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Dipel es label (ALL STATES EXCEPT CALIFORNIA) The effects of combining DiPel 4L with DiPel ES Biological Insecticide Material Safety Data Sheet Abbott Laboratories Chemical & Agricultural Products Division North Chicago, IL 60064 Emergency Telephone: 1-800-323-9597 Chemtrec: 1-800-424-9300 Issue Date: 11/02/95 List/Code: 5555/15572 DOT Classification: Not Regulated EPA Registration No. DiPel Biological Insecticide, Start Early and Finish Strong. /nr. A. Oshin 20 WP acts as an effective contact-stomach poison to control various insect pests of mango. / nr. Cara pengendalian ulat perosak tanaman: 1. Registered and Manufactured by: Valent BioSciences Corporation, 870 Technology Way, Libertyville, IL 60048 Valent U. CDFA applies Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. CAUTION: Rinse and flush spray equipment thoroughly following each use. Add the desired volume of DiPel ES-NT to the mix tank and continue circulation. DiPel ® DF should be used in an Insecticide Resistance Management Strategy. Synonyms: DiPel 2X Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable SDS# VBC-0370 Revision 1 ISSUED 04/30/18 [Classification according to OSHA; 29 CFR § 1910. Dipel ® is used by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) as a biological insecticide to control invasive insects, such as moths. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS DiPel ES is a highly selective insecticide for use against listed caterpillars (larvae) of Lepidopterous insects. Larvae must eat deposits of DiPel 2X to be affected. DiPel® 10G Biological Insecticide Granule is a proven insecticide derived from a soil bacterium that selectively targets destructive caterpillars and worms that threaten corn or tobacco crops. Antara beberapa negara di kawasan Asia Tenggara, Filipina merupakan paling Apr 25, 2013 · Green Light® Dipel Dust/This /The product is used according to label directions. : 4491 6055 Kobbervej 8 Fax. This product cannot be mixed with any product containing a label prohibition against such mixing. 11. . DiPel ES Biological Insecticide Emulsifiable Suspension is a proven insecticide derived from a soil bacterium that selectively targets destructive caterpillars and worms. DiPel 2X is a highly selective insecticide for use against listed caterpillars (larvae) of lepidopterous insects. 0 Application Rates for Small Spray Volumes 18. IF INHALED: Move person to fresh air. DiPel PRO DF is an insecticide for use against caterpillars (larvae) of lepidopterous insects as listed on the label. DiPel® Pro DF Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable. : 73049-17 Code Number: 87377 List Number: 05263 and 05555 Chemical Family: Microbial, Btk strain ABTS-351 Substance Registration Number(s)[REACH]: N/A DiPel DF Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable SDS# VBC-0031 Revision 2 ISSUED 10/16/17 1. Valent U. ferti•lome® DIPEL® DUST Biological Insecticide is easy to use for killing Tomato Hornworms, Bagworms, Armyworms, Webworms, Gypsy Moth Larvae, Cankerworms, such mixing. DiPel ES is the leading biological insecticide in the world today. : 4491 6575 2730 Herlev Kontaktperson: E. 01% wetting agent to assist in coverage of certain plants (eg crucifers). 1. A Dipel DF-ben található toxinkristályok a lepkehernyók lúgos tápcsatornájában aktiválódnak, és perforációt okoznak. kurstaki (Btk) strain ABTS-351, offering reliable, broad-spectrum caterpillar control on more than 200 crops. Lakukan semburan susulan selang 14 hari 3. pdf Dipel DF. DiPel® 10G Biological Insecticide DiPel® ES Biological Insecticide for Worm Pests 10. Larvae must eat deposits of DiPel ES to be affected. I ( < c ' ~ • ,< DiPel ES may be used in either the field or greenhouse for the control of aby laLeled 'trest \. 2. DiPel® DF can be applied with 0. pdf Triazicide-label. And, it has no harvest residue or MRL concerns because it is exempt from Oct 11, 2007 · Sites: DiPel® DF may be used tor any labeled pest in both field and greenhouse use. Include rinse water from the container. Box 8025 Walnut Creek, CA 94596-8025 1-800-6-VALENT - www. 2 ISSUED 09/17/04 -----––- 1. DiPel® DF may be tank mixed with other labeled insecticides to enhance control. DiPel® 10G Biological Insecticide DiPel® ES Biological Insecticide for Worm Pests DiPel PRO DF delivers outstanding worm control while being friendly to workers, the environment, and beneficial insects. • DiPel DF may be tank mixed with other labeled insecticides to enhance control. kurstaki strain ABTS-351 fermentation DiPel ES Biological Insecticide (2. Oplysning om indholdsstoffer: Analyse: Dipel ES indeholder 17600 Internati-onal Toxic Units pr. It has a good residual foliar activity and has a low hazard to mammals. solideskurstaki souche ABTS-351, defermentation, spores et toxines insecticides. l6441 act / wet no. Add the required amount of DiPel 2X DF Biological Insecticide while maintaining agitation. com DiPel® ES during the use of DiPel DF. 0 DiPel ES for Other Crops 17. Label. 