fishtail: Expanding Stem: Small to Medium: Late Archaic to Early Woodland The Little Clovis Point that Wasn’t Leo Pettipas Manitoba Archaeological Society The projectile point illustrated in Figure 1 was surface-found at FaMi-10 in the Upper Swan River valley of Manitoba (Fig. White River: Side Notch: Medium to Large: Middle Archaic: Valid Type: Corner Notch AKA: Pentagonal Knife (Ohio River Valley) Corner Notch: Medium to Large: Late Archaic: Valid Type: Afton Stemmed AKA: Pentagonal Knife (Ohio River Valley) Stemmed to Expanding Stem, Medium to Large: Late Archaic: Valid Type: Agate Basin: Ovoid to Lanceolate: Medium to Large: Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic: Valid Type: Alba: Expanding AKA: Pentagonal Knife (Ohio River Valley) Corner Notch: Medium to Large: Late Archaic: Valid Type: Afton Stemmed AKA: Pentagonal Knife (Ohio River Valley) Stemmed to Expanding Stem, Medium to Large: Late Archaic: Valid Type: Agate Basin: Ovoid to Lanceolate: Medium to Large: Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic: Valid Type: Agee: Corner Notch Projectile Point Identification Guide. Similar Points: Elko , Hells Canyon , Hendricks , Merrybelle, Priest Rapids , Rose Springs Notched Projectile Points of Missouri. Additional Comments: This type is concentrated in the Taunton River valley and the Robinson Swamp region. , Middle Archaic points are suggested to include the Cossatot, Johnson, Jakie Stemmed, White River side-notched points (sometimes referred to as Big Sandy points, see Ray and Lopinot 2003), Morrill, Bell and Andice (or Calf Creek), and the distinctive blade-notched Evans point (see Figure 2). Wanser (1982) notes the similarities between this point and the Clagett points and feels that the two might be variants of each other. stone projectile points regularly found in the Choctaw homeland are referred to by archaeologists as “Clovis points. 3 White River arrowhead (Greene Co, Arkansas )Date: 7,000 - 6,000 B. Savannah River Stemmed points are described as being large trianguloid-blade forms with broad stems (Cambron and Hulse 1969:104; Claflin 1931:31-39; Coe 1964:44-45; Oliver 1981). The two mostly complete projectile points in this collection, artifacts 2015-001 and 2015-006, both have contracting stems and slight to nonexistent shoulders. 2) in the 1960s. Photos by David Nix and Meagan Schoenfelder Schroder (W18) notes the difference between the spike type points found in Georgia and Florida. Projectile points, raw material, and manufacturing tools from Wupatki National Monument. Unnotched Desert Side-notched preforms can be confused with Cottonwood Triangular points. Geiger is an avocational archaeologist and a member of the Mississippi Archaeological Society. Swanson Jr. Corner-notched Afton and resharpened Etley points share morphological attributes with Williams, but they Jan 17, 2022 · Use the Projectile Point Identification Guide to better estimate the type and age of the projectile points you encounter in the field. It was shaped with minimal chipping and has a flat cross section: most of both faces of the point are unflaked. Cibola White Ware is a type of pottery that was produced in the northern San Juan Basin of New Mexico to the Upper Gila River drainages in the south, and from the white Mountains of Arizona to east to the Acoma-Laguna area of New Mexico. White River: Side Notch: Medium to Large: Middle Archaic: Valid Type AKA: Pentagonal Knife (Ohio River Valley) Corner Notch: Medium to Large: Late Archaic: Valid Type: Afton Stemmed AKA: Pentagonal Knife (Ohio River Valley) Stemmed to Expanding Stem, Medium to Large: Late Archaic: Valid Type: Agate Basin: Ovoid to Lanceolate: Medium to Large: Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic: Valid Type: Agee: Corner Notch Upper deposits across the site had a mixture of arrow and dart points in Mississippian, Woodland, and Archaic styles, while only Archaic period types were found in lower deposits. AKA: Pentagonal Knife (Ohio River Valley) Corner Notch: Medium to Large: Late Archaic: Valid Type: Afton Stemmed AKA: Pentagonal Knife (Ohio River Valley) Stemmed to Expanding Stem, Medium to Large: Late Archaic: Valid Type: Agate Basin: Ovoid to Lanceolate: Medium to Large: Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic: Valid Type: Alba: Expanding A number of projectile point guides cover various styles found in the Upper Mississippi Valley. 26, No. SHSND AHP 2020A. Its most distinctive morphological feature is, of course, the "rams-horn" appearance of the base when viewed with the distal Point Validity: Valid type. 17) The first part of statement is supported by the fact flake tools outnumbered the projectile points and Point Validity: Valid type Montet-White is a distinguished anthropologist and Professor Emeritus of anthropology at the University of Kansas. To help you identify your find, we've made our Bullen Projectile Point Type Collection searchable. nsghfm xsuzk fktqo xfyun gmnpxd synrdl evapkb wptrnt nsivxui qgjcpn