Are romanians white or latino - we speak a Latin dialect-gone-distinct-language - we share some social issues of Latin America - we're closer in GDP/capita, wage and economy in general to Latin America than to Western Europe - we're known in the West for illegal activities and criminality - we look very diverse from individual to individual, just as Latin America, ranging in looks from South Asian and Near Eastern to If you want to know what the word Romanian means it means Citizen of Rome and for more information about Romanians next time when you are in Rome in Italy visit Trajan’s Column is located on Via dei Fori Imperiali ,00 186 Rome, Italy Romanians are Latin blood and have nothing in common with Gypsies they are different breeds Contemporary culture tends to identify white people with fair complexion and Caucasian traits. Romanians are Europeans and thus considered Caucasians. Moldovans are Romanians, please keep in mind that the USSR didn’t teach the true history kinda like what they are doing right now with propaganda. This phenotype can be found only among Spanish, some of them having so-called ‘Latin’ features like actress Ursula from Money heist. While there may be some Slavic influences in the Romanian language, Romanian is a Romance language with Latin origins. Doesn’t mean they’re categorizing them as white. Those people also mark "white" on the census, and then there is a separate question for hispanic ethnicity. Unfortunately, US Americans grabbed the term "Latino" from the Spanish term "Latinoamericano" and use it in demeaning ways. Since there are some things that Romanian lack, that other romance languages have that have been preserved from latin (I'd say most of it is phonetically speaking and the lexicon, or for example the fact that romanian has 5 verb tenses, while latin has 6 and Italian 21, Spanish 14) how can we officially determine which one of these major Since the second half of the 19th century, Romanians began to move to Mexico, establishing direct contacts with the country and with the Mexican people. But you also have the word eradica in Romanian which also means to "to eradicate". Also, Latinx isn't a word, nor is used or accepted by any actual born and raised latino. The Romanian language is a Romance language derived from Latin, similar to French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. A lot of what people would call Latin is just Mediterranean honestly and by this metric, you could call countries like Greece Latin. The second Latin people is the people of France, Portugal, Italy, Romania and Spain, and the third Latin people is the people of former colonies of all these countries, so it’s a strange thing to say Latinamerica because the Roman never were in the Americas, but nowadays we called Latin people to everybody who speak a language derived from Mar 6, 2024 · Is Romanian descended from Latin? The Romanian language descends from the Vulgar Latin dialects spoken in the Roman provinces north of the “Jireček Line” (a proposed notional line separating the predominantly Latin-speaking territories from the Greek-speaking lands in Southeastern Europe) in Late Antiquity. Non-white doesn’t do this, because it’s no different to saying non-asian or non-black. 1% of the Moldovan population declared Moldovan ethnicity in the 2014 Moldovan census, and Moldovans form significant communities in I am curious, Romanians are slav or Latin? I mean from a linguistic point of view, because as a nation Romanians are heavily mixed. What country has the most Romanians? Italy, Germany, Spain, … Why are there so many Romanians in UK? Read More » Not Hispanic or Latino It's interesting that this says the government states you can be Latino and considered white when our culture doesn't seem to agree with that. A white person born in Latin America is Latino. I am curious, Romanians are slav or Latin? I mean from a linguistic point of view, because as a nation Romanians are heavily mixed. Latin is a culture and is the language and culture of the Romans and is the heritage of the Italians and of the Latin Europeans: French, Romanians, Portuguese and Spaniards who have been Latins (Latinos/Latina) for more than 2000 years since the Romans. Takedown request View complete answer on en. Romanian speakers can understand about 65% of spoken Italian and 85% of written Italian. This is not a meaningful question, because “white” has meant different things to different groups of people around the world at different times. What is the difference between Romanians and Moldovans? Some people contend that the main difference between Moldovan and Romanian, besides the typical regional accent, is the occasional use of Russian words Honestly this is probably the closest one to the truth. How many Romanians are in the UK? As of June 2021, there were around 342 thousand Romanians living in the United Kingdom. Interesting. from Latin