1 HAZARDSTOHUMANS(ANDDOMESTICANIMALS) CAUTION Jan 28, 2020 · Container Label Group 11 Insecticide DIPEL® 2X DF Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable (Wettable Granules) COMMERCIAL READ THE LABEL AND ATTACHED BROCHURE BEFORE USING ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Bacillus thuringiensis, var. Ennek következtében a károsító táplálkozása rövid időn belül (0,5-2 óra) leáll, majd az állat elpusztul. without worry. Environmental Protection Agency | US EPA DIPEL® DF DiPel® DF is a water dispersible granule biological insecticide for the control of Lepidopterous larvae on numerous crops as indicated. Special Local Needs Number: MA950001 Company Name: CRANBERRY EXPERIMENT STATION P. l I l t ( DiPel ES/ABG-6101IMay 16-200S/DMB Page Oct 30, 2001 · Mixing Recommendations: Important -do not add DiPel ES to the mix tank before introducing the desired quantity of water. 0 DiPel ES for Peanuts 13. Close scouting and early attention to infestations is highly recommended. 1200, (3/12/2012)] 1. Kesesuaian masa 1. You may also contact 800-892-0099 (24 hours) for emergency medical treatment and/or transport emergency information. pdf Tristar 30 SG. Dokumen ini memberikan informasi tentang DiPel SC Biological Insecticide Suspension Concentrate. Container Label . O Seed Treatment Soil Amendment. 25 quarts per acre or apply undiluted. S. I further understand that ifthe amended label is not consistent with the Label elements Hazard statements Contains Not Classified Not Classified Not Classified Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. 5 SL EPA Reg No. 5 SL, DiPel SC, SEQURA PALM EPA Reg No. MATERIAL NAME: DiPel ES Biological Insecticide Emulsifiable Suspension Synonyms: Dipel 8L, DiPel SL, DiPel L PLUS, DiPel ES. LLC Professional Products Labels / SDS Specimen Label, 2023-DPRO-0001 DiPel ES in the control of tomato hornworm (Manduca quinquemaculata). Das Präparat ist ohne Wirkungsverlust mehrere Jahre lagerfähig und verteilt sich besonders fein auf Blättern, Nadeln und jungen Früchten. Latest posts Mainman. Special Local Needs Number: TX020001 Company Name: VALENT BIOSCIENCES, LLC Address: 1910 INNOVATION WAY, SUITE 100 City, State Zip: LIBERTYVILLE, IL 60048 DiPel® Pro DF Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable. DiPel has a 4 hour Restricted Entry Interval (REI), the lowest allowed by law Sep 15, 2009 · Notification of Storage and Disposal Statement (PR Notice 2007-4) for DiPel ES-NT, EPA Reg. Trident® Biological Insecticide. For full particulars, please read the included label. By visiting our site, you agree to our privacy policy regarding cookies, tracking statistics, etc. . Dry Flowable (Wettable Granules) COMMERCIAL . Lakukan semburan Dipel BT sebanyak 2-3 pusingan bagi serangan yang serius dan untuk menghapuskan pelbagai peringkat kitaran hidup ulat. • DO NOT allow spray mixture to stand in the tank for more than 12 hour s . DO NOT allow spray mixture to stand in the tank for more than 12 hours MIXING INSTRUCTIONS: Partially fill spray tank with water and provide moderate agitation. P272 Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace. DRY FLOWABLE . pdf Oct 30, 2001 · Mixing Recommendations: Important -do not add DiPe! ES-NT to the mix tank before introducing the desired quantity of water. DiPel® DF is ’n waterdispergeerbare korrel biologiese insekdoder vir die beheer van Lepidoptera larwes op verskeie gewasse soos aangedui. 0 Storage and Disposal Nach der Aufnahme von Dipel ES tritt ein Fraßstopp ein, so dass die Raupen auch in der im Vergleich mit chemischen Insektiziden verlängerten Abtötungszeit keine Schäden mehr anrichten können. several days. Start the mechanical or hydraulic agitation to provide moderate circulation before adding DiPel ES-NT. 0 2. 8. Gnatrol® WDG Biological Larvicide. pdf triathlon. 0 StorageandDisposal 19. pdf Subdue 2E. Get Form. Mixing Recommendations: DiPel ES may be injected in the undiluted product form (neat) or diluted with water. DiPel is also labeled in many countries for use on turf, ornamentals (greenhouse, field, and landscape), and May 16, 2023 · Use ferti•lome® DIPEL® DUST Biological Insecticide to kill worms biologically. DIPEL ES 1. P280 Wear protective gloves/ protective clothing/ eye protection/ face protection. DiPel DF is a dust-free dry flowable insecticide that kills caterpillars and borers using the bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis v. DIPEL ES-NT / BIOBIT / QUARK / BACTOSPEINE pode ser aplicado com aeronave agrícola, turbo atomizador, pulverizador tratorizado de barra ou costal manual. Mixing Is OK DiPel formulations are expertly designed for compatibility with other insecticides, fungicides, and This label must be in possession of user at time of application. Fungicides may kill the spor. CPI, DiPel 3. Honey b~es, foraging itreated areas, are not harmed when Dipel HG is used according to label 'directions. Jackpot™ WP. DIPEL HG is easy to mix and apply with regular /_. Jun 9, 2009 · of DiPel WP. 0 DiPel ES for Sunflowers 15. Do not exceed label dosage • DiPel DF is a non-restricted use pesticide and does not require a restricted use permit for purchase and use. DiPel is an excellent choice for worm control because it delivers effective and economical control of worm pests. Moderate Skin Irritant SECTION 1: CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY INFORMATION DiPel ES is a great rotational or tank mix partner to reduce the potential of worms developing resistance to insecticides with other modes of action. 0 DiPel ES for California Crops 17. Leap® ES. Poison information centers are centers committed to giving step-by-step advice for handling cases where animals and/or people might have been accidentally poisoned by one of a variety of chemical compounds, be Dipel ES ist mit den meisten Fungiziden und Blattdüngern gut mischbar, darf aber nicht mit alkalischen Mitteln wie Magnesium-Düngern gemischt werden. Dokumen ini juga memberikan petunjuk pertolongan pertama dan penanganan kecelakaan. kurstaki strain ABTS-351 fermentation May 20, 2003 · • DiPel DF is a non-restricted use pesticide and does not require a restricted use permit for purchase and use. valent. Some DiPel labels even have instructions for application through irrigation. t. • DiPel 2XDF Biological Insecticide may be applied up to the day of harvest. 0 CaliforniaCrops 17. NOTICE Local conditions may affect the use of DiPel lOG. Technical information %PDF-1. Following Handelsname: DIPEL® ES 1. CAUTION DIPel 4L should not be used in combination with Comiteo Bravo· (except celery), Captafol, Captan (except seed) or Dyrene". Always follow these directions: DiPel 2XDF Biological Insecticide may be applied up to the day of harvest. Individual State regulations may vary and should be consulted for allowable pre-harvest application intervals. This label must be in possession of user at time of application. 0 Storage and Disposal Label Listings Jump directly to the label documents for each product. Larvae must eat deposits of DiPel PRO DF to be affected. • Use a surfactant at label rates and a high water rate to ensure good coverage. pdf Talus 40SC. pdf: DiPel in Fruit and Vegetables: DiPel DF. Aplicação terrestre: Aplicar DIPEL ES-NT / BIOBIT / QUARK / BACTOSPEINE com turbo *PISANG (Musa spp) merupakan tanaman dari keluarga Musacece yang popular ditanam di seluruh dunia kerana mudah di tanam dan mempunyai khasiat permakanan yang baik. #Antara beberapa negara di kawasan Asia Tenggara, Filipina merupakan paling banyak menanam pisang untuk pasaran domestik dan ekspot diikuti dengan Indonesia Label elements Hazard pictograms Signal word WARNING Hazard statements H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction. : 73049-17 Code Number : 87377 List Number : 05263, 05555 SYNONYMS: DiPel 8L DiPel L Plus DiPel 3. In row crops, DiPel DF provides a targeted, fast-acting solution that meets your lepidopteran . kurstaki strain ABTS-351 fermentation solids Other hazards This product does not contain any substances classified as PBT (persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic) or vPvB (very persistent and very bioaccumulative). An organic insecticide for the control of caterpillars on fruit, vegetable and ornamental crops Keywords: Dipel DF, Insecticide, organic, dry flowable, Bacillus thuringiensis, water dispersible granule, Nufarm NZ Created Date: 1/16/2012 11:26:28 AM 11. Title Author Download ; Bt basics flyer: DiPel DF. Mortalityvarieswithlarvalsize(instar), lepidopteran species, and dose consumed. 0 ForSmallSprayVolumes 18. Jun 2, 2022 · [Alternate Brand Names: Bactospeine DF Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable and DIPEL PRO DF . Special Local Needs Number: ND010004 Company Name: VALENT BIOSCIENCES, LLC Address: 1910 INNOVATION WAY, SUITE 100 City, State Zip: LIBERTYVILLE, IL 60048 Name: DiPel SC Page 1 of 4 Date: Sept 2009 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET DIPEL® SC BIOLOGICAL INSECTICIDE STATEMENT OF HAZARDOUS NATURE: “Hazardous according to the criteria of National Occupational Health & Safety Commission” Eye Irritant. Supplemental Label for control of Lepidopterous insects on Cranberry Refer to product label for Statement of Practical Treatment, Precautionary Statements, WPS Requirements, and Directions for Use. This is why DiPel is widely Dec 2, 2002 · Sites: DiPel 2X may be used for any labeled pest in poth field and greenhouse uses. DiPel contains a unique balance of multiple insecticidal proteins and Bt spores that maximize efficacy against lepidopteran pests. Mischungen mit Kupfer-Fungiziden bis zu einer Aufwandmenge von 1 kg/ha beeinträchtigen die Wirkung nicht. ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Bacillus thuringiensis, var. Larvae stop feeding soon after ingesting Dipel DF, but death and disappearance of treated caterpillars may take several days. pdf Merit 2F. 6. Climatic extremes such as heavy rain or strong wind shortly after treatment may act to remove DiPel lOG from the feeding zone making re-treatment necessary. A Dipel DF csak a lombon valamilyen módon táplálkozó hernyók ellen hat, ezért megkíméli a hasznos élő szervezeteket és az emberre sincs negatív hatása! A Dipel DF ellenőrzött ökológiai gazdálkodásban is felhasználható! Rövid é lelmezésegészségügyi várakozási idő; Szermaradékmentes technológiai elem May 11, 2016 · ·DiPel® DF is a non-restricted use pesticide and does not require a restricted use permit for purchase and use. 0 DiPel ES for Alfalfa, Hay and Other Forage Crops 14. MATERIAL NAME: DiPel ES Biological Insecticide Emulsifiable Suspension . For Organic Production . Show details 1. Corporation P. DiPel ES is a highly selective insecticide for use against listed caterpillars (larvae) of lepidopterous insects. DiPel® 2X is a highly selective insecticide for use against listed caterpillars (larvae) of lepidopterous insects. com DiPel® ES Emulsifiable Suspension DiPel PRO DF is OMRI-listed for organic products . DiPel DF Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable SDS# VBC-0031 Revision 6 ISSUED 03/19/2021 [Classification according to OSHA; 29 CFR § 1910. 073327-00010. This product can be mixed and es used with other pesticides only in accordance with the most restrictive label limitations and precautions. com DiPel® ES Emulsifiable Suspension 🍌🍌🍌POKOK PISANG🍌🍌🍌 #PISANG (Musa spp) merupakan tanaman dari keluarga Musacece yang popular ditanam di seluruh dunia #Jenis pisang yang boleh dimakan lazimya didalam kumpulan Musa accuminata dan Musa balbisiana Colla. DiPel ES is registered for use on many vegetable and fruit crops, row crops and even specialty crops and berries. 0 Notice to User KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION View the product label for Valent DiPel ES from Valent U. Dipel ES Plant Protection Product Comparison Plant Protection Product Comparison Report inaccuracies Report inaccuracies Apr 15, 2009 · DiPel® DF is a non-restricted use pesticide and does not require a restricted use permit for purchase and use. 0 -2. 0 DiPel ES for Other Crops 16. DiPel-ES-HN. CPI DiPel® DF Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable is a proven insecticide derived from a soil bacterium that selectively targets destructive caterpillars and worms on more than 200 crops. Add the desired volume of DiPel ES to the mix tank and continue circulation. Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (Btk), a naturally-occurring bacterium found in soil and plants. Feb 12, 2014 · Sites: DiPel® 2X may be used for any labeled pest in both field and greenhouse uses. Effective Use of Chicory and Plantain in Farming Dipel DF is labeled for use in Crop Production and Dipel PRO DF is labeled for use in Turf & Ornamentals, but they both contain the same bacillus in the same amount. DiPel® ES Biological Insecticide Emulsifiable Suspension is a proven insecticide derived from a soil bacterium that selectively targets destructive caterpillars and worms. If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then give artificial respiration, preferably by mouth-to-mouth, if possible. One bite of treated foliage and within minutes worms stop feeding and eventually die. • DO NOT allow spray mixture to stand in the tank for more than 12 hours . kurstaki, strain ABTS DiPel DF is a non-restricted use pesticide and does not require a restricted use permit for purchase and use. No impact on non-target insects to maintain populations of beneficial insects that Dec 10, 2018 · U. 4 WG, Bactospeine DF, BioMax DF DIPEL® DF Page 2 of 8 P501 Dispose of contents/container to a licensed hazardous-waste disposal contractor or collection site except empty clean containers which can be disposed of as non-hazardous waste. c. Do not exceed label dosage rates. Tank Mixing: This product may be tank mixed with registered pest control products, whose labels also allow tank mixing, provided the entirety of both labels, including Directions For Use, label. After eating a lethal dose of DiPel ES-NT, larvae stop feeding within the hour, and will die within several days. 0 DiPel ESforCotton 12. ___ BotaniGard_ES-Label. DiPel DF Biological Insecticide Page 1 2009-DDF-0001 CARA DIPEL ES BERTINDAK >>>> Bacillus thuringiensis akan nmenghasilkan protein >>>> Sistem perhadaman ulat terganggu & tersekat >>>> Larva tahan tahap 1: telur ; tahap 2: larva kecil ; tahap 2: pupa akan berhenti makan >>>> Mati dalam masa beberapa hari. Supplemental label information EUH401 To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use. • Ensure water pH is less than 8 as high pH level may reduce efficacy. Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. Rubæk 2. Synonyms: DiPel-DF Dry Flowable Biological Insecticide (Bacillus thuringiensis) for Organic Production. 3 Einzelheiten zum Lieferanten, der das Sicherheitsdatenblatt bereitstellt Hersteller/Lieferant: DiPel PRO DF Biological Insecticide is the bestselling insecticide for use in organic gardening and is listed by OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute). No dosage rates should be exceeded. 0 DiPel ESforAlfalfa,HayandOtherForageCrops 14. Start the mechanical or hydraulic agitation to provide moderate circulation before adding DiPel ES. !' sprayers. DiPel DF may be tank mixed with other labeled insecticides to enhancecontrol. control needs. O. AMEND Page 2 of 5 Bold, italicized text is information for the reader and is not part of the label. • DiPel DF is a non-restricted use pesticide and does not require a restricted use permit for purchase and use. For control of Lepidoptera pests on field crops and cotton. The active ingredient in DiPel lOG is a stomach poison and therefore must be eaten by larvae to be effective. 0 For Small Spray Volumes 20. : 73049-17 Code Number: 87377 List Number: 05263 and 05555 Chemical Family: Microbial, B. Larvae must eat deposits of DiPel ES to dipel es-nt biological insecticide emulsifiable suspension: march 29, 2006 (pdf) 73049-30: dipel es-nt biological insecticide emulsifiable suspension: october 30, 2001 (pdf) 275-93: dipel es-nt biological insecticide emulsifiable suspension: october 08, 1996 (pdf) 275-93: dipel es-nt biological insecticide emulsifiable suspension: august 18 Mar 12, 2004 · (UL V) aerial applications, mix DiPel ES with vegetable or cottonseed oil and apply in a total volume of 1. pdf DiPel ES Biological Insecticide Emulsifiable Suspension SDS# VBC-0037 Revision 2 ISSUED 02/03/16 [Classification according to OSHA; 29 CFR § 1910. nUl ilalliieo. Its highly selective active ingredient makes the product fatal to more than This label must be in possession of user at time of application. kurstaki strain ABTS-351 fermentation Label de conteneur Group 11 Insecticide DIPEL® 2X DF Insecticide biologique Pâte granulée COMMERCIAL LIRE L'ÉTIQUETTE ET LE LIVRET CI-JOINT AVANT L’EMPLOI PRINCIPE ACTIF : Bacillus thuringiensis, var. k. 5 Gallons) DiPel ES is the leading biological insecticide in the world today. 0 DiPel ES for Trees and Shrubs 16. Always follow these directions: • Treat when larvae are young (early instars) and before DiPel ES may be used in either the field or greenhouse for the control of any labeled pest. 0 DiPel ESforSunflowers 15. READ THE LABEL AND ATTACHED BROCHURE BEFORE USING . Use of the resulting tank mix must be in accor - dance with the more restrictive label limitations and precautions. In accordance with FIFRA Section 3(c1(3) Olanical m 19riOJltural Proicts Divisim (b)(l), my product is similar or identical in composition and labelino NbJtt i. Reinigung Spritzgerät und -leitungen nach Gebrauch gründlich mit Wasser reinigen. 1 Product Identifier . XenTari® Biological Insecticide. DiPel ES (Emulsifiable Suspension) is registered for use on many crops, including vegetable and fruit crops, row crops and even specialty crops and berries. Jun 16, 1995 · NbJtt Lalxratcries/DiPel ES ~ 5. No label application Provided below is the information for the product you selected. Produktidentifikation DIPEL ES Produkttype: Biologisk insektmiddel til bekæmpelse af larver på planter. Q: What is Dipel ®? A: Dipel ® is an insecticidal product containing toxins from . aIn"atcries to: 1401 9leridcl1 Ibad, ~, BId;] A1 EPA Reg. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OR IN ANY MANNER CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION DIPEL®DF is a water dispersible granule biological insecticide for the control of Lepidopterous larvae on numerous crops as indicated. DIPEL DF BIOLOGICAL INSECTICIDEDRY FLOWABLE is an effective product for control against Lepidoptera pests in agricultural production systems. 0 FIRST AID If on skin Take off contaminated clothing. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY . : 275-65 compatible with some fungicides in tank mixtures. strain ABTS-351 Substance Registration Number(s)[REACH]: N/A Get the free 2011-DES-0001 DiPel ES - form 04-6461-R18 - Valent. DiPel is a biological insecticide that offers high quality, broad-spectrum caterpillar control on more than 200 crops. Pesticide ID # required for California COMMERCIAL GROWERS. Dying larvae move slowly, discolor, then shrivel, blacken and die. DiPel ES Biological Insecticide Emulsifiable Suspension SDS# VBC-0037 Revision 7 ISSUED 03/19/2021 [Classification according to OSHA; 29 CFR § 1910. Its highly selective active ingredient makes the product fatal to more than Sites: DiPel DF may be used for any labeled pest in both field and greenhouse use. DiPel is an excellent choice for worm control programs because it delivers effective and economical control of worm pests. Leverandør: Cillus A/S Tlf. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION ----- MATERIAL NAME: DiPel ES EPA Reg. MATERIAL NAME: DiPel DF Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable. 5SL DiPel SL DiPel ES. TM of Valent BioSciences Corporation Provided below is the information for the product you selected. Precautionary statements P261 Avoid breathing vapour/ spray. Synonyms: MATERIAL NAME: DiPel ES Biological Insecticide Emulsifiable Suspension Synonyms: DIPEL PALM, Dipel 8L, DiPel SL, DiPel L PLUS, DiPel ES. no. No. 0 DiPel ES for Corn 11. 0 DiPel ESforOtherCrops 16. kurstaki or Btk. EPA Registration Number: 73049-39 DIPEL DF BIOLOGICAL INSECTICIDE DRY FLOWABLE: June 02, 2022 (PDF) 73049-39: O pH ideal da calda para a aplicação de -NT / BIOBIT / QUARK / DIPEL ES BACTOSPEINE é entre 4,5 a 8,0. BIOLOGICAL INSECTICIDE DRY FLOWABLE] DIPEL DF BIOLOGICAL INSECTICIDE . Use of the resulting tank mix must be in accordance with the more restrictive label limitations and precautions. Synonyms: • DiPel PRO DF is a non-restricted use pesticide and does not require a restricted use permit for purchase and use. Group 11 Insecticide DIPEL® 2X DF . so spray CoYer~gt:: (;iUl U~ ~ plete. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: The rates suggested are for high volume spraying to the point of run off. Terdapat beratus-ratus jenis pisang yang wujud tetapi jenis pisang yang boleh dimakan lazimya didalam kumpulan Musa accuminata dan Musa balbisiana Colla. Call a poison control center or doctor for further treatment advice. Always follow these directions: DiPel ® 2X DF is a leading biological insecticide with a high potency resistance management tool for proven control of Lepidoptera pests in both conventional and organic cropping systems. Lakukan bancian populasi ulat perosak sebelum melakukan rawatan susulan dan ulang pada hari ke 7,14 & 30 untuk memastikan keberkesanan rawatan. bebiorational_bts_basic_flyer. com DiPel® ES Emulsifiable Suspension dipel df biological insecticide dry flowable: june 02, 2022 (pdf) 73049-39: dipel df biological insecticide dry flowable: december 10, 2018 (pdf) 73049-39: dipel df biological insecticide dry flowable: may 11, 2016 (pdf) 73049-39: dipel df biological insecticide dry flowable: march 29, 2013 (pdf) 73049-39: dipel df biological insecticide dry Mar 29, 2006 · Mixing Recommendations: Important -do not add DiPel ES-NT to the mix tank before introducing the desired quantity of water. Verwendung des Stoffes / des Gemisches Insektizid . Box: 569 City, State Zip: EAST WAREHAM, MA 02538 First Registered Date: SEPTEMBER 21, 1994 Container Label Group 11 Insecticide DIPEL® 2X DF Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable (Wettable Granules) COMMERCIAL READ THE LABEL AND ATTACHED BROCHURE BEFORE USING ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Bacillus thuringiensis, var. 0 NoticetoUser KEEPOUTOFREACHOFCHILDREN CAUTION 1. MATERIAL NAME: DiPel 2X Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable. Registered for use on a variety of ornamentals, DiPel® PRO DF delivers outstanding control of more than 30 species of insects, including tent caterpillar, gypsy moth, tobacco budworm and various bagworms, loopers and Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. SDS Oct 19, 1993 · mix more DiPel 4L than can be used in a 72-hour period. 1001 to willfully make any false statement to EPA. APPLICATION RECOMMENDATIONS. 10. Close scouting and early attention to infestations is highly recommended. Oct 8, 1996 · Mixing Recommendations: Important -do not add DiPel ES-NT to the mix tank before introducing the desired quantity of water. dipel df ghs draft label august 2022 dipel® df reg. 0 2 4 6 DiPel ES Leap Untreated L a r v a e /15 Pl a n t s 0 10 20 30 44 Days After Treatment 51 Days After Treatment L a rv a e/10 P l Jul 19, 2002 · Mixing Recommendations: Important -do not add DiPel ES to the mix tank before introducing the desired quantity of water. 40 30 20 10 0 Always read and carefully follow label DiPel ES Biological Insecticide Emulsifiable Suspension SDS# VBC-0037 Revision 7 ISSUED 03/19/2021 [Classification according to OSHA; 29 CFR § 1910. Aug 25, 2022 · DiPel is compatible with most spray equipment, including ULV (ultra-low volume) sprayers, backpack sprayers, ground sprayers, and aerial applications. DiPelâ ES MSDS# BIO-0032 Rev. Jun 2, 2021 · DiPel ES is a highly selective insecticide for use against listed caterpillars (larvae) of Lepidopterous insects. Javelin® WG Biological Insecticide. , 6. And, it has no harvest residue or MRL concerns because it is exempt from tolerances. PDF Citation. Registered for use on a variety of ornamentals, DiPel PRO DF delivers outstanding control of more than 30 species of insects, including tent caterpillar, gypsy moth, tobacco budworm and various bagworms, loopers and armyworms. Begin your growing season right with an early application of DiPel to stay ahead of worms and resistance. DiPel® 10G Biological Insecticide. November 13 2020. December 5 2024. 20130404. Labeled Potency of Some Bt Products ®Deliver ®DiPel DF DiPel® ES ®DiPel 2X Both product labels and bioassays by an independent testing laboratory show that Deliver provides more BIUs per pound than any other Bt product. 4 %âãÏÓ 170 0 obj > endobj xref 170 50 0000000016 00000 n 0000001756 00000 n 0000001900 00000 n 0000002415 00000 n 0000002548 00000 n 0000003177 00000 n 0000003782 00000 n 0000003963 00000 n 0000004141 00000 n 0000005671 00000 n 0000006946 00000 n 0000008145 00000 n 0000008416 00000 n 0000010152 00000 n 0000010410 00000 n 0000011985 00000 n 0000013510 00000 n 0000014110 00000 n DiPel ES may be used in either the field or greenhouse for the control of any labeled pest. This label and the EPA Registered label must be in the possession of the user at the time of mixing and pesticide application. Now Toitu Carbonreduce certified. OMRI Listed , it is CONTROL PESTS WITH THE LEADING BIOLOGICAL INSECTICIDE. Synonyms: Dipel WG, DiPel WDG , Bactospeine WG , DiPel Pro DF, DiPel 6. Aug 8, 2001 · • DiPel DF is a non-restricted use pesticide and does not require a restricted use permit for purchase and use. ZIP Cod. DiPel is an excellent choice because it delivers effective and economical control of worm pests. Sites: DiPel PRO DF may be used for any labeled pest in both field and greenhouse use as well as in self-contained, closed-system, ornamental ponds. Synonyms: Label Listings Jump directly to the label documents for each product. The latest label is at the top of the list. ml (3,5%) af Ba- DiPel DF Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable SDS# VBC-0031 Revision 6 ISSUED 03/19/2021 [Classification according to OSHA; 29 CFR § 1910. Larva must eat deposits of DiPel DF to be affected. 73049-30 (continuation from the previous page) I understand that it is a violation of 18 U. Use DiPel PRO DF to control more than thirty different kinds of pests: bagworms, loopers, budworms, armyworms, and caterpillars. FIFRA § 24(c) Registrant: VALENT BioSciences Corporation 870 Technology Way Libertyville, IL 60048 DiPel® ES – Reg. 57,0 % FLOWABLE (hereafter referred to as DiPel PRO DF) up to the time of harvest. DiPel is a Jun 6, 2008 · After eating a lethal dose of DiPel ES, larvae stop feeding within the hour, and will die withln, , . DiPel PRO DF Biological Insecticide is the leading biological insecticide on the market today. DiPel DF is an insecticide for use against listed caterpillars (larvae) of lepi-dopterous insects. Leprotec® TWO. Information about Product Registrations and Transfers. PCP Reg No. To view the label, click on the date in the Accepted Date Field. Sec. DiPel is the world’s best-selling brand of bacillus thuringiensis insecticide. Mar 5, 1975 · :se!ectively affect leaf-eating caterpillars. 2 Relevante identifizierte Verwendungen des Stoffs oder Gemischs und Verwendungen, von denen abgeraten wird Keine weiteren relevanten Informationen verfügbar. 0 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS DiPel ES is a highly selective insecticide for use against listed caterpillars (larvae) of Lepidopterous insects. pdf Roundup PowerMax. 0 DiPel ESforPeanuts 13. Leap and DiPel ES* applied every other week, for a total of four applications. Getting the Best from DiPel There are some very straightforward ways of ensuring you get the maximum benefits from DiPel and XenTari®. 0 PRECAUTIONARYSTATEMENTS 2. 0 DiPel ES for for Stored Agricultural Commodities 18. Feeding attractants may also improve the intake of DiPel Aug 25, 2020 · DiPel 2XDF Biological Insecticide may be applied up to the day of harvest. Or clothing Rinse Nov 13, 2020 · DiPel-ES-HN. com DiPel® ES Dipel DF Label Author: Nufarm NZ Subject: Dipel DF, Biological Insecticide. After ingesting a lethal dose of DiPel PRO DF, larvae stop feedingwithinthe hour,and will die withinseveral hoursto3days. ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Bacillus thuringiensis, subsp. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS DiPel ES-NT is a highly selective insecticide for use against listed caterpillars (larvae) of lepidopterous insects. Synonyms: None . ~ f J. This DiPel® Biological Insecticide contains Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. Close scouting and early attention to infestations is highly reconunended. Produk ini digunakan untuk mengendalikan ulat Lepidopteran pada tanaman budidaya. Kurstaki. ·DiPel® DF may be tank mixed with other labeled insecticides to enhance control. Place half the required amount of • DiPel 2XDF Biological Insecticide may be applied up to the day of harvest. 0 DiPel ES for California Crops 19. Expedited Review. *Note: 1 quart of DiPel ES is equivalent to 1 lb of DiPel DF. For all other information, call 800-6-VALENT (682-5368). Synonyms: Nov 10, 2011 · Mixing Recommendations: Important - do not add DiPel ES-NT to the mix tank before introducing the desired quantity of water. 7. Consult the Deliver label for complete application information. Tank Mixing: This product may be tank mixed with registered pest control products, whose labels also allow tank mixing, provided the entirety of both labels, including Directions For Use, dipel es biological insecticide emulsifiable suspension: june 02, 2021 (pdf) 73049-17: dipel es biological insecticide emulsifiable suspension: november 25, 2015 (pdf) 73049-17: dipel es biological insecticide emulsifiable suspension: june 06, 2008 (pdf) 73049-17: dipel es biological insecticide emulsifiable suspension: august 11, 2006 (pdf As DiPel DF has no contact action it must be eaten by caterpillars and activated in their alkaline gut. Before tank mixing DiPel PRO DF with other labeled products, including spreader stickers, check for tank mix compatibility. LLC Agricultural Products. dipel_bebiorational_fruitveg_flyer. Nam •• nd Addr of Appllcont (lnclud. Nov 25, 2015 · Mixing Recommendations: Important - do not add DiPel ES to the mix tank before introducing the desired quantity of water. Sembur Have product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. DiPel® DF is ari insecticide for use against listed caterpillars (larvae) oflepidopterous insects. DiPel® ES Biological Insecticide. 36 of / van 1947 read the label before use and read attached packaged leaflet before use and keep out of reach of children and animals lees die etiket voor gebruik en lees aangehegde voubiljet voor gebruik en hou buite bereik van kinders en diere DiPel ES Biological Insecticide (2. • DiPel PRO DF may be tank mixed with other labeled insecticides to enhance control. 0 DiPel ES for Cotton 12. DiPel is active on a broad spectrum of lepidoptera larvae and is labeled for use on more than 200 agricultural crops in more than 60 countries. Larvae must eat deposits of DiPel ES to be DiPel • DiPelPRO DF may be tank mixed with other labeled insecticides to enhance control. DiPel DF is globally known for its sustainable, organic control of caterpillar pests, having been used in conventional agriculture for more than 50 years. Biological Insecticide . : 26508 Provided below is the information for the product you selected. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more at Agworld DBX, powered by Greenbook This label must be in possession of user at time of application. slshsicsw kwcw swoon jlthnur jwmis zivuajd aryee ylh uwgdops mgwisue