America. Daca vorbim de culoarea pielii, romanii suna majoritar albi, la fel ca germanii. How similar is Romanian to Latin? How did Slavic, Hungarian, Greek and Turkish influence Romanian vocabulary? And how did Romanians in the 19th century try t carmen referred to herself as latina in that song challenge. Jun 18, 2024 · The genetic makeup of modern Romanians is a combination of various influences, including Roman, Latin, Dacian, Slavic, and other populations. Another example would be "to say". Latinos may come from any race or ethnicity. Are Romanians Slavic or Latino? Jun 21, 2024 · There are several factors contributing to the significant number of Romanians in the UK: 1. The vibrant tapestry of Romanian culture, woven with threads of Latin influence, stands as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of a civilization shaped by the currents of history. They are Europeans and are part of the Caucasian race. This is another term for white. Battista Agnese ca. This ethnonym for Romanians is first attested in the 16th century by Italian humanists travelling in Transylvania, Moldavia, and Wallachia. The mitochondrial DNA makeup of Romanians: A forensic mtDNA control region database and phylogenetic characterization. Romanians (Romanian: români, pronounced; dated exonym Vlachs) are a Romance-speaking [63] [64] [65] ethnic group and nation native to Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe. My impression is also that Romanian culture is more Latin than that of some other countries in the region. These characteristics are less predominant in Latin America than they are in Italy. Romanian and Albanian share some similarities, mainly cognates, from both Paleo-Balkan languages and Latin. Hey 👋 I’m Romanian currently living in Uk with a Polish woman. I tried to explain the meaning in the original thread: "Latin person" refers from a linguistic point of view, to a person that comes from a European country that has Roman-derived culture, speaks a Romance language and have a traditional predominance of Western Christianity (France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Romania). However, Romanians are a Romance language-speaking people and are a Latin people in the traditional sense used by most people around the world. twitter. It's very curious to me how Romanians have consolidated so well but only pockets of Aromanians remain south of the Danube. Jul 15, 2023 · Among these Romance languages are Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian. Of course, the Romanian language cannot neglect the important role of its Slavic imprint. For information on the population of Romania, see Demographics of Romania. I come from a white-passing family, but I myself am pretty dark skinned and ethnically ambiguous. Latin word for White: Albus. Dec 15, 2023 · The term, like most terms, doesn't fully capture the exact distinction that was intended if taken literally; Quebec is, literally speaking, as "Latin" as Mexico is, and there are many countries such as Belize, Guyana, and Suriname that aren't literally speaking "Latin", but cluster with the Latin America countries on many attributes, and which Jun 27, 2024 · Rome was a Latin town speaking the Latin language, which eventually grew into the Roman Empire. Since Latin is spoken by the Romans and wellLatins, in antiquity. Indee, in the last 150-200 years, Romanian historiography has moved from the Latin/Roman origins, to mixed Dacian-Latin to Latinised Dacians with no Roman admixture. A: No, Romanians are not Slavic. Most Romanians would not be Latino, but those with cultural ties to Latin America could be Latino. In this article, we will tell you the story of the Romanian language and its Latin origins. Latino sunt doar populatiile tarilor din America Centrala si de Sud (altfel spus, mai tot ce la sud de SUA cu exceptia unor insule, Belize si Guyana si Suriname, care nu sunt latino). Of course i don't want to bring controversy. No, you are an American, that's it. Latin word for night: Noctis. The 1997 directive includes a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American or other Spanish culture or Apr 2, 2024 · Linguistically, Romanians are Latin with Slavic influences, which sets them apart from their Slavic neighbors. So while in Italy aesthetically white people are predominant, that's not the case in Latin America, where white people are a fraction of the population. If you speak and your ancestors have spoken a Latin language, or a decendant of a Latin language, such as Portuguese Italian Spanish Romanian. Romania is an official member of La Francophonie. Together with the fact that Thrace was known as Romania (see Renaissance nautical maps of e. In these regards, Romania is the most "Latin" country in the Balkans, and in fact outside of Italy, France, Spain and Portugal. That's why Haiti is Latino, despite them speaking French. instagram. Oct 12, 2020 · At this time, the language’s roots are primarily Latin, with some Slavic influences. Some of its words are Slavic, but not enough for Romanian people to speak this language. Does Romania speak Latin? No, Romania does not speak Latin. I didn't exclude his being from Europe. Several theories, in great extent mutually exclusive, address the issue of the origin of the Romanians. com; Which is Politically Correct: Latino or Hispanic? - About. In contrast, Latino refers to a group of people who lived in the conquered Roman provinces and regions where the Latin language took root, usually called the Romantic languages: French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Catalan, and others. Spaniards, French, Portuguese and Italians are technically Latino Europeans. Russian comes from the Slavic branch, while Romanian comes from the Romance branch. [68] . And usage of such terms in Utah is varied and not universal. Linguistically, Romanians are Latin with Slavic influences. For example, lots of people are racially white but ethnically Hispanic or Latin people. As we Mar 17, 2016 · Can Italians, Romanians, and even French (including french creole, Cajun, and Canadian french) especially be regarded as Latinos? I mean Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dalmatian, and Romanian are romance languages and are Latin. Italian immigrants in the South could be socially labelled black , de facto or de juris; "guinea" and "nigger wop" are among the slurs that were (and are) used. The two largest minority groups are Hungarians and Roma. com Women in Business We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. A white person born in Africa would not be racially categorized as African. They speak Romanian, a Latin-based language in contrast to their Slavic and Finno-Ugric speaking neighbors. And Italian is latin spoken in Italy, and Romanian isw Latin spoken in Romania. The Slavic languages, on the other hand, are a separate language group that includes languages like Russian, Polish, Czech, and Bulgarian. I don’t see Hungarians as Slavic, they’re Hungarian. Stears. carmen is from spain. Which Romanian language is the most similar to Romanian? Nov 23, 2020 · It seems that no other language can boast such a great Latin influence. Romanian is however a Romance (Latin) language, and not Slavic. Actually, Romanian is a Romance language, having more in common with Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese than Russian. Basically, all Romanians understand Italian and can speak it with very much ease because it's like 80 - 90 % of their language. Romania is more like Northern France: it speaks a Latin language, but there is a huge non-Latin influence: Germanic for them, Slavic for us. yet others are "early" (12-14th century) and a very few might actually get their blond curly hair from Celtic stock (Celts were admixed with the Thracians in Transylvania before the Romans came) Italian, Romanians and the diasporas from those countries the have same claim (could argue a even stronger claim as Romanian is gramitically closer to Latin, and depending who you ask Italian or Sardinian are overall closest to Latin, while Spanish and Portuguese were considerably corrupted by Arabic). Is Romanian considered white? The largest represented ethnic groups in the “Other White” category in various countries include Romanians. In spite of attempts by foreign rulers—Turks, Greeks, and Hungarians—to impose their respective languages and cultures upon the Romanian people, its fundamental Latin origin emerged practically intact. This makes all Italians, Frenchmen, Spaniards, Romanians, and Portuguese, as well as all those Latin Americans whose language is Spanish or Portuguese, Latinos. There is no overlap with Italians either, but it is damn close. In short, the fact that Romanian was close to Latin and it was spoken in the 3 regions was known but the emphasis on everything Latin came in the age of nationalism. Ancient Origins. uk In Switzerland several names are Roman references: the Romands and the Romansh people. From what I understand, the US Census distinguishes between race and ethnicity, in other words, a “white American” is capable of being “Hispanic or Latino” while a “black American” and an “Asian American” are equally capable of being “Hispanic or Latino”. . It also refers to people of European ancestry from Latin America that speak Spanish or Portuguese natively and immigrated to the United States. Not to be confused with Romani people, Romans or Aromanians. Feb 17, 2022 · The Romance languages are a group of related languages. They are part of the White race. S. 75. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The Latins as a people, a culture, a language, a tribe, came facebook. ' Mar 29, 2023 · Romanian girls tend to be darker than other Eastern Europeans. ” Romanian scholars such as Vatasescu and Mihaescu, using lexical analysis of the Albanian language, have concluded that Albanian was heavily influenced by an extinct Romance language that was distinct from both Romanian and Dalmatian. Jun 23, 2024 · Romania is not considered Slavic because the Romanian language is a Romance language, meaning it developed from Latin, just like French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. But in casual speech people usually don't use the term Hispanic or latino when talking about white, asian or black people. I’m Romanian, my significant other is from Moldova. You can be both Hispanic and White, even if you were fully Mexican. I mark the boxes by the ethnicity I grew up with - white and not Hispanic. Ethnically though, Romanians are a Balkanic people. linkedin. Americans literally did not think Irish and Italians were white in many instances, and indeed in the American black-and-white system they would thus often be black. Latin Americans are people who are born/raised in American countries whose identity, cultures, language, etc. Apr 1, 2024 · Romanian and Russian are completely different languages. Jun 17, 2024 · Most English-speaking North Americans use the word Latino meaning Latin American, so Romanians would not typically be considered Latino. [66] Sharing a common culture and ancestry, they speak the Romanian language and live primarily in Romania and Moldova. You aren't 1/16th latino, if you're born in the US you're an American, period. The British under Churchill certainly didn’t treat Iranians as white when refusing to share profits from Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. e. Romanians are Romanians from the Dacians with Slavic influence that’s apparent in the culture and language, although the culture has its own Latin style. ” Romanians are white Europeans but they do have a large gypsy population there. - we speak a Latin dialect-gone-distinct-language - we share some social issues of Latin America - we're closer in GDP/capita, wage and economy in general to Latin America than to Western Europe - we're known in the West for illegal activities and criminality - we look very diverse from individual to individual, just as Latin America, ranging in looks from South Asian and Near Eastern to Apr 25, 2017 · Former Romanian Communist leaders stressed Romanians' Dacian ancestries in order to highlight the uniqueness of their people. Jun 19, 2024 · Are Romanians considered White? Yes, Romanians are generally considered as White. Is Romanian considered white? Aug 17, 2012 · They think that Latin is their skin color or ethnicity which is a lie. In the formal setting, Romania is usually regarded as a high-context culture, like France or Italy. What race is a Romanian? See full list on ethnicity-facts-figures. The name of their country, Romania, is a take-off on Roman, and their language is recognizably derived from Latin. Romanians (Romanian: români, pronounced[roˈmɨnʲ]; dated exonym Vlachs) are a Romance-speaking [65][66][67] ethnic group and nation native to Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe. Romanian word for White: Alb. In other words, all Hispanics are Latinos, but not all Latinos are Hispanics. It's generally believed that the Roma people originated in northern India. Also, Romanian women usually have light brown to olive skin which gives then an exotic, Latin look. 1. Romanian word for night: Noapte. a) The romanian as language is first documanted in the 800 BC ( first document in romanian ) , and it have the root in the latin and tracos , the people that speack that language are the mixed cildren from the Roman Empire and the bigest tribe of the tracs , the dacos or ” daci ” and they inhabit the old dacos land ( a little wider then Mar 22, 2017 · A recent study that looked at the Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the population of the Romanian provinces showed that the Transylvania population was closely related to Central European groups Oct 4, 2020 · Romanians are hard working people and work is a big part of their lives. Whether or not that counts as white depends. Then I'm sorry but you're Latino. Speaking spanish and the fact that we have some similar societal aspects like being more laidback, family centered and having the same religion (with this i mean the values that exude from religion into every day lives) make them integrate fairly quickly into the spanish society and at this point every single person in There is still usually is used to refer to a race. They are very much like us friendly people but more conservative than us romanians 😜👍. others are Germanic. Spanish, Portuguese and Italian = latino French and Romanian = latin And why do you think that Latin America is called "Latin America" and not just "Latin"? Latinos refers, in their own languages, to certain European peoples. Romanians are white Europeans but they do have a large Well, the Romanian language was formed by mixing vulgar Latin with Slavic, so I wouldn't say that we weren't Slavicized. org Jan 19, 2024 · Why is it called Romanian? “Romania” derives from the local name for Romanian (Romanian: român), which in turn derives from Latin romanus, meaning “Roman” or “of Rome”. Is Romania Latin or Slavic? Romania is culturally Latin, not Slavic. A Latino/Hispanic person can be of any race or color. European Journal of Human Genetics, vol 16 (pages 1413-1429) Different meaning. g. When people say "African" they mean a black person. Latin America is the areas of America wich were colonized by these European Latin peoples. The Dacians, a Thracian people, were the ancestors of the modern Romanians. Even today the "latin island" idea can be heard occasionally. Hispanic is someone from a Spanish-speaking country. but because the term latino is used to refer to those who speak a latin language, carmen can also be referred to as Jul 9, 2023 · The influence of the Byzantine Empire was substantial in the Balkans, including in areas that are now part of modern Romania. Historically it was a fairly common thread when it comes to our identity. Still, Russian became mandatory in Romanian schools after the communists seized the power at the end of WW2 Aug 12, 2021 · Ethnicity is strictly related to Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin. These categories are commonly used for data collection and reporting purposes. Hungarians constitute the larger ethnic minority. Second, a yes or no check box for "ethnicity" that usually says "are you Hispanic or Latin American? (of any race)" So, you can certainly be considered white on those forms, and still be latino. Hispanic Definition - WordIQ. There is a Moldova in Romania it’s a region like a state in America. Apr 24, 2023 · It’s close to Russia, Ukraine, it has Serbia and Bulgaria to the South using the Cyrillic alphabet… but despite of these, the Romanian language is very different and Romanians use the traditional Latin alphabet. The first of them arrived in Mexico in 1862, being part of the expeditionary force sent by the Emperor of France, Napoleon III, to defeat the Mexican rebellion led by Benito Juárez, (George Are you a non-white American? The OP’s question is clear: Is this phenotype common in Europe? And my reply, which corresponds to the truth, a NO. Jun 1, 2015 · 'Romanians and Bulgarians clearly don't look like that, and they come from different countries where there is a lot of poverty and lack of opportunities, that's why the immigrate here' Poor/Un-Northern = Not 'white'? All European ethnic groups are absolutely considered 'white' in the UK (White British/White Irish/White Other). Without Slavs, the Romanian language wouldn't exist. Technically all Romance natives can be called "Latino" as it originally described the Latini, a people ancestral to the Romance peoples. The official language spoken … Do Romanians speak a Latin language? Read More » Apr 17, 2014 · I've noticed that you tend to favor Hispanic quite a bit more than Latino; thank you. gov. An intense discussion about […] White people make up a tiny portion of the world’s population. wikipedia. The often contested Latin etymology of Romanian mire ‘(young) man about to get married, bridegroom’: from Latin miles ‘soldier’, (later) also ‘officer in guard’ could be explained by historical data resulting from the Roman Diplomata Militaria, found in Dacia Traiana, the ex-Roman province on the territory of Romania. "Hispanic" isn't a race this is why you see it mentioned as "Hispanic/Latino of any race/origin". Jun 25, 2024 · However, Romanians are a Romance language speaking people with historical ties to Latin, making them part of the Latin linguistic group. The word is dire in French and Italian, coming from the Latin dicere, "to declare". I am part Anglo Saxon, part Celtic, part Germanic, part Bantu, and part Indigenous Mexican. In Romance languages, no (that btw, we would call it “Latin languages”). Aug 19, 2023 · For those who fall under the umbrella of a term like Hispanic or Latino, cultural identity is much more nuanced than a simple label. Also the customs, administration, and even names in the early middle age Romanian formations have been heavily inspired by Slavs. Jun 27, 2024 · The Romanians have embraced a diverse heritage shaped by interactions with various cultures throughout history. ) Latino and Latina specifically concern those coming from Latin American countries and cultures, regardless of whether the person speaks Spanish. Wallachia (home of the Vlachs), represented the outer limit or Roman expansion. In another way of looking at it, Hispanic is linguistic and Latino is terrestrial. They are an ethnic group native to Romania and Moldova, with their own distinct language and culture. References. Can Italians and Romanians understand each other? Italian and Romanian have a lexical similarity of approximately 77%. Someone of Romanian ancestry may also be Latino if he/she or his/her parents/grandparents, etc. They don't use the Cyrillic alphabet. Some might assume a Portuguese guy names Pedro is Mexican upon meeting him and I've seen Americans referring to Portuguese and Spaniards as Hispanic/Latino and/or non-White before, but we all know by now that there's a lot of ignorance in USA regarding what lies outside of their borders, so I don't take that so seriously. Romanian is a Romance language derived from Latin, indicating a strong Roman influence. Sep 25, 2014 · Since The New York Times’ ridiculous piece in May claiming that more Latinos are identifying as “white” between the 2000 and 2010 Census, Latino and non-Latino commentators alike have been weighing in on the many shades of color within the Latino community and the role of the “white Hispanic” within it. It has been proposed that Romanian has a Albanian-like substratum (either Illyrian or Daco-Thracian) and that Albanian has a Romanian-like layer (possibly Pannonian or Aromanian) as well. Q: Is Romanian a Latin or Slavic Language? A: Romanian is a Latin language. Is Romania the only Latin country in Eastern Europe? Romania's status as the only Latin country in Eastern Europe is primarily due to its historical and geographical factors. came to the U. A Latino is someone born in Latin America, regardless of indigenous, European or African ancestry. You can pick white, black, whatever. Although, another popular movement now eschews the role of the Romans in order to craft an imagine of modern Romanians as being the "pure" descendants of the Dacians. Linguistically, Romanians are Latin … Are Romanians considered Feb 11, 2024 · The Latin connection is not merely a historical footnote but a living testament to the enduring bonds that unite Romania with the Latin world. and in the finale javier calvo also referred to her as latina. There are plenty of black and latino people with very light skin. There is no Romanian overlap with Ukraines or Poles, not even close. Back in the 19th century it was used by some Transylvanian-Romanian intellectuals as an argument that we should make somewhat of a common bloc with the Hungarians to "not be surrounded" and perhaps gain some co The way I see it, if 9/11 wasn’t described as something done by a bunch of “white terrorists” then we’re not really viewed as white and shouldn’t be referred to as such. Even more, Romanian is a Romance language like French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. However, there have been many influences during time, that have led to the current form of Romanian language. Romania stopped using centuries ago the Cyrillic alphabet. Aug 21, 2023 · Hispanic, Latino, Latinx or something else? Which term should you be using and which term do people prefer? For those who fall under the panethnic umbrella of one of these terms, cultural identity is much more nuanced and profound than a simple label, so the answers to these questions are as varied as the over 510,000 in Utah who identified as Hispanic in the most recent census. They have derived from Vulgar Latin within historical times. Simple as that. It doesn’t make white people ‘special’ for good or bad. The Romanian language descends from the Vulgar Latin dialects spoken in the Roman provinces north of the "Jireček Line" (a proposed notional line separating the predominantly Latin-speaking territories from the Greek-speaking lands in Southeastern Europe) in Late Antiquity. Is Romania a Slavic country? No, Romania is not a Slavic country. Mar 29, 2024 · One of the main theories on the origin of Romanian suggests that it was preceded by Vulgar Latin spoken in Dacia, the ancient region that encompasses present-day Romania. In reality: Latin Americans could be black, red, brown, yellow, white, tall, short, brunette, blond, etc. Technically they are both White and Latino, as Latino is more of a linguistic term to define Romance speakers in America. inti is the only south american queen on the show. Several names derive from the Latin Romani (such as the Romanians, Aromanians and Istro-Romanians), or from the Germanic walhaz (a term originally referring to the Romans; adopted in the form Vlach as the self-designation of the Megleno-Romanians). If your grandparents or parents were born in latin american countries, They are latinos you are not. So here we have this weird thing because we’re talking in English so the answer should really be “yes”, but you’re asking a bunch of people that speak Romance languages and have a strong Latin identification (because a big part of our culture came exactly Jun 18, 2024 · The cost of living in Romania is relatively low compared to other countries, making it an attractive option for many. white Romanians of today are late arrivals from Poland, Ukraine, Serbia etc. 1550), which makes sense because it's the region adjacent to Constantinople, it makes me wonder whether some mass resettlements occurred. Nov 21, 2023 · Romanians make up the vast majority of people in Romania. Latinx is a gender-neutral alternative for Latino/a. Uncommon. Are Romanians Slavic or Italian? Romanians are neither Slavic nor Italian. About 89. Why are Romanians called Romanian? The name of … Why is it called Roma and Romanian are very different things. “Latino” is a shorthand for the Spanish word latinoamericano (or Portuguese latino-americano), which refers to (almost) anyone born or with Latin American ancestors and living in the United States, including Brazilians. The balance between private life and work life is - we speak a Latin dialect-gone-distinct-language - we share some social issues of Latin America - we're closer in GDP/capita, wage and economy in general to Latin America than to Western Europe - we're known in the West for illegal activities and criminality - we look very diverse from individual to individual, just as Latin America, ranging in looks from South Asian and Near Eastern to Sep 6, 2020 · I have never felt very comfortable calling myself white, Middle Eastern or Asian, but often we are forced to define ourselves on a list of irrelevant categories. Moldovans, sometimes referred to as Moldavians (Romanian: moldoveni, Moldovan Cyrillic: молдовень, pronounced [moldoˈvenʲ]), are the ethnic group native to the Moldova, who mostly speak the Romanian language, locally referred also as Moldovan. What race are the Romanians? Romanians are Europeans and thus considered Caucasians. I made this comparison before and it’s the best one imo. If it indeed came down to religion and script, Romanians would in no way be Latin, but should be associated very much with Slavic nations. That is truth. The Roman Empire played a significant role in shaping the cultural foundation of Romania, but it is essential to acknowledge the contributions of other populations and ethnic A few thousant years ago, Latin was the language of the Roman Empire. Hispanic or Latino is not a race. Jan 16, 2023 · Mestizo (mixed White and Amerindian ancestry) 68%, Indigenous 20%, White 5%, Cholo/Chola 2%, African descent 1%, other 1%, unspecified 3%; 44% of respondents indicated feeling part of some indigenous group, predominantly Quechua or Aymara (2009 est. While there might be some genetic legacy from the Roman period, it is important to understand that genetic ancestry does not directly determine cultural or ethnic identity. From a social perspective, whether you "count as" white or POC, I'd say it's the same question that people ask about white-passing Hispanic or Latin Apr 25, 2023 · Romania can be understood as a double-faced coin, if you will, where the influences of the Latin and Balkan elements are not always mutually exclusive but can often reinforce each other. In the US you use the term Latino which doesn't make any fucking sense because people from Latin America come in every race, as you can see with the previous example. The roots of the Romanian people can be traced back to the ancient Romans who conquered and colonized the region known as Dacia. Apr 28, 2017 · I am curious, Romanians are slav or Latin? I mean from a linguistic point of view, because as a nation Romanians are heavily mixed. It is distinct among other Eastern European languages, which are primarily Slavic. Spanish speaking latinamericans emigrate to spain because of the language. We are in Krakow right now and I can tell you that we are not seen as gipsy. Oct 11, 2010 · Is Romania a Latin or Slavic culture? Well, Romanians are descended from ancient Romans who settled in the region. Because the Latin words common to only Romanian and Albanian are significantly fewer in number than those that The closest ethnic groups to the Romanians are the other Romanic peoples of Southeastern Europe: the Aromanians (Macedo-Romanians), the Megleno-Romanians, and the Istro-Romanians. But Romanian and Latin are too similar to ignore. Afro-Latinx people may identify as Black, there are many White Latinos, as well as indigenous Latino populations who are neither white nor black. The region that is now modern-day Romania was once part of the Roman Empire, which led to the establishment of Latin-based language and culture in the area. Romanians are predominantly Orthodox (both now and historically) and the Romanian language did use the Cyrillic script, until the middle of the 19th century. Jun 17, 2024 · Do Romanians speak a Latin language? Yes, Romanian is considered a Romance language and has its roots in Latin. Many people are familiar with words in Italian, French, or Spanish, making it easy to recognize Romanian ones. Hence why if a brown Mexican gets asked what race he is he'll answer Hispanic even though it's not a race. There's different types of black people and different types of white poeple, some have a richer history of culture and ways then others. 2. While it has been influenced by other languages over the centuries, it retains a significant amount of Latin vocabulary and grammar. Ethnically and linguistically, Romanians are related to Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese, and the French. After ww2 Romania got parts of the country copped off. They focus on their careers because in Romania’s society somebody’s social rank is determined by their profession and career. In large, the Romanian people identify themselves as adherents of the Greek Orthodox faith. You get to self-identify as white, if you feel white. Which makes sense, as Romanians do have Latin roots! Yeah. FOLKLORE Jun 28, 2024 · In this article, I will address the frequently asked question, “Are Romanians Slavic or Latino?”, and shed light on the linguistic and cultural background of Romanians. Latin-derived Romanian is the language spoken and written by the overwhelming number of Romanians today. 3% of the people of Romania are ethnic Romanians (as per 2021 census), whose native language, Romanian, is an Eastern Romance language, descended from Latin (more specifically from Vulgar Latin) with some French, German, English, Greek, Italian, Slavic, and Hungarian borrowings. Mar 29, 2016 · Romania is located between Bulgaria, Serbia on one side and Ukraine/many Slavic countries on the other. Cultural and Linguistic Aspects. Jun 17, 2024 · Examples of ethnicity include American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and White. Lots of historians have tried to bury that stuff and claim that Romanians are a pure mixture Dacians and Romans, but there's so much linguistical stuff that only exists in Romanian and Albanian that it can't be ignored. Romanians are closer to Northern Italians, but in reality, they are closer to Southern Slavs, Albanians, Hungarians, and Greeks, than anyone else. she's the only latin american. The Romanian language is often associated with Latin languages, as most people associate it with Latin-speaking regions. I remember when I saw for a first time a white Romanian kid - the first thing that comes to my mind was: 'Jesus Christ, they kidnapped him! Poor kid. Why is Romania called Romania? The name “Romania” derives from the local name for “Romanian” (român in Romanian), which itself derives from the Latin term “romanus,” meaning “Roman” or “of Rome. The language, Romanian, is a Latin-based language. 05-23-2014, 09:26 AM. com; Latino Definition - WordIQ. So, I'd decline if possible, and if not, just say White. POC explicitly groups things as ‘white people’ and ‘everyone else’, implying a special status for white people. derive from one of the Latin European countries. Apricity is a European Cultural Community In America, the forms almost always go like this: First, a series of bubbles, you pick one, for your race. Up until 90s most Polish people knew Romanians (or rather they idea of Romanians) by the shady folks who came to Poland to beg, steal, whore etc. service. For many US Americans, a Latino is a brown short person that speaks Spanish, and happens to be poor. For instance the phrase that came out of a grandma's mouth: Since the Dacians lived on the territory of Romania in between the Stone Age and today, that makes the Romanians the direct descendants of the paleo-Balkan populations. In English speaking countries, specialy the US, yes. then? some of them yes (Serbia is not very blond, so mostly Northern slav). [9] 5 days ago · Yet the Romanians also possessed qualities that set them apart from their neighbours and drew them westward: they spoke a language derived from Latin, and they recognized the Romans as their ancestors. Actually, Romania is one of the countries where people spend many hours working overtime. Are Romanians Slavic or Latino? Linguistically, Romanians are Latin with Slavic influences and culturally they are unique. Belinda and Marithea (Google them) are both Hispanic and they are definitely a different race. Latino is an abbreviation for Latino American. I am constantly approached by Spanish speakers who assume I am Hispanic. In Romanian it's spune coming from the Latin exponere, "to expose". Leave your heritage as an interesting story later on. The major languages of the family include French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and, of course, Romanian. In Romania, France was seen as a Latin big sister and was the cultural model. The largest represented ethnic groups in the Other White category were Poles (614,000 people) and Romanians (343,000 people). If you usually associate Eastern European women with blonde hair and blue eyes, Romanians are generally brunette with darker eyes. White Hispanic and Latino Americans, also called Euro-Hispanics, [7] Euro-Latinos, [8] White Hispanics, [9] or White Latinos, [10] are Americans of white ancestry and ancestry from Latin America. fjy ncolt kgqw cttxixz svhewr poddo wagl smneo jqmig